Star Fleet
The Federation Star Fleet (commonly referred to as Star Fleet) is the deep-space exploratory, scientific, diplomatic, and military force of the United Federation of Planets.
Formed as an integral part of the United Federation of Planets Charter in 2161, the Federation Star Fleet incorporated elements of its founding members space-faring agencies, including Earth's own Earth Star Fleet and its secret organization, Section 31.
Missions undertaken by the Federation Star Fleet fell at least partly under the jurisdiction of the United Earth Space Probe Agency (or UESPA) as late as the 2290s. By the mid-24th century, however, Star Fleet missions were regulated solely by Star Fleet Command, answering to the Federation Council and bound by its General Orders and Regulations.
- As it was portrayed working in conjunction with the Earth Star Fleet, it seems likely that UESPA worked together with the Federation Star Fleet as well, rather than as separate operating authorities.
- It is unclear why the fledgling Federation would utilize so many of Earth's space agencies as major contributors to its own Star Fleet, especially considering both Vulcan's and Andoria's superior military and exploratory operations. One theory is paranoia. By placing the fledgling Star Fleet in the hands of what was arguably the technologically and militarily weakest species, a balance remained amongst the remaining three powers with none of the four having a significant advantage over the other three.
- Another might be that, early on, planetary authorities operated inside of, yet simultaneously independent of Star Fleet as is the case with the relationship between the European Space Agency and its national members. Even though less technologically advanced than other members, United Earth was nonetheless a major player in the Federation (for example, acting as its capital) and no doubt had much influence, for example the construction of Federation ships in the Sol system would have probably used UESPA and Star Fleet facilities at first which gave it an advantage.
When a planet became a member of the Federation, its military would be incorporated within Star Fleet.
Based out of Star Fleet Headquarters located in San Francisco, Earth, Star Fleet maintained outposts, starbases and space stations throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Also based out of San Francisco, its primary training facility Star Fleet Academy did maintain other facilities on other Federation member worlds, including Relva VII.
Star Fleet personnel wore distinctive Star Fleet uniforms displaying rank insignia and assignment patch or Star Fleet emblem - later evolving into the communicator badge.
Like its predecessor, Earth Star Fleet, the Federation Star Fleet is based on a hierarchical organization of ranks. These ranks appear to be inherited directly from their predecessor ranks. According to naval tradition, anyone in the organization is subordinate to any officer of higher rank regardless of his or her position within the organizational structure. Nevertheless, Star Fleet seems to be organized into a number of branches and positions that generally oversee certain aspects of the fleet. These positions are assigned by the superior officer of that branch and can be assigned to individuals of any rank, although in general, more important positions will be assigned to higher ranking officers. This preserves the chain of command and avoids creating situations where someone of a lesser position within the organization could give orders to someone with a greater mandate.
Commander in Chief
Commander in Chief or CinC, is the highest position within Star Fleet and is assigned to a fleet admiral. The CinC is not subordinate to anyone in Star Fleet and reports directly to the Federation President. He is responsible for both Star Fleet Command and Star Fleet Academy.
Star Fleet Academy
Star Fleet Academy is headed by a superintendent. This position is normally assigned to a rear admiral.
Star Fleet Command
Star Fleet Command is headed by the Commander, Star Fleet. This position is normally assigned to a fleet admiral. The various sector commanders, held by vice admirals report directly to him, as does the chief of staff, held by an admiral.
Star Fleet Branches
The other branches of Star Fleet are normally headed by the Commander, department, usually a vice admiral who reports to the chief of staff. Center commanders, usually Rear Admiral Lower Half report directly to him, as does the chief of the department, a position usually assigned to a Rear Admiral.
The Starbase and Starship commanding officer and portmasters are held by officers with the rank of Commander to the Admiral grades. They are directly in-charge of their assigned starship or starbase and reports to the commanding officer of that sector's starbase.
Branches and Agencies
- Star Fleet Academy
- Personnel Command
- Star Fleet Corps of Engineers
- Star Fleet Science Institute
- Star Fleet Medical Command
- Historical Documentation
- Star Fleet Intelligence Corps
- Star Fleet Security Command
- Star Fleet Tactical Command
- Star Fleet Marine Corps
- Administrative Operations
- Department of Internal Affairs
- Fleet Supply Office
- Office of the Inspector General
- Personnel Deployment
- Section 31 (Rogue agency not officially acknowledged by Star Fleet Command.)
- Star Fleet Administration
- Star Fleet Advanced Technologies
- Star Fleet Bureau of Information
- Star Fleet Exploratory Division
- Star Fleet Materiel Supply Command
- Star Fleet Mission Operations
- Star Fleet Operational Support Services
- Strategic Operations
- Star Fleet Orbital Operations
- Star Fleet Shipyards Operations
- Star Fleet Stellar Imaging
- United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) (Existed from the 21st to the 23rd Century)
- Communications Research Center
- Federation starbases
- Federation shipyards
- Fleet Museum
- Planetary Defense Systems
- Star Fleet Academy
- Star Fleet Command School
- Star Fleet Medical Academy