Deklos, Kamiro Tosamien

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Kamiro Tosamien Deklos
Career Occupation
Head of Ambassador Sothrick's Security
Star Base Alpha
Biographical Attributes
Played By:
Gloria Dys
165 cm (5 ft. 5 in.)
60 kg (132 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Shoulder length, long bangs, rather unkempt,
unruly appearance;
sometimes kept shorter and spiky in all directions
Light Mocha
Facial Hair:
young looking, pleasant if plain features;
pronounced hairless bulge on either side of her skull
(in front and just above the ears).
United Federation of Planets
Familial Relationships
Tosam Bramholara Deklos
Usanna Lekvinien Deklos
Status of Parents:
Father, alive: Councilor
(member of the Ullian Ruling Council);
Mother deceased
Marital Status:

Personal History

Kamiro exhibited telepathic contact in utero just after the completion of the first trimester of pregnancy. Her parents knew that their daughter would be an exceptional telepath.

Kamiro’s father was a Priest at that time and he and his pregnant wife durning the beginning of the last trimester, were off planet to attend a conference (Tosam as an aid for one of the Ruling Council members. The transport vessel was attacked by (pirates, badguys?) and Usanna was gravely injured. An emergency birthing was performed and due to the circumstances, the in utero infant performed a telepathic ‘siphon’ procedure as a survival mechanism, taking in the mother’s thoughts into the infant’s mind. Usanna died (from her injuries from the attack, not the birth) minutes after the birth, knowing that her daughter would live.

Tosam never remarried, nor pursued a new mate, and continued his career moving up the Ullian Theocracy food chain, with daughter Kamiro in tow and assisted with care workers. The child’s education was superb and the young girl would want for nothing. Kamiro’s temperament however was mostly sullen, and insular. And as kids are, fights between her peers and herself, both physical and telepathic, kept her withdrawn and often lonely. Most of her visible scars are from this period.

After puberty and the development of a proto-woman’s body, Kamiro essentially fell in with the wrong crowd. And as some kids do, she entered her rebellious stage, making generally poor decisions about substance abuse, early sex, and just having a selfish, good-time. This began the trips to boarding schools, on and off planet. All the while, Kamiro took in great delight that her telepathic abilities were well above those of her age group; not quite buying the (entirety of the) society mantra of the ‘Code of Light.’

At 17 years of age, she was approached, subtly at first, by friends of her friends, who slowly began to educate her in her planet’s warring past. She became involved in petty crimes, simple burglaries, intimidation; infact, the group or ‘gang’ as they were, were taking clues from the old Terran holo-vids called; Gangster Films. Needless to say, Kamiro’s behavior was a negative aspect to Tosam’s career and often Kamiro was sent away to resort-like rehabilitation and meditation centers. This would go on for a few more years.

At age 22, her father now a well renowned and respective Councilor, Kamiro’s gang-friends approached a group a visiting foreign exchange students and harassed them and began to initiate forced/unwanted telepathic contact; performing the anathema of the Code of Light ideals…mind rape. A clear, unassailable line had been placed before her, and she told her peers to stop what they were doing. Viewing Kamiro as soft, her former friends laughed and pushed her into the exchange students and her own mind was under telepathic assault.

It became readily apparent that her ‘friends’ were going to mind-rape the students and herself and then that they intended to kill them, for sport. As a sudden intense telepathic assault bored into her mind, any concern for herself had vanished (she even believed that she deserved the attack for her past misdeeds); but she had great concern for the innocent students. It was then that she realized her former gang had rendered herself and the students immobile, and had produced knives, which they proceeded to cut of the clothes of the victims (they were going to physically assaulted and raped along with the mental assault.

The telepathic onslaught was forcing Kamiro to believe that resistance was futile and that she should just submit to the inevitable. Somewhere deep in Kamiro’s psyche, she gained great strength from buried memories of her mother, felt no fear; and she unlocked her hidden potential…

Kamiro was rushed off planet ahead of the scandal in order to protect Tosam’s reputation. Of the 6 ‘gang’ members, two were dead; two were left as if like drooling babies; one would suffer from severe psychoses, and the last was left with a continuous itch sensation.

Star Fleet agreed to accept Kamiro if she could pass the standard battery of Academy acceptance parameters and have a special implant inserted at the base of her skull. To her surprise, she agreed.

At age 28, Kamiro completed her SFIC Academy courses along with rigorous telepathic training from Vulcan and Betazoid instructors, along with the rare visits of her father and other Ullian telepathy instructors. Her telepathic rating is considered ‘extremely dangerous’, and if not for the controlling implants, both SFIC and Kamiro realize that she’d be ‘put down’ for the safety of the quadrant.

For the next four years, Kamiro was placed in the field, to make targeted ‘hits’, a combination of rendering the targets unconscious, paranoid, delusional, and one kill. The kill was sanctioned by Kamiro’s SFIC handler, just to see, one, if she was physically still capable of doing so (yes) and two, whether she had any qualms about it (no) “Subject performed task as requested without hesitation or remorse.”

In her later thirties, after a hidden, yet distinguished career Intelligence; Deklos was transferred to an experimental ship USS Challenger, CX-1986. During this time, she had a telepathic controller/inhibitor installed, such that her ability levels could be controlled or turned of at the discretion of the Challenger CO, Kiron Hunter. Of note, Kamiro had become close FO Jones and Dr. Ekman, and she developed a crush on Lieutenant Michael Winchester.

On the last mission of the ship to the Orais system’s third planet; an extremely ancient civilization (perhaps part of the T’Kon empire? Similar chronological time period) was discovered along with some living descendants that came out of stasis; a race of monstrous xenomorphs offspring with incredible telepathic abilities, far beyond that of known Federation humanoid telepathic races.

During the mission, Deklos’ mind was attacked, yet she was compromised by the implant. Through incredible will, the Ullian’s mind was able to at substantial physical cost, broke the implant. Though significantly diminished telepathically, Deklos was free to communicate with the xenomorph offspring, as they imprinted her as their ‘Mother’. During the mission, a contemporary of the presumed long extinct xenomorphs, a gray skinned, roughly humanoid species abducted the Challenger First Officer, Commander Elizabeth Jones; and Challenger was ordered back to Earth. Soon thereafter, the Challenger project (and ship) were scuttled, and the crew went their separate ways.

Back in the Sol system, Deklos’ abilities recovered slowly, yet steadily after neurosurgery performed by Dr. Ekman. Once recovered, an operation to take down a portion of the SHADe organization (a pro-human first/centric secret cabal) was implemented, and during the field work after Deklos mentally took out two strong, psionic capable SHADe agents, a simple well placed tranquilizer dart incapacitated her…and one of the Federation’s strongest telepaths was rendered inert.

Deklos woke up in a SHADe facility, complete with a new psionic inhibitor. SHADe hadn’t killed her after all but had kept her alive and very well controlled. The device was best at initiating very painful headaches that induced strong bouts of nausea. Her handler, was a senior SHADe operative named ‘Al’, that had found a change of heart and rescued Deklos from the SHADe facility that was located close to San Francisco, on the North side of the Bay. His caring for her, when she couldn’t walk on her own, endeared her to him.

After that, Deklos was assigned to SBA Security after having the SHADe implant partially removed (the outer unit was removed, but the nano-tech portions had surrounded her nerves all and around her telepathic centers and were left alone. Deklos then lived a boring, stagnant life until chance would have it that Lt. Isabella Ekman was abducted (having a position of CSO on USS Copernicus) in broad daylight (figuratively speaking) at an open café on the SBA Promenade. Deklos was called in as active Security.

It was the greatest failure of her life, to not be able to recover her good friend and colleague, as SHADe had performed a masterful snatch-and-grab. The failure, had placed Deklos into a depression for a year, where she’d zombie-like, go through the motions of being a low level beat cop; putting down small skirmishes and public drunkenness. And then after many months, a year and more, ‘Al’ after several years of silence had made contact with Kamiro, with the welcome news about the whereabouts of Ekman, held captive in a front pharmaceutical company on Luna.

With a nominal plan and Al’s cloaking capable runabout craft, Deklos entered the facility’s grounds on Tycho City, Luna, outfitted in a form fitting black-body suit. Inside, as Kamiro’s excitement grew over the reaching of Isabella’s location, she was confronted with the wicked Dr. Nane Gabriel who had the ability to trigger the remnant inhibitor circuits. Hobble with injuries, Deklos had finally managed to get the upper hand in a fight and knock her nemesis to near unconsciousness. Kamiro considered killing Gabriel outright, to just exterminate the personification of evil, but let the woman live.

Deklos’ injuries became an additive problem for the balance of the escape; there was one last flight of stairs to ground level and Al’s waiting shuttle and Kamiro’s mind and body gave out and her last memory was lying sprawled out at the bottom of the stairwell and the artificial, sterile illumination that faded to black.

Next, Kamiro woke up in a Medical Bay bed and was told she’d been in an induced coma for quite some time. She’d been deposited onto SBA, seemingly secretly, and having just undergone micro and nano surgery from an unidentified medical team or person. The intricate leftovers from SHADe had been removed or otherwise rendered inert/destroyed. The Ullian’s telepathic ability was effectively gone.

Once sufficiently rehabilitated to human norms, Deklos’ career in Star Fleet Security was reestablished; and while boring and inanely predictable, she was happy enough to be a Promenade constable; comforted in the knowledge that it had to have been Isabella that performed the exotic surgery on her; and Kamiro thought it best to assume that Ekman and Al were in hiding. At an even pace, Kamiro noted that she was beginning to sense emotions from others. The ability progressed to a nominal level, such that it could give her a slight edge in how to react and or approach individuals.

And then, during a day, very much like the day before, and the days and weeks preceding it, she received a communique from the office a Star Fleet diplomatic representative, Ambassador Lorrick Sothrick, and a Vulcan no less. Kamiro was curious (to say the least) and offered to meet the Ambassador at SBA’s most popular watering hole, the Drunken Tribble. Kamiro thought for a short time, that she might be the victim of a prank or possibly something nefarious, but SBA Security didn’t flag anything amiss. If she was taken off guard, there would likely be witnesses.

What happened next was the Ambassador offered her a job as his Head of Security. Kamiro accepted the offer on the spot and in short order, Deklos, the Ambassador, and his entourage took off for Star Base Bravo to meet his family. There she met during a dinner get together, Lieutenant Commander Sothrick (the son); his son’s fiancé, a Vulcan hybrid twin that the Ambassador showed considerable and un-Vulcan-like disdain for the woman. Kamiro made new friends after a tense initial greeting, and somehow, the telepathic prodding of younger Sothrick’s fiancé’s twin sister, Shione Kurasa, awakened long, unused abilities; that she was able to newly convey fragmented images and thoughts telepathically to Kurasa and then to young Sothrick. Deklos could now send and receive telepathic communication.

At Pioneer Outpost, there was much excitement about new Federation expansion past the Cardassian, Breen, and Tholian territories, much optimism. Deklos had also become platonically closer to Sothrick, a close professional relationship that had become much like family. It was obvious that Sothrick appreciated Kamiro’s presence…and there was possibly an attraction that might be more than just friendship but had not been pursued or discussed. Kamiro was deeply respectful for the loss of Sothrick’s wife (that had occurred some significant time go) and chose to keep their relationship flirtation free. It appeared that the Ambassador was of a like mind.

During the outpost’s inaugural Christmas festivities, Kamiro was overjoyed at the surprise visit of her father…Tosam Bramholara Deklos! Tosam had assumed a leadership position in the Ullian government, having achieved the rank of Councilor, a member of the Ruling Council. Kamiro met her father in a private space for a short time, and via Tosam’s assured and experienced telepathic abilities, Kamiro’s fractured abilities were made whole (but not nearly as strong as her prior pinnacle abilities; still, a powerful close-range telepath) and father and daughter communicated in minutes, years of experiences each had endured. As parting once again (it had been several decades plus) was nominally a somber occasion, there was joy that offset the feelings of separation.

Kamiro was now, well in control of her restored, yet muted, abilities and could keep the constant mental chatter of beings muted to an almost imperceptible background of white noise. As for the Outpost, there had been a benign terrorist attack (a proof-of-concept purple fog yet harmless gassing of the main eating establishment, that no doubt it could have been deadly if the perpetrators had wished it so). The terrorists had never been identified as far as Kamiro knew.

As a favor, the Ambassador made some subtle inquiries regarding finding intel on Kamiro’s friend Isabella Ekman’s whereabouts. So far, the search had not born any fruit. Kamiro hoped that if Ekman was still alive, that she at least was living a happy life somewhere in the galaxy.

And then during the typical drudgery, day-to-day workings of Pioneer, an EVENT occurred. There was a mobilization of ships, (that after the fact) was a strike force that was sent to take on a newly discovered Borg presence. This led to a sudden change in Star Fleet priorities and resource deployments, and the evacuation and abandonment of the Outpost. Ambassador Sothrick’s office was moved to Star Base Alpha as of Star Date 2421XX.XX…

Telepathic/Empathic abilities:

Range: Approximately a 10-meter sphere radius (further than that, abilities drop off quickly)
Skill Level: Exceptionally high:

  • Can filter out mental chatter from others (just background noise normally)
  • Empathic (can sense emotions…feelings of love, anger, deception, disappointments, etc.)
  • Can initiate telepathic contact easily with others, always a warm, sunny-like sensation when she does so and recipient is open, discomfort or pain when resisted
  • Can flood a recipient’s mind with images to tell a story almost in seconds to a minute (and the reverse, if the donor subject is willing)
  • Former abilities not tried since USS Challenger:
    • Likely lost: connect multiple minds together (3-5 others)
    • Ability lost: inhibit a target’s motor functions (freeze in place)
    • Ability lost: random OP effects (instill psychosis, force sleep, coma, kill with a thought)
  • Notes: Kamiro’s abilities only affect her subplot NPCs and the like. PRCs, SRCs, NRCs, etc., (run by other Players) are as resistant/immune to her abilities as they wish.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Interrogation/Infiltration/Basic Security Procedures
Academy Minor(s): Languages, History (Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Terran {English, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Japanese, Bantu}, Technology
Hobbies and Pastimes: Reading, listen to music, martial arts practice
Short-Term Goals: Provide the best Security Detail and aide duties to Ambassador Sothrick and his office; keep SFIC from finding out that her telepathic abilities have returned to a very substantial level
Long-Term Goals: Find out what happened to her closest friends Isabella Ekman and former SHADe Leader Al; maybe settle down?
Personality: Quiet, solitary, but has learned to approach others and initiate a conversation, newly confident as her telepathic abilities have settled down to a manageable normal
Sense of Humor: Developing: has been around humans, et al, long enough to recognize and appreciate various forms of humor
Phobias: None
Likes: Terran Cuisine (virtually all of it); loves the vast and myriad food types from Earth’s cultures and fusions between them
Dislikes: None in particular; save she’d resist going back to any Intel type life
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Used to be overly happy people, but now Kamiro is much more tolerant of such persons
Bad Habits or Vices: Kamiro doesn’t care that her white, thick, wiry hair has a mind of its own and is always in an unruly state
Achievements: Head of Security for Star Fleet Ambassador Lorrick Sothrick (current); Part of and selected for the defunct USS Challenger project; SFIC Academy and Training
Disappointments: Failing her friend Isabella Ekman when Ekman was abducted; losing track of Ekman and Al; not having known her mother (she died shortly after Kamiro was born from outside influences, Orion pirates)
Illnesses: None
Strengths: Confident (not easily scared); Strong, capable telepath (though not as strong (about half?) as her pre and then current USS Challenger life); very highly skilled martial artist (Ullian heritage skill and intensive subsequent SF training), well versed in 'hard' forms: Ullian Adept, Ullian 'street fighting', Shotokan Karate, Kajukenbo.

Commands can be given by the CO/PD through a number of mechanisms: communicator (or similar device, tricorder for example) with specially encrypted codes and sub-space access; verbal commands (just an example: “Ens Deklos, Level 1 Authorization, engage.”; telepathic commands Ens Deklos, Level 1 Authorization, engage. Note: telepathic commands given when Kamiro’s telepathic state is in its lowest mode (normal setting, Level 0), has very limited range ~ 10 meter radius. Conversely, at the highest level (Level 3), range is undefined, but an expected planet surface to standard orbit distance would be practical.

Level 0 = Kamiro receives most surface thoughts from beings capable of being telepathically affected (as per Fedspace Canon, Ferengi, Breen and the like are probably immune to even the worst of Kamiro’s abilities), these incoming thoughts are effectively white noise and Kamiro dismisses them outright. Only when she focuses on one individual can she discern a specific surface thought from someone.
Level 1 = Allows Kamiro to initiate two way telepathic contact, and to lightly probe deeper into a willing mind.

Level 2 = Vulcan level mind-meld ability capable from line of sight, or spending time scanning for minds not in line of site (behind a bulkhead or similar). Can extract deeply embedded information even in an unwilling mind (though this may take several minutes). Subjects/victims usually suffer some level of rape-like and/or PTSD trauma. Can perform some mild to moderate levels of mind control if subject/victim is not strongly opposed to it.

Level 3 = Kamiro can stun, render unconscious several minds at once; or with sustained focus on an individual, the effect can be one of the following: madness/insanity, long term coma, death. Of a beneficial nature, Kamiro can set up a telepathic network between 5 and 7 unique individuals as if all concerned were talking in the same room/place.

Notes: Levels 2 and 3 can be very taxing and can only be maintained for a limited duration and/or overall intensity (TBD), where the telepathic hormones and enzymes are drastically reduced and require typically a full night’s sleep to recover.

Weaknesses: Loner tendencies
Fears: SHADe and/or SFIC getting involved in her life
Prejudices: None
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Ullian Adept, white colored clothing and robes; fond of denim blue jeans and white collared buttoned shirts and blouses
Distinguishing Features: young looking, pleasant if plain features; pronounced hairless bulge on either side of her skull (in front and just above the ears).
Pets: None
Friends: Dr. Isabella Ekman, Ambassador Sothrick

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Not being able to save her friend Isabella Ekman from being abducted by SHADe organization on SBA. Kamiro was in a deep state of depression after this.
Best Time: Meeting Ambassador Sothrick’s family (son and then fiancé, fiancé’s twin sister and spouse) during a dinner on Star Base Bravo
Most Crucial Experience: At age 22 (see bio for details) her very powerful telepathic abilities manifested themselves saving people at the cost of sanity and life of the attackers;
and changed the trajectory of life down a soul crushing path as an instrument of state sponsored ‘evil’.
Role Model: Her father, well respected statesmen and representative of her former home planet (loving, encouraging father);
Noruas Maniemara Therastos, a virtual legend amongst her people, a former Grand Master of Adepts (killed, sacrificing himself for a Star Fleet Admiral’s niece); and Ambassador Sothrick, Star Fleet Ambassador

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20605.24 Graduated Star Fleet Intelligence Academy Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Star Fleet Special Operations Command Classified 20806.05 Promoted to Midshipman
Reassigned to Special Operations
Star Fleet Special Operations Command USS Challenger, CX-1986 21011.17 Promoted to Ensign
Transferred to USS Challenger, CX-1986
Acting Chief of Security USS Challenger, CX-1986 a. 21011.17 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Reassigned to Acting Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Missing in Action Star Base Alpha 21012.12 – 21410.23 Security Officer, Star Base Alpha Lieutenant Junior Grade
Security Officer Star Base Alpha 21411.01 – 21601.12 Security Officer, Star Base Alpha Lieutenant Junior Grade
Leave of Absence Star Base Alpha, Luna Base 21601.28 – 21605.01 Unsanctioned Rescue Civilian
Medical Leave Of Absence Unknown / Star Base Alpha 21605.01 – 21802.28 Coma Lieutenant Junior Grade
Security Officer Star Base Alpha 21805.31 – 21808.08 Security Officer, Promenade and Environs Lieutenant Junior Grade
Head of Security Ambassador Sothrick’s Office 21808.08 – present Head of Star Fleet Ambassador Sothrick’s Office Lieutenant
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.