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The graviton is an elementary particle that transmits the force of gravity.
The opposite of a graviton is an antigraviton.
This particle can be used for a variety of purposes, involving attractive / repellent forces, such as tractor beams, the gravity plating on starships or antigravs, and artificial gravity.
By the 24th century, Starfleet vessels had the ability to produce gravitons as a field and/or a beam from a starship.
- Graviton emitter - device that emits gravitons - it comes in several sizes, from handheld devices to starship sized.
- Antigraviton emitter - a device capable of producing and directing an energy form with antigravitational properties.
- One was used to try and bring down the field of self-replicating mines deployed at the entrance of the Bajoran wormhole.
- Graviton beam - confined beam of gravitons, which could be emitted through a starship's deflector dish.
- Heavy graviton beam - type of graviton beam proposed in 2367 during research by Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge for use against a Borg cube.
- Graviton catapult - also known as a "subspace catapult," it propels ships across space.
- The power core of the catapult generates a massive graviton surge, locking onto a ship through an array of projectors. The surge then sends the ship in question hurtling into space.
Once back in normal space, the ship may be hundreds or thousands of light years from its previous position. The distance is determined by the graviton field strength.
- The power core of the catapult generates a massive graviton surge, locking onto a ship through an array of projectors. The surge then sends the ship in question hurtling into space.
- Graviton field - any area where many gravitons may be found. They are used in the production of artificial gravity, and are also found naturally occurring in space.
- Natural graviton fields appear to be more powerful than man-made fields.
- Graviton generator - also known as a "graviton field generator," it's a piece of equipment used in tractor beams, shields, and warp drives.
- Also see: field generator
- Graviton pulse - focused concentration of graviton particles.
- Graviton shockwave - a compressional wave of gravity, sometimes caused by an explosion, which travels through space, and can sometimes have subspace effects.
- Graviton stabilizer - part of a Star Fleet ship's artificial gravity system that modulates the level of gravity produced.
- Graviton surge - highly-energetic phenomenon which can be utilized to propel a vessel into "null space."
- Graviton telescope - observation device with graviton detectors and gavimetric sensors that allowed viewing of astronomical objects.
Natural occurrences:
- Graviton ellipse - a stable pocket of normal space, moved by a curving area of gravity distortion.
- These phenomenon travel through subspace, moving into normal space only when in proximity of objects that emit electromagnetic energy, such as spacecraft or dark matter asteroids.
- They generate an electromagnetic radiation field dangerous to humanoids.
- They emit Level 9 gravimetric distortions, creating severe turbulence. A ship would experience anything from a ship-wide power drain to multiple hull breaches.
- Graviton matrix - a spatial distortion that indicated it was being artificially produced.
- In 2372, the temporal rift created by the 29th century timeship Aeon contained a graviton matrix.