Romulan Star Empire

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Imperial Crest of the Stelam Shiar Rihan (Romulan Star Empire)
Romulus and its sun, Eisn
An officer of the Romulan Imperial Fleet

Welcome to the home page for the Stelam Shiar Rihan (Romulan Star Empire). This section of the Federation Space wiki contains official canon as relates to the Romulan species and the operation of its government and military. Not everything that is Star Trek canon is FedSpace canon and vice versa. Please take note of any differences.

Current Status of the Romulan Star Empire

Central Command

Starship Classes

Ministry of Culture

A Special Note Concerning Star Trek: Nemesis and Star Trek (2009)

Please note that the events of the film Star Trek: Nemesis are not FedSpace canon, and thus did not occur in the FedSpace universe. The reason for this is that the movie was released after the creation of FedSpace, and a significant rewrite of FedSpace canon would have been needed to correct the differences. It was decided best to simply ignore the film as it relates to this RPG. The same applies to the 2009 Star Trek film. Note, though, that while events in the two films are not canon, much of the cultural information, technology, and other aspects of the Romulan world have been incorporated into FedSpace canon.