Transporter chamber

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A transporter chamber.

The transporter chamber was a means of transportation around the planet Earth.

The way the chamber worked is unknown, but when in operation, the chamber produced a cloud of a blue fog-like substance that enveloped the chamber.
The chamber was the first known transporter to be in use on Earth, especially given that it was used in 1968 (as recorded by the crew of the USS Enterprise.)

The transporter beam could be intercepted by another transporter unit.
As observed by the USS Enterprise, the transportation chamber is more powerful than Federation transporters of the time.

  • It was able to re-direct the Enterprise's transporter beam back to it.

When not in use, the chamber door, which resembled that of a safe when it was closed, was able to be hidden.

Fun Fact:

Gary Seven used this device to return him to his home planet (more than 1,000 light years from Earth).

  • "Gary Seven" was a code name, used for a Human male whose ancestors were abducted from Earth around 4000 BC and taken to another planet.