USS Yeager, NCC-60097

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The USS Yeager is a Yeager-II Type Starship under the command of Captain Jennifer Braggins.

United Federation of Planets logo.pngUSS Yeager, NCC-60097United Federation of Planets logo.png
Modified Pathfinder-class
United Federation of Planets
Commanding Officer
Captain Jennifer Braggins
Posting Area
Posting Area
May 2404
Active (2404)
Type: Experimental Scout Cruiser
Length: 431 Meters
Beam: 180 Meters
Height: 62 Meters
Mass: 750,000 metric tons
Decks: 11 Deck Plans
Crew Compliment: Standard: 20 Officers, 75 Enlisted Crew Breakdown
Emergency: 300
Warp Speed: Cruise Speed: 8
Sustainable Speed: 9.9
Emergency Speed: 9.99 (12 hour automatic shutdown)
Impulse Engines: 4 Main Impulse Engines
Speed: .93 C
Other Propulsion Systems: Rigel Labs X06 Quantum Slipstream Generator
Speed: Warp 9.99998477 (12 hour automatic shutdown)
Defensive Systems: Type 4 Main Shield Generator (MSG-4)

Ablative Armor

Armament: Phasers: 2x 100-degree Type-XII Arrays, one starboard, one port (Saucer - Dorsal);

2x 30-degree Type-XII Arrays, one starboard, one port (Saucer - Aft Dorsal);
2x 100-degree Type-XII Arrays, one starboard, one port (Saucer - Ventral);
2x Type-XXI Phaser Cannons (Pylon Mounted - Forward)
Torpedoes: 2x Torpedo Launchers (2A)
Payload: 40 Quantum Torpedoes

Tractor/Repulsor: 2 Main Tractor/Repulsor Beams, 2 Docking Tractors
Shuttlecraft: Aeroshuttle Support Craft (Docked Under Saucer)
Computer System: M-15 Isolinear Computer with Bio-Neural Processors
Sensors: 20 DYN-90 Multiband Linear Sensor Suites
14 Omniwave Passive Sensor Matrices


The story of the Yeager began with a previous owner of the name, the USS Yeager, NCC-65674, arguably the most well-known member of the Dominion War-era "Frankenstein Fleet". When that ship was finally stricken from the list in 2403, returned to the Qualor II Mothball yard, and marked for scrap, many of the ship's detractors believed that the saga was over.

Enter Nahamcam, the first Pakled to be offered a post at the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, where she was due to complete her final (and purely theoretical) thesis on starship design. Inspired by Clumpship designs from the 2380s, research into prototype designs from the late 24th century, and somehow gaining unrestricted access to several Starfleet reserve depots, Nahamcam acquired the Yeager and the remains of a wrecked Pathfinder-class Science Vessel. In what her superiors considered a less-than-optimal use of her time, Nahamcam cobbled the parts together in various computer design programs Nahamcam would later excitedly claim that she had created the "Pathyeager-class" because it was "like the Yeager but with a Pathfinder!"

Simulations proved the design worked surprisingly well despite her unique construction, with fewer drawbacks than encountered by the original Yeager. Nahamcam's superiors at the Starfleet Corps of Engineers were both puzzled and impressed by the young woman's ingenuity in not only mating the two designs, but refining it into a workable design. Firepower was comparable to her predecessor with six Phaser Arrays, two Phaser Cannons, and a pair of aft-firing Torpedo Launchers, but she was a lot more agile due to her overpowered engines and more powerful warp core. She would also be fitted with the same Quantum Slipstream Generator found on the Pathfinder, though this was never tested outside of simulations due to the Benamite shortage.

Suitably impressed with her theoretical design, Nahamcam was awarded a full-time position at the ASDB. It was at a function celebrating the new generation of ship designers that Nahamcam proudly announced that the "Pathyeager" had been completed at the Antares Fleet Yards; this alarmed her superiors once they determined that she was not joking, and an investigation revealed that somehow the design had been forwarded up the chain of command as it had been somehow marked a "refit" rather than new construction, and approved by someone at the Advanced Starship Design Bureau. A commission was dispatched to Antares, who confirmed that the ship did indeed exist, and would require more resources to dismantle than it would to launch. Much to Nahamcam's disappointment, the "Path" was dropped from the name at this time.

Dubbed "The Daughter of Frankenstein" by the Shipyard engineers, the Yeager was discreetly launched without fanfare in mid 2404. Despite being suitable for frontline roles on paper, the Yeager found herself relegated to rear-area duties such as hauling cargo due to the embarrassment certain members of the Admiralty felt about such a design slipping through the cracks. Captain Jennifer Braggins was appointed to be her Commanding Officer following her second falling out of favour with Starfleet Command following Operation Ursa Major, and the Yeager's crew would also be from the Philadelphia.

The Yeager's maiden voyage was to patrol the Talarian border, updating star maps and deterring illegal border crossings. During the course of this mission, the Yeager received a faint United Earth distress signal, and discovered the presumed-lost DY-150 Sleeper Ship "SS Lord Franklin", which was in a decaying orbit around a gas giant. Having rescued the passengers and crew, mostly still in hibernation, the Yeager crossed back into Federation territory. It was also during this assignment that the Yeager encountered and exchanged weapons-fire with the Cardassian Keldon-class warship Os'rusa, commanded by the staunchly anti-Federation Gul Hanar, and a mysterious civilian woman believed to be an agent of the Obsidian Order.

Following this mission, the Yeager put in to Starbase 214 for repairs and refit, and to receive her formal commissioning.


The USS Yeager is the seventh starship to bear the name.

USS Yeager, NCC-76

Vessel Class: Daedalus
Destroyed: 16 October 2155

USS Yeager, NCC-1437

Vessel Class: Cardenas
Destroyed: May 11 2256

USS Yeager, NCC-61947

Vessel Class: Saber
Launched: 2373

USS Yeager, NCC-65674

Vessel Class: Yeager
Launched: 2375
Scrapped: 2404

USS Yeager, SC-8018

Vessel Class: Columbus
Launched: 20305.01
Destroyed: 21303.05

USS Yeager, FSC-28018

Vessel Class: Yeager
Destroyed: 2401

Dedication Quote

"Rules are made for people who aren't willing to make up their own."
- Chuck Yeager

Auxiliary Craft

Crew Manifest

Rank Name Position Species
Command Staff
Com-capt.jpg Jennifer Braggins Commanding Officer Augment
Com-cdr.jpg Peter Jensen First Officer Human
Tactical Department
Tac-lt.jpg Theresa Black Flight Control Officer Human
Tac-ltjg.jpg T'Lari Tactical Officer Vulcan/Romulan
Security Department
Sec-lt.jpg Artemis d'Tor'an Chief of Security Klingon/Human
Sec-mid.jpg Leo Alden Security Officer Human
Engineering Department
Eng-cdr.jpg Jadaris Chief Engineer Gorn
Eng-ens.jpg Ian Elliot {d'Tor'an} Engineer Human/Klingon
Eng-mid.jpg Callan Campbell Engineer Human
Science Department
Sci-lcdr.jpg Arwen Qi Chief Science Officer Human/Trill
Sci-ens.jpg Scarlett Papaver {Black} Science Officer Human
Sci-mid.jpg Mika Bowman Science Officer Human
Medical Department
Med-lt.jpg Pax Cassidy Chief Medical Officer Human (Cyborg)
Med-mid.jpg Amethyst Bremner Medical Officer Human/Betazoid

Mission Logs

Image Gallery

Operational Areas

Crew Areas