Titan Mission 15: "Krynar Inquisition"
Krynar Inquisition | |||
Ship: | USS Titan, CL-2007 | ||
Commanding Officer: | Commodore Alexis Tregelen | ||
Archive: | Link | ||
Stardate: | 241308.10 - 241404.15 | ||
Mission Timeline | |||
Previous Mission: | Current Mission: | Next Mission: | |
Mission 14 | Mission 16 |
Mission Summary
With the destruction of Bajor, by the Krynar Confederation, the Romulans closed off their borders. In an effort to prevent the Romulans, or some other power, to use the Krynar conflict to their advantage, Star Fleet opted to show the flag. To that end, the 202nd Police Flotilla, under the command of Commodore Alexis Tregelen, was sent to patrol the border.
During the Titan’s patrol, their sensors detected a vessel crossing the border while at low warp. It was, however, following a common tactic used by smugglers by not having an active transponder. As the Titan changed course to intercept the unknown vessel, it increased speed in an effort to evade the light cruiser. As the Titan closed in on the vessel, it was determined that the fleeing vessel had the same design used by Bajoran smugglers during the Cardassian Occupation. It also didn’t have any identifiable markers on its hull. There were, however, signs that the ship had been modified in recent years as there were components that were only several days old detected.
After ignoring several hails by the Titan, the unknown vessel dropped out of warp ready for a fight as they were joined by five attack fighters decloaking with raised shield and readied weapons. The initial attack by the fighters caused minimal damage to the Titan, however the unidentified transport vessel pack a bigger punch, with their Romulan core, as they were able to reduce the Titan’s shield down to eighty percent in their first attack.
The Titan was able to successfully disable the fighter of Andorian design, however the others continued their attack alongside the transport vessel. During this attack, the Ozaki was responding to a distress call leaving only the two smaller escort vessels left to respond to the attack on the Titan. However, even at their top speed it would still take twenty-seven minutes for them to reach their flagship.
At the weapons console, Midshipman Jace Thomas was able to disable one of the Romulan fighters. However, the second hadn’t been completely disabled and rammed into the Titan, as it was unable to correct it course with it’s disabled port thruster. It was destroyed when it collided into the vessel, and left significant damage to the sections of Decks Eleven and Twelve where it impacted. However, the Titan was able to inflict enough damage to the transport to transport a boarding party lead by the ship’s First Officer, Commander Amalek Barrett.
As the away team reached the Bridge of the transport vessel, the transport’s crew triggered an alarm that released a klaxon that was designed to disorientate those who weren’t used to hearing its sound. To make things worse for the Star Fleet team, all power all cut to the Bridge leaving them in darkness. In an attempt to eliminate the advantage of darkness, Barrett shot one of the console to help illuminate the area. After clearing the Bridge, the away team were unable to account for three of the transport crew. A fake panel was located, and it was presumed the missing crew had used that to escape, and join up with the remainder of the transport’s crew.
As the away team reported in to the Titan, they received a priority one planetary distress call from Earth. The message had been sent by the 1st Fleet Commander, Admiral Daniel Wueste, and indicated that the Krynar forces had breached the Sol system, and were in orbit of Earth. All available vessels capable of joining Battle Group Alpha-One, to defend Earth, were ordered to rendezvous at best possible speed.
With a ticking clock to secure the transport, and leave a skeleton crew to return it to the nearest starbase. Containers on the ship began disappearing, after being subjected to a green glow. However, Lieutenants Ahri Ri’ven and Jessica Whyte were able to detect the residual signature of both Kyrlo and Dria, two illegal narcotics that were becoming quite popular along the Neutral Zone. With a now abandoned ship, the Titan turned over control to it’s two escorts and made haste to Sector 001.
After nearly two weeks at high warp, the Titan arrived in the Sol system. What greeted them was the worst-case scenario come true. Luna had been knocked out of it’s orbit around Earth, and was on a collision course with the planet. Communications were sporadically coming in, but what was picked up through all the interference from the various civilian transports in chaos.
Despite a proposed plan to reconfigure the planetary shield to act as a repulsor field, there just wasn’t any time to accomplish the plan as the shield had been lowered to facilitate the evacuation of the planet. As the two planetary bodies collided, the Titan and all other surviving Federation ships were ordered to regroup at Mars. With the other core world haven been ‘enlightened’, or destroyed, by the Krynar, Star Fleet would be taking the battle to them to save what was left of the Federation.
The first step in that was to retake Tellar. While the Nova was the ship in operational command, the Titan was designated the command vessel for the personnel and ships in actual combat. Not only were the Federation forces going against the thousands of Krynar fighters, but also fighters and vessels constructed for the Tellarite Defense Force. Unable to remotely neutralize the incoming Tellarite vessels, the Titan and her fellow ships were forced to fight both forces.
Unbeknownst to all combatants, a temporal wave swept through the universe altering time and space. The Sol system had never been attacked by the Krynar, as the Endeavor hadn’t been at Earth and accidentally fired a torpedo at the Krynar as it had been destroyed due to a freak accident a week prior. However, it had no impact on the Battle of Tellar as instead of attacking Luna, the Krynar mothership simply blinked out of existence and arrived at Tellar.
Despite everything being thrown against the Star Fleet forces, Titan and its fellow vessels were holding their own. Eventually, the Krynar mothership on Tellar departed and the remaining Krynar forces broke off their attacks. Even the previously hostile Tellarite forces stopped their assault. The Federation had emerged victorious, but at what cost? With the battle over, Titan was recalled to Star Base Alpha for repairs and resupply while the next stage against the Krynar was being considered.
Uncharacteristically, Star Fleet was opting to launch a full-scale offensive against the Krynar Confederation in their own system. Titan was not assigned to Attack Force Foxtrot-Union-Two, but instead given a vital role of protecting the Corp of Engineers team that would be constructing a transwarp gate that would allow the fleet to return after completion of their campaign.
After arriving at their pre-arranged coordinates, Titan and the rest of Support Group Kilo-Oscar detected thirteen inbound contacts of unknown classification, heading towards their position. Despite all attempts to establish communication, the safety of the transwarp gate was of top priority and Commodore Tregelen for the Star Fleet forces to open fire. The incoming targets launched missiles towards the Support Group, and all of the ships except the one heading towards the Sheridan disappeared.
In an effort to assist the Sheridan, Titan attempted to use its tractor beam to lock on to the missiles and phasers against the incoming vessel. While successful in destroying the ship encroaching upon the Sheridan, one of the missiles exploded just outside the Titan’s tractor beam range and unleashed a gravitic and photon wave of destruction that took out the Atlas, one of Titan’s support vessels. The shields absorbed most of the impact, but the Titan didn’t come out unscathed as the saucer section that met the stardrive section were visually distorted by the damage. Adding to complications was one of the nacelles had been physically bent by the explosion as well.
With the attack force successful in eliminating the Krynar threat, the Star Fleet vessels returned to Federation Space. Because of the damage received, Titan was unable to maneuver under its own power, any faster than one-quarter impulse, and received a tow, compliments of the Yeager. Back at their home port of Star Base Bravo, the crew was allowed to receive some well-deserved shore leave.
Captain's Logs
Commodore Alexis Tregelen
Star Date 241309.26
The Titan and two-hundred and second flotilla have been sent to the Romulan boarder due to the reported increase of illegal smuggling activities. We had only been here a matter of hours before we picked up a ship travelling at low warp with no transponder signal. I ordered the Ozaki along with the escorts to continue with the patrol while we looked into it. While we were looking into that a distress call came through that the Ozaki was looking into.
As we caught up to the transport vessel it turned and began to run. After repeated warnings it eventually dropped out of warp and turned to attack us. Out of no where five cloaked fighters came in to aid the transport. We have managed to disable one of the fighters but the others are still around as is the transport.
The funny thing about all this though is the mismatch of technology. So far we have determined that the transport is or was originally Bajoran but it has a Romulan core and Klingon weapons. The fighters are Romulan, Klingon and Andorian designs. None of it adds up.
End log.