Venta, Gerdan
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RETIRED[2] | |||
Gerdan Rjan (Venta-Symbiont) | |||
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Career Occupation | |||
Position: | Chief Science Officer | ||
Assignment: | USS Charon, RSV-88003 | ||
Rank: | Lieutenant | ![]() | |
Biographical Attributes | |||
Species: | Trill (Joined) | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Height: | 193 cm (6 ft. 4 in.) | Weight: | 108.9 kg (240 lb.) |
Eye Color: | Greenish/Hazel depending on the lighting. | ||
Hair Color: | Dark brown | ||
Hairstyle: | Short, well-groomed | ||
Physique: | Beefy, solid a bit chubby. For a big guy, he is very fit and agile. | ||
Complexion: | Light to medium depending on how much sun he gets. | ||
Voice: | Deep and commanding | ||
Affiliation: | United Federation of Planets | ||
Birthplace: | Trillius Prime, the Capital City of Leran Manev, it is located on the shores of Manev Bay and not far from the foothills of Bes Manev, the tallest mountain on Trill. | ||
Born: | 18811.09 | Age: | 32 |
Familial Relationships | |||
Father: | Nurjod Rjan (Ru’m), Nurjod was joined with the Ru’m Symbiont. | ||
Mother: | Jesri Densala-Rjan (Voox), Jesri was joined with the Voox Symbiont. | ||
Status of Parents: | Alive; living on Trill | ||
Siblings: | Rentex (brother)(30), Jadzena (sister)(26), Tendarco (brother)(24) | ||
Marital Status: | Single |
Personal History
Gerdan Venta is your typical young male Trill, he liked to have fun, but he was also a serious Scholar, it was kind of hard not to be when you are joined great things are expected of you. Not to mention his parents stressed education as both his parents are Professors at The Kem'alta Institute, an educational and research institution on the planet Trill. His father and mother are both joined Trills, and his mother taught History and Plasma Technology and his father taught Temporal Mechanics, Warp Theory and Advance Calculus. So, to say the least, the expectation was set rather high for Gerdan, he was at the top of his class in High School, he did have some difficulty in Math, especially in Advance Calculus, it was rather embarrassing especially when your father teaches Advanced Calculus. Gerdan studied hard and somehow passed the class. Gerdan would often daydream in class about being anywhere except Trill, Gerdan felt trapped. It’s not that he didn’t like Trill or his family, it’s just that everyone in his family was truly exceptional, so how could he outshine them. It was like a candle shining against a Super Nova, his siblings were all brilliant in their own right, they each held several degree’s, they are well established in their chosen professions. His parents were like why can’t you be more like Rentex, he just completed his work for his master’s degree in this or that, or your sister Jadzena she just got promoted to Senior Engineer of Federation Colony Operations. His youngest brother Tendarco was perfect, top student, went to the best University, married the perfect Trill woman, Tendarco no doubt will also become joined. Gerdan wasn’t a troublemaker or anything, he just hadn’t found himself, yet. He didn’t want to be a clone of his parents or his other siblings, he wanted to forge his own path.
Gerdan buckled down got a degree in Cyber technology and Nanotechnology with minors in Holography, and Cybernetic Engineering, he worked hard, much to everyone surprise he was accepted into the Trill Initiate Program, those of the Trill species who joined the Initiate Program in order to train themselves for potential joining with a symbiont. The Initiate Program consisted of an intense series of exams and evaluations, both mental and physical, that were designed to eliminate all but the most suitable and dedicated applicants. Over five thousand candidates qualified for the training each year. On average, only three hundred symbionts, annually, are available. As such, it doesn’t take much for an initiate to be knocked out of consideration. One bad test, one missed exam, a disagreement with your trainer and you were dropped. Only the best and brightest were joined. Everyone was surprised that Gerdan had made it, his parents were so proud of him, but he wasn’t satisfied with that.
The Joining: Despite being a bit chubby, Gerdan was a runner and he enjoyed physical activities of all kinds that’s probably why the physical portion of the Initiate training was easy for him. His Trainer was a real taskmaster, he pushed Gerdan on a daily basis, but Gerdan wouldn’t give up, he met every challenge, every task with drive and determination. His desire to succeed and leave Trill was what got him through the Initiate Training Program, there were times he wanted to quit, but he didn’t want to hear his parents lecturing him. Gerdan loved his parent and he wanted them to be proud of him, it just he couldn’t be what they wanted him to be. He didn’t want to be a Professor or an Engineer, he wanted something, he just wasn’t sure what it was.
The Venta Symbiont: The Venta Symbiont was rumored to be one of the oldest Symbiont known, it had survived fourteen different hosts, some of the hosts had died of old age, a few had been killed after a few years of joining. A couple had been Star Fleet Officers, and a few had been Federation Bureaucrats, while others were just normal average Trills, schoolteachers, judges, construction workers, etc. The Symbiosis Commission felt that Gerdan was a good match for the Venta Symbiont, as he would bring a youthful energy to Venta and Venta would bring a calming wisdom and some direction for Gerdan.
One of the Secrets of the Trills was that joined Trills don’t hold multiple degree’s, it just that they had the knowledge and experience of their previous hosts, in some cases giving a newly joined host an unfair advantage when pursuing another degree.
The Offspring of two joined Trills usually made excellent Hosts themselves, as the symbionts contributed genetic and neurological material to the unborn children kind of a catalysts for future joining, to what extent they contribute is presently unclear, there are a lot of factors that go into it, the fortitude of the parents, the fortitude of the symbionts, the age and experience of the symbionts.
Gerdan, completed his Education and became joined, he was now twenty- six years old, he made his way from job to job but wasn’t happy or satisfied, He was talking to his best friend Diazro Lux who said that she was joining Star Fleet. Gerdan was intrigued by that and decided to join Star Fleet as well. The attraction to Star Fleet was that every day it brought something new, something different. Working in a factory or in a design studio, designing spacecraft was boring and tedious to say the least. Gerdan and his parents had several heated arguments about him joining Star Fleet, at first his parents were dead set against him Joining Star Fleet, as they felt that joined Trills were risking the life of the symbionts, if not risking their own lives certainly placing them in danger. After several arguments and counter-arguments Gerdan and his parents came to a mutual understanding, Gerdan agreed to choose a career in Star Fleet that was a relatively safe one, a Science Officer or a Doctor, or an Engineer, once he agreed; they relented and fully supported his decision to join Star Fleet.
Gerdan had to admit his time at the Academy was a bit unusual of an experience for him. Already holding a minor degree in Nanotechnology and Holography, as well as Cybernetic Engineering, he was further along than most other cadets. He was a few years old than most of the other cadets, but he truly enjoyed his time at the Academy.
Freshman Year: Freshman Year at the Academy is usually when most people, just try to find their Star Fleet career. Every cadet takes the fundamental core classes, Math, Science, Federation History, Chemistry, Xenobiology 101, Xenolinguistics, every cadet had to take a second language, in case the universal translators malfunctioned. Federation History was his favorite class, as it taught the circumstance behind the founding of the Federation, the who, what, where, when and why, it also focused on the Prime Directive, how it evolved and the consequences of breaking it.
Sophomore Year: In Gerdan ’s Sophomore year he had decided that he wanted to be a Science Officer, Gerdan focused his studies on the Sciences, General Physics 1, Nanotechnology, Xenotechnology. Gerdan had little to no social life, he was usually in his dorm or the library studying. Oh, he did take a break every so often and would go to a party that he had heard about or a play, or other social events, if none of those appealed to him, he would spend his time at the Academy Archery Range, he had become good with the Terran Bow and Arrow.
Junior Year: In his Junior Year the pressure was starting to get to Gerdan a little, in your Junior Year you were given field assignment, you were assigned to a certain ship or a base, or a research station and was placed under the supervision of an Officer in your career field. Cadet trainees were given the least exciting and lackluster assignments. Gerdan was assigned to an Einstein Class Galactic Science Cruiser, the USS. CÓRDOVA, named after the famed Mexican Astrophysicist France A. Córdova was the director of the National Science Foundation, a federal agency that develops programs to advance all fields of scientific discovery. She was nominated for the position in 2014 by President Barack Obama. Before she spent her days overseeing America’s science and scientific education programs, Córdova conducted important research on x-ray and gamma-ray sources, accretion discs, and black holes, publishing more than 150 scientific papers. Back in 1993, she also became the first woman to hold the position of NASA Chief Scientist. Gerdan was excited because he thought as it was a Science Cruiser, they would be doing a lot of Scientific research, but he spent most of his tour of duty cleaning labs and cataloging gaseous anomalies. He had to be honest he found it just a bit boring.
Senior Year: Senior year the time every cadet hopes for, all your classes are behind you. You spend your final days meeting with advisors, asking you if you wanted Deep Space assignments or Planetside assignment, Research Stations or in some cases work as a Star Fleet Recruiter, He had to admit he never heard of Academy Graduates picking that as their first assignment. Star Fleet felt that if you have recruiters around the same age as new recruits, they might drum up more recruits. Gerdan, had his final Cadet Starship Assignment, the most dreaded one because everything you said and did was graded. Gerdan wasn’t worried because he had always done well. He was lucky as every one of his Academy Starships assignments had been with a friend of his a Bajoran named Mara Benta, she was a fellow Science Cadet, she was warm and friendly. Well, their ship was assigned to monitoring a ProtoStar Cluster in the Vanara Nebula, only a few light-years from the Romulan Boarder. There was an explosion, the Red Alert Klaxon’s sounded, everyone was ordered to take Battle Stations, Gerdan made his way to the Main Bridge, Officers were running scans and assessing the damage. Before they knew it, the Chief Engineer Declared the ship a total loss and the Captain ordered all hands to abandon ship, as a Warp Core Breach was imminent, everyone hurried to their assigned Escape Pod, everyone except Benta, she had died in the initial attack, Gerdan couldn’t believe it, he felt a profound sadness.
Personality Profile
Academy Major(s): Science
Academy Minor(s): Xenology, Astrophysics, Nanotechnology & Cybernetics.
Hobbies and Pastimes: Gerdan has an affinity for music. He enjoys reading, Martial Arts / Self Defense, particularly Kendo and the Bow and Arrow. Gerdan likes swimming and running and just about anything physical. Gerdan has a passion for music, just about every kind with the exception of Klingon Opera. He enjoys the complex mathematical formula in the music. He enjoys reading, especially mysteries, as they can be solved with the Scientific Method, but not always. Martial Arts / Self Defense he is especially good at the Terran Martial Art of Kendo, he is very handy with the Terran Bow and Arrow. Gerdan likes swimming and exercise.
Short-Term Goals: To be the best Science Officer he can be
Long-Term Goals: To create a Soong Type Sentient Android
Personality: Gerdan has been described as fun-loving, not taking things too seriously, but can be serious when needed. Gerdan keeps to himself, mostly because the conversation inevitably turns to the symbiont. Temperament: Gerdan is described as non- committed even downright distant, some would say cautiously reserved at least on the surface. Gerdan doesn’t make friends easily. Gerdan allows others to express their opinions and thoughts before he gives his, he weights each side carefully exploring all possible sides of the issues, like most scientists, he’s not easily swayed; your evidence needs to be strong to bring him to your side. He is not afraid to say what is on his mind, but he is very careful about what he says, as he doesn’t want to offend anyone. Often, people seem to take him into their confidence, seeking out his advice or opinion on their problems, probably because as a joined Trill he has so much experience and wisdom, well at least the symbiont does.
Sense of Humor: Doesn't have much of one
Phobias: Insect, especially spiders, Trills generally don’t react well to insect bites.
Likes: Honest open-minded friendly people
Dislikes: People who don’t listen, people who talk over other people.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People, who are judgmental, Bullies.
Bad Habits or Vices: Gerdan has a bad habit of rocking when he is thinking, he doesn’t have any vices to speak of.
Achievements: Graduating from Star Fleet Academy
Disappointments: Knowing that most people assume he must be this deep introspective person because of the symbiont knowledge and experience. The truth is Gerdan is kind of average even a little boring.
Illnesses: Normal childhood illnesses
Strengths: Levelheaded and open to new ideas.
Weaknesses: Letting the Symbiont overwhelm him at times.
Fears: Darkness, Gerdan has a nightlight in his quarters, he plays it off as a safety issue.
Prejudices: Gerdan is not a fan of Superior Officers who stick to old tried and tested methods, who won’t give younger officers with fresh ideas a chance.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: He doesn’t have a particular style, whatever is clean and comfortable.
Distinguishing Features: His spots and his beard, he has a babyface, thus the beard.
Pets: None
Friends: Diazro Lux (a joined Trill female).
Personal Paradigm Shifts
Most Painful Experience: His Bajoran friend Mara Benta dying in his Senior Year.
Best Time: Becoming joined, it really tested him.
Most Crucial Experience: None yet
Role Model: His parents, who taught him that hard work and dedication equals success.
Career History
Position | Assignment | Date(s) | Event | |
Cadet | Star Fleet Academy | 242003.07 | Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Ozaki, PFF-7168 | 242003.07 | Midshipman | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Nikola Tesla, LE-20004 | 242006.01 | Midshipman | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Nikola Tesla, LE-20004 | 242009.01 | Ensign | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Nikola Tesla, LE-20004 | 242009.01 | Lieutenant Junior Grade | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Nikola Tesla, LE-20004 | 2421002.01 | Role Player of the Month | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Philadelphia, FSV-66053 | 242104.01 | Transfer | ![]() |
Science Officer | USS Charon, RSV-88003 | 242201.31 | Transfer | ![]() |
Chief Science Officer | USS Charon, RSV-88003 | 242202.01 | Promotion | ![]() |
Chief Science Officer | USS Charon, RSV-88003 | 242204.01 | Promotion | ![]() |
Service Medals Awarded | ||
Image | Description | Qty. |
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Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon | 1 |
Achievement Medals Awarded | ||
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Role Player of the Month | 1 |
Contact Information