Operation Ursa Major

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Operation Ursa Major
Location Alpha Quadrant
Federation Star Fleet Star Fleet Intelligence Corps Cardassian Union
Notable Commanders
Tyra Crawford
>Jennifer Braggins
Legate Gholmek
USS Artemis, EX-11000
USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A
1 Nor-class Station Curil Nor
2x Galor-class Destroyer
4x Hideki-Class Frigate

Operation Ursa Major was a Starfleet Intelligence-led operation staged in late 2403/early 2404. Its goal was to return the captured USS Callisto, NCC-80109 to Starfleet ownership and deny the Cardassian Union operational Quantum Slipstream components. Secondary objectives included the rescue any survivors, and the liberation of the Parhelia system and the Benamite reserves abundant on Parhelia II.