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Notable Events

  • In an alternate timeline, a woman named Edith Keeler is saved from the traffic accident by Leonard McCoy, allowing her to continue striving for her goals of world peace, which ultimately delays the United States of America's entry in World War II.
    As a result of these actions, Germany was allowed to complete its "heavy water" experiments, and permitted them to be first in developing of the atomic bomb. This, together with the V-2 rocket, enabled Germany to capture the world.
  • 1943 - Savar, a Vulcan, arrives on Earth as part of an observational mission.
  • One of Vulcan's most respected space explorers, he literally wrote the book on/against interfering with any alien society before they were ready for first contact.
  • 1946 - The first photo of Earth from space is taken from a V-2 rocket, launched by US scientists.
