Gorn Confederation
Gorn Confederation | |||
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Homeworld: | Gornar | ||
Quadrant: | Beta | ||
Affiliation: | Gorn Hegemony | ||
Biology | |||
Average Male Height: | 188 cm (6 ft. 2 in.) to 213 cm (7 ft. 0 in.) | ||
Average Male Weight: | 90.7 kg (200 lb.) to 127 kg (280 lb.) | ||
Average Female Height: | 188 cm (6 ft. 2 in.) to 213 cm (7 ft. 0 in.) | ||
Average Female Weight: | 90.7 kg (200 lb.) to 127 kg (280 lb.) | ||
Minimum Academy Age: | 18 | ||
Life Expectancy: | 60(M), 30(F) | ||
Distinctive Features: | |||
Playability | |||
PRC Rated: | No | ||
NPC Rated: | No | ||
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- Note: This is no longer a species available for player use.
The Gorn are a civilization of reptilian humanoids. The Gorn Confederation is a gathering of like-species who have formed a government in their home system and guard their space and territories ferociously. They rarely involve themselves in external conflict and when they do form alliances, they are almost always temporary in nature and severed as soon as the relationship no longer benefits the Gorn Confederation. They maintain their relationship of trade and security with the United Federation of Planets, but little is known about the saurian race as they are not very trusting having been attacked countless times during first contacts.
Their system has a red giant that supports nine planets in total, though only three support life, each with their own unique sub-species of reptile. These species are vastly different from one another in appearance, but all are considered Gorn. The inhabited planets are warm and jungle like.
Gorn have multifaceted eyes and hearing superior to most humanoid species. Due to their size, they are slightly slower than the Terran norm, but they can be quick to react and quicker to attack if they feel threatened. They are many times stronger than almost any other known bipedal species. Their ships are also considered bulky and not very attractive but functional to their needs.
Physical Description
There are three distinct sub-races within the Gorn, known inside the Hegemony as "castes":
Ssessekh: The Raptor like Gorn are the most commonly seen of the species. They tend to be the ones most likely to travel aboard starships and act as the warrior class of the Gorn race. They are approximately two meters in height and weigh between three hundred and six hundred pounds. As they are bred for war, Ssessekh are born with only vestigial tails.
Russth: The Russth are the ruling class of the Gorn Confederation. Standing shorter than the Raptors at roughly seven feet tall, their weight is comparable to their taller brethren, weighing between four hundred and six hundred pounds. They are the rulers of not only the Gorn Confederation, but can also act as ship Commanding Officers. Their disposition is generally more calm than the warrior class, but if they become angry, they will willingly and joyfully rend flesh from bone; this makes Russth from disgraced clans excellent taskmasters for Lath labourers and enemy prisoners. Unlike the Ssessekh, they have muscular and agile tails.
Lath: Believed to be a subspecies of the Ssessekh, the Lath are the builders and scientists of the Hegemony. Powerfully built like their warrior cousins, they are coloured a ruddy red with black crest hair. They are believed to be the most intelligent of the Gorn species, but are docile and trusting by nature and thus easily led or abused by their more aggressive cousins.
Note: Gorn culture considers procreation or intercouse betweeen different castes as sacrilegious.
Believed to have been formed by the race that seeded the galaxy over four billion years before, they have evolved into a reptilian race similar to that of the ancient dinosaurs on Earth. However, their intelligence and bipedal motion are more like the other humanoid species in the galaxy, disproving the theory that they are related to prehistoric Terran dinosaurs. Having a natural ability with Engineering, they have perfected faster than light travel and are considered superior in the field of warp theory and weapons. Their ships employ similar technology to Federation starships, though they are much larger and less geared towards crew comfort.
In their first contact with the Romulan Star Empire, they were attacked and able to fend off the Romulans, but it left them with a hatred for the warrior race. Only through regular diplomatic overtures, has the Federation been able to maintain a stable relationship with the Gorn. They participated in the First General War to assure the victory of the Federation alliance, but quickly retreated to their own space when the RDC was broken. They also participated in an alliance with the Federation during the Second Romulan War, however, the Gorn never sent any ships into Federation space, reserving their forces to defend their own borders.
Currently the Gorn have withdrawn much of their border fleets since the end of the Borg incursion into Federation space. They continue to keep the lines of communication open with their Federation neighbors, but they are still suspicious of all outsiders.
Their government is a Republic where the citizens vote for their leader and the government works for the will of the Gorn people. Elections are held every decade and all Gorn planets participate in the election process. Their elected officials do not meet with off-worlders and leave all alien negotiations to the diplomatic corps.
Their military hierarchy is comprised mostly of the Ssessekh and Russth who crew the large Gorn warships and military installations as warriors, though the Lath also serve as labourers and medical personnel. They do not have an exploratory ship design as all of their ships are built for battle. Their fleets patrol the Gorn borders and occasionally move into unexplored space in hopes of locating new resources and planets to colonize. Occasionally they will cross into enemy territory, always testing the defenses of those they defend against.
Gorn mythology states that the founders of their species consists of the Mistress of Fertility S'Yahazah and a figure known as the "Great Father". Emphasis would be placed on the Great Egg Bringer S'Yahazah for she saved the young Gorn eggs from being devoured by their father. The Great Father would be banished into space and never be worshiped again.
Ussegssirr was a concept of manifest destiny, one of the basic tenets of the Gorn philosophy. Even before they had attained space travel, the Gorn believed that the strong have the right and the duty to extend their dominion over the weak. It was thus considered wrong for the strong to be limited or denied by the weak.
Among Gorn, there exists a scale coloration which is blue-yellowish. These Gorn are believed to be protected by the Mistress of Fertility for they are nobles and spiritually pure. Those hereditary families that have a large number of blue-yellow scaled Gorn are considered blessed with a symbol of Gorn strength.