D'Tor'an, Artemis

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Artemis, Daughter of Tor'an (d’Tor'an)
To'ran 1.jpg
Career Occupation
Chief of Security
USS Yeager, NCC-60097
Time on Site:
Longevity Medal 0
Biographical Attributes
1/2 Klingon, 1/2 Human
167 cm (5 ft. 6 in.)
68 kg (150 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Tied back / off duty: loose
Light Brown
Slightly raspy
United Federation of Planets
Chicago, Illinois
Familial Relationships
Status of Parents:
3 older brothers: Kaden, L'upo & Ja'rok
Marital Status:

Personal History

Artie was raised in what was known as the industrial section of Chicago. Her father worked hard labor building Starships, while her mother stayed at home to raise the children. Looking back, Artie was of the decision that her mother had the harder job.

With three older brothers, Erica's little girl always saw herself as just one of the boys. If they treated her any differently, they would have to answer to their mother. Though a human, Erica was every bit as tough as her husband, a full Klingon male. Definitely seen as the enforcer in the family, little Artie learned soon enough that if she was going to get into trouble, to not be caught by her father, Tor'an.

Growing up as half-Human, half-Klingon promised to be hard for Artemis, but by the time she was enrolled in school, those that teased her had two options: answer to three older, half-Klingon brothers, or answer to Artie herself. By the time Art reached secondary school, she could take care of herself, and was star goalie in her hockey league. When she started entering puberty, her mother sat her down, not to talk about the birds and the bees, but to talk about Artie's frame of mind. The young girl only let herself be called “Artemis” by her mother, and otherwise went by “Art” or “Artie,” the shortened boy's version of her name. Artie and her mother talked about seeing a psychologist and a specialist surgeon, in case it was in Artie's mind that she was supposed to have been born a boy. However, after more soul-searching than a fourteen year old girl should have to do, the decision was made that Artemis just needed some time away from her father and brothers. Because of this time in her life, Artie is both very close to her mother, and has drastic taste when it comes to clothing. When Art is sure she has absolute free time to herself, she will dress in loose sundresses and bare feet, if she can. If not, she is as strapped up as any other heavily-armed male security officer. Or male Klingon.

While Erica helped Artie to do some soul-searching, the girl asked her mother why she was given such a flowery name, while her brothers all got typical Klingon names. Her mother explained to her that her father, Tor'an, had already fulfilled his 'ancestral need' to produce male heirs, and that as soon as he learned his wife was carrying a girl, he left the naming up to her. Still determined to raise a girl worthy of the already-formed family legacy, Erica named her daughter not just any 'fancy' name, but after Artemis the Hunter, of ancient Greek mythology. This way, she told her daughter, if Artie wanted to be a “girly-girl,” she would already have the beautiful name to help her 'fit in' with non-Klingon life. If not, as it had in fact turned out, she still had a name with strong meaning behind it.

Being named after Artemis the Hunter may have had something to do with Artie applying for the Security sector in Starfleet. While her brothers Kaden and Ja'rok entered into the same business as their father, and middle brother L'upo went into private security, Artie found herself drawn to L'upo's dream, and Starfleet's structure. She enrolled, using a modified version of her father's name as a last name to make paperwork easier, and under the careful watch of her male brethren, passed her Starfleet courses with flying colors. With family life a bit rocky due to an absence of money, Artie was forced into the decision to leave Earth and her family, as life on a starship paid better than an assignment in Starfleet HQ. Assigned to the USS Sheridan, most of Art's pay went back to her family back in Chicago.

After the Sheridan was decommissioned due to age, Art was reassigned with the bulk of her crew to the USS Charon. However, her time on the Charon was short-lived, as she was only on the ship for one mission. Now an Ensign, she certainly earned her chops chasing around malicious holographic entities, brought on by a computer virus. As the Charon returned to Starbase Alpha, Art again got reassignment papers, this time to the USS Philadelphia. With the Philadelphia transfer brought adventure for sure: the crew faced the crisis of an infant Crystalline Entity, nestled in the core of a planet. Complications doubled when the people of the planet staged a coup against their government during the Away Team's first contact proceedings, and then issues compounded when the Tholians arrived to usher the Crystalline Entity's birth into the universe, disregarding any destruction said birth would cause. Once the space entity and the Tholians had been dealt with, the Philadelphia returned to Starbase Alpha, and the bulk of her small crew transferred to a larger ship, the USS Aquila.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Security Operations
Academy Minor(s): Hand-to-hand combat; Special weapons and tactics
Hobbies and Pastimes: Ice hockey; rugby; wrestling with her brothers
Short-Term Goals: Earn a promotion to Lieutenant, become a Department Head
Long-Term Goals: Help her family move to a better house
Personality: Raised with three brothers in a semi-traditional Klingon household, Artie is considered to be “rough around the edges” and can come off quite gruff. She is nice, but usually suspicious of people or a situation until proven otherwise.
Sense of Humor: Enjoys physical humor; dislikes sarcasm
Phobias: Being too weak or unable to defend herself or others
Likes: Fighting, guns, hunting, swimming
Dislikes: The concept known as “relaxing”
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Doesn't like when anyone (but her mother) calls her by her full name
Achievements: Graduating from Starfleet; finding something that is “her own” and not shared with her brothers
Disappointments: Not being posted closer to home
Illnesses: Gorch (Klingon acne); Rop'ngor (Klingon measles)
Strengths: Is confident in herself / high self-esteem; likes always having a 'plan of action’
Weaknesses: Can let her temper / fighting nature get the better of her
Fears: Dying in vain/ without honor
Prejudices: Pacifists, cowards
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Has an affinity for sundresses
Pets: Bullfrog tadpole named “Lieutenant Dan”
Friends: None, yet
Referrer: Returning player

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Leaving her family behind to chase her dream
Best Time: Gaining her self-confidence and realizing her true personality
Most Crucial Experience: Growing up with a Klingon father and three half-Klingon brothers
Role Model: Her three brothers: the siblings are always trying to out-do each other

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 21512.21 – 21912.21 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon  
Security Officer USS Sheridan DD-4086 21912.22 Midshipman  
Security Officer USS Sheridan DD-4086 22004.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal  
Security Officer USS Sheridan DD-4086 22007.01 Ensign  
Security Officer USS Charon, RSV-88003 22102.27 Transfer to USS Charon  
Security Officer USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22106.16 Transfer to USS Philadelphia  
Security Officer USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22107.01 Role Player of the Month  
Security Officer USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22204.01 Role Player of the Month  
Security Officer USS Aquila, NCC-76853 22211.01 Full Crew Transfer to USS Aquila  
Security Officer USS Aquila, NCC-76853 22211.06 Lieutenant Junior Grade  
Security Officer USS Aquila, NCC-76853 22301.01 Role Player of the Month  
Security Officer USS Aquila, NCC-76853 22306.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal  
Security Officer USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22307.01 President’s Medal  
Security Officer USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22307.01 Full Crew Transfer to USS Philadelphia  
Security Officer USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22312.01 Role Player of the Month  
Chief of Security USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22312.17 Promotion to Chief of Security  
Chief of Security USS Philadelphia, NCC-66053-A 22401.01 Role Player of the Month  
Chief of Security USS Yeager, NCC-60097 22405.01 Lieutenant  
Chief of Security USS Yeager, NCC-60097 22408.01 Role Player of the Month  
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
  Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
  Star Fleet Achievement Medal 1
  Star Fleet Commendation Medal 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
  Role Player of the Month 6
  President’s Medal 1

Contact Information

E-Mail: artemisdtoran@gmail.com

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