Dauntless Mission 07: "Offers You Can't Refuse"

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The mission was meant to be a standard system survey, they never stay that way. It had been over one hundred years since the last survey and some things had changed. A black hole and two stars where a trinary star system had been and a Ferengi mining facility. Sensors detected a large amount of duranium in close proximity to the black hole. The duranium was revealed to be a vessel.

The Captain of the vessel identified it as the ISS Enterprise. A scan of the vessel indicated that a percentage of the ‘crew’ had radiation poisoning and there was a Ferengi onboard. An away team was assembled and after a tricky teleportation we arrived to a Tommy gun welcome. According to their Captain the vessel had left Sigma Iotia II thirteen years after Kirk had been there. The question of the Ferengi ended with one of our Officers being shot, mercifully the Officer was teleported back to the Dauntless before the vessel fell into the black hole.

The vessel came out of the black hole on the edge of the Sigma Iotia system in 2280, followed by the Dauntless. Part of the Away Team found out what the Iotians had done to the Ferengi and it wasn’t pleasant. While the other half attempted to repair the vessel two Ferengi vessels arrived and challenged the Dauntless claiming something about a deal with the Iotians. The situation was further complicated by the black hole started to collapse forcing the Away Team and the Dauntless to abandon the situation.

The Dauntless arrived in what was thought to be the correct time period, only to discover that Starfleet didn’t exist. It was discovered that one of the Ferengi vessels had scanned the Dauntless before it left. There was divided opinion about the best way to resolve the situation. This was eventually resolved by the approach of five unknown vessels. The Dauntless performed the slingshot manoeuvre around one of the suns and arrived in 2267, shortly after the Enterprise had left.

While trying to determine our next move we encountered a vessel of unknown origin. Attempts to communicate fell apart quickly and the vessel was defeated using the Graser. The Graser also removed a small moon which had been orbiting Sigma Iotia II. A minor wavefront passed through the Dauntless and moved us forward in time to a point ten months from when we had left.

We discovered that Sigma Iotia had their own Star Base and had joined the Federation about eight years ago, pretty good for a planet that had been pretty much forgotten about. We might have stopped a Ferengi conspiracy to alter time, but the survey didn’t get very far. I wonder if Star Fleet knows why the Dauntless arrived at Sigma Iotia. Not looking forward to the consequences for firing the Graser, time will tell.

Captain's Logs

Capt Derrick Hiram Ulysses Grant

Star Date 21605.01

Captain’s Log, Star Date 21605.01.

Captain Derrick Grant recording.

Begin log.

After several weeks of surveying this sector we came across what I’m sure the scientists considered to be an amazing discovery. A trinary system, in itself rare, with two powerful stars orbiting a primary which happened to be a black hole. Precariously balanced within this system were a handful of uninhabitable planets, and a large asteroid field.

We began cataloging the system using probes; however, they proved to be inadequate to the task. I had ordered that the ship be prepared for an in-system transit to survey when we received a plea for help from an unknown source within the system.

It took some time and tricky maneuvering but our helm officer, Midshipman Bocin, successfully piloted the ship into the inner system; after modifications by the engineering department in coordination with the science department managed to make the trip survivable by the ship.

What we found was puzzling.

A ship, stuck in orbit of the black hole, which called itself ‘Enterprise’ and had a configuration very close to matching the Constitution-class Enterprise from the mid 23rd century. Its inhabitants referred to it as “ISS Enterprise”, which caused some concern and confusion by my crew as they referred to something called a ‘mirror universe’ containing a hostile Terran Empire. Ships records had some information on this, but there had been nothing like this where I came from—at least so far as I knew.

In any event we found out that the ship was in fact the “Iotian Space Ship Enterprise” and the name Iotian apparently also caused some excitement amongst the crew while they spoke of a planet visited by Captain Kirk in the 23rd century. I had also never heard of this, but it’s no surprise. The longer I spend here the more I find different from ‘home’.

The Iotians requested our support as they had apparently suffered some damage. We prepared and sent an away team over.

And then a few moments later we received a distress from my Chief Engineer, Nator. He requested immediate beam back of the team. I ordered it so, but we were unable to achieve a lock due do what the transporter chief referred to as them being ‘out of phase’. Whatever the hell that means.

And now we’re experiencing some sort of graviton-chronoton anomalies which are buffeting the ship and the Iotians have set course for the black hole itself. I have ordered pursuit. I will not leave our people behind.

I’m not sure what the hell is going on over there, but I won’t leave these people to die. And I won’t let my people go with them wherever they are headed. If they don’t heave to then I may be forced to order we fire upon them to disable their engines.

End log.

Star Date 21608.21

Captain’s Log Star Date 21608.21.

Captain Derrick Grant recording.

Begin log.

It feels like months have passed since my last log. And yet it’s only been an hour or so. Or maybe it’s been a century and a half—into the past and then back to present—so three hundred years? I hate time mechanics. Makes me want to drink. And we all know that doesn’t go well at all.

Since my last log we chased the Iotian Enterprise, with our away team captive, into the past, back to where they started. Once there we found a few surprises. The biggest was that there were two era-appropriate Ferengi cruisers there to greet us. These ships were not capable of even reaching Sigma Iotia, so their presence was at minimum puzzling, and at most result of some greater screwing with the timeline by someone, or something.

But who or what? Did present day Ferengi go back and try to alter the future? Did the Ferengi of that era somehow break the history that I, and my crew, knew and reach that world?

One thing is certain. The Iotians should NOT have had that ship in that time, and the Ferengi didn’t belong there. Okay, so that’s two things. But either way, something is/was/will be wrong. (Damn you time travel!)

So we managed to escape, to return to our present. Or so we thought. Except there is no Star Fleet here. And the Ferengi seem to have spread across the quadrant. And three uncloaked Romulan ships are chasing—or are they escorting?—some sort of Federation/Ferengi hybrid ship nearby. And my crew seems unable to work together to find a way to fix this mess.

Why did I leave the cushy Nova and come here, again? I had it easy there. I could have run the clock there another half-dozen or so years, retired, and lived somewhere with Ariana. But no, I had to come here. I had to get pissed off at Grayson for giving my ship to his wife, and run off to second fleet.

And then get lost in space-time.

That makes me an idiot. Or an *******. Or perhaps both.

Anyway we have a Ferengi ‘guest’ aboard from the Iotian ship. I am hoping he will have some answers. And I’m hoping my science and engineering folks—who by all accounts are the smartest people aboard—can figure this mess out without someone killing someone else in the process. Otherwise I might be the one charging my phaser and shooting people.

Has it really only been an hour or so? It feels like months.

End log.

Captain’s personal log, supplemental:

One light note is I promoted Ensign Zan to Lieutenant Junior Grade and appointed her as Security Chief. I can’t think of a better person for the job. She just needs a bit more confidence in her independence. I also hope she remembers that she needs to talk to personnel about moving her quarters. There is a cabin on deck three waiting for her. No more shared bunking—unless she finds someone she wants to share a bunk with, but that’s none of my concern as long as it doesn’t affect ships business. Not like I can talk since one of the science officers is sleeping in my bed.

End supplemental log.

Star Date 21610.27

Begin Log, Star Date 21610.27.

I hate writing logs. Why can't the computer just parse the internal sensor systems and generate these automatically? Well, computer, why can't you?

This is my final log aboard USS Dauntless as Captain.

  • audible sigh*

We completed the mission, I think. We returned to the past, blew up some future ship that was there, using the graser (thanks to Nator's quick thinking and action!), and somehow returned home, ship intact, but losing several people in the process.

My family is safe and secure, even though Katie just told me she's leaving. Kids grow up so fast. And she doesn't think she wants to go to Star Fleet. She's taking a year on some sort of core system tour to learn what she wants. I trust her. But I may still have her checked up on...

Ariana, Amanda, Kasia, and Ethan, and I will also be starting a new life aboard the USS Pegasus. I had to have 2 sets of quarters merged to fit our family, basically taking the standard Captain's suite and merging it with one of the VIP suites. It's still smaller than we're used to, but it will have to do. Why I got this 'demotion' of sorts I am not sure. The conflict with 4th is over, so I don't know if that's a variable or not.

I guess time will tell...

End log.

Crew Logs

First Officer

Cdr Edward Gregg

Star Date 21603.17

First Officer’s Log – Personal

Stardate 21603.17

A new vessel and some new crew members including a Captain. After all that had happened on the Pegasus keeping the crew together was tricky, though people always need their space. I guess I have some new lessons to learn. It’s been a strange time I’m a First Officer again and this time with a Captain who knows a different me in another universe. It’s hard to tell how much I have in common with the other me.

What would have been a simple planetary survey has been made more intriguing by a few orders of magnitude. First of all there’s a black hole and two stars where three had been. Secondly there’s a Constitution Class vessel stuck in open space. The Captain of the vessel has identified herself as Captain Bela Krako and her vessel as the ISS Enterprise.

My first reaction is concern as interactions with the mirror universe have rarely been pleasant. There had been a period of change. Parallel universes and complicated timelines lead to much confusion. Here’s hoping they’ll be civilised. The Enterprise’s situation is complicated by strong gravitational currents surrounding the vessel. Hopefully once that’s been sorted we can figure out how to get them home.

End log.

Star Date 21607.06

First Officer’s Log - Personal

Stardate 21607.06

About the only plus point from this fiasco was that the ISS Enterprise wasn’t from the Mirror Universe. The rest of the mission was not my proudest moment. Granted if I had just slapped Lieutenant Ward she might not have been shot and why the hell did she bring a knife with her? This mission has also proved that I have no cache with the Engineers of the Dauntless.

In my naive stupidity I thought I could talk the Iotians letting the Away Team help. They didn’t like being talked down to. There had been a few things during the mission that I found irresistibly funny. It didn’t defuse the severity of the situation. Not stunning Captain Krako will also be one of my regrets.

The encounter was weird from the start, between the fact that the ISS Enterprise was time displaced due to an anomaly and whatever had happened after James T. Kirk and the Enterprise left. The Iotians were far from friendly. I would have loved to have examined the anomaly, but the Iotians didn’t seem to think that science was important. If the USS Horizon hadn’t forgotten that damned book the Iotian culture would be exceptionally different. I guess even mobsters have their limits, though I still can’t see how a culture inspired by Chicago mobsters would develop suicide bombers.

The Ferengi in the ‘clinic’ had been treated like a chopping block. The ‘doctor’ had been ordered by Captain Krako to make their prisoner talk. I think they destroyed his translation device thinking that it was a communication device. Definitely a sizable gap between their ears. They even burnt his clothes. Thankfully he’s in the care of the Dauntless’ Sickbay now.

I really need to put this one behind me. I’m not the kind of person to drink himself into oblivion, but it’s feeling bloody tempting.

Encrypt and save.

Star Date 21610.22

First Officer’s Log – Personal and Private

Stardate 21610.22

The anomaly didn’t take us to our home timeline. Based on sensor logs the Ferengi vessel from 2280 used some sort of scanning beam on the Dauntless. This caused the timeline to be altered stranding us in a 2416 where Starfleet wasn’t. A meeting of senior staff was held and we got bugger all agreed on. I made a bad situation worse. I was of the opinion that we could reopen the anomaly to go back and make sure the Ferengi didn’t get away with whatever they had scanned from the Dauntless.

I think I have unresolved issues with Nator 159 from the Away mission. The nearest explanation I can think of is experience versus education. Hermats are generally short lived by Terran time measurement, but they mature at a faster rate. Basically smarter, but I feel this advanced intelligence can make them intolerably smug. In hindsight s/he did have a valid point about using the slingshot manoeuvre, but I don’t recall anyone suggesting a more effective time to travel to.

We might have had time to reopen the anomaly if there hadn’t been a group of vessels headed in our direction. I’d been set on getting information from the Ferengi we had ‘rescued’, but Captain Grant felt I’d be more useful on the Bridge. I had a gut feeling that Nator 159 would be working on the slingshot manoeuvre and it paid off.

The manoeuvre landed the Dauntless in 2267 shortly after the Enterprise left Sigma Iotia II. I thought it would be a case of having a chat with Bela Okmyx and making sure they knew what tricks the Ferengi would be up to. Turns out our ‘guest’ was from somewhere in the future and had been part of a plot to make sure the Ferengi got warp technology ahead of time. He also took his own life than be captured by Starfleet.

Topping the litany of disasters was the discovery of a time ship from an unspecified time hiding behind the moon of Sigma Iotia II. They didn’t appreciate our presence and tried to ‘remove’ the Dauntless. We did fire first, but their weapons bypassed our shields. Nator 159 did something to the sensors and made the vessel look like a Krynar mothership. Captain Grant wasn’t emotionally ready for that and used his command code to activate the Graser.

I hadn’t expected see the Graser in action again and when I considered the situation I was ready to do something I’d sworn never to do again. I knew what the Graser would do to the vessel, but some of the crew weren’t ready. The beam obliterated the ship and because it didn’t shut off quickly enough the moon was also removed. The wavefront from the time ship had an unexpected effect.

The Dauntless was moved from 2267 to 2416. Sigma Iotia II is now part of the Federation. Apparently they built their own star base over 80 years ago. Business must have been good. I wonder how they out did the Ferengi. It’s possibly the only good thing to come out of this mission and all we’d been sent for was a system survey.

This has been my first mission with the crew of the Dauntless and it’s been a heart-scald. I don’t know if I’m seeing flaws in how I work as an Officer or if it’s just a clash of personalities. Either another mission will fix what is broken, if there is anything or prove that I need to figure out a better approach. I need a constructive shore leave. Sitting about reading old books ain’t gonna cut it this time.

Save and encrypt.


CTO LCdr Debbie Prescott

Star Date 21602.02

Chief Tactical Officer’s log Star Date 21602.02 Lieutenant Commander Debbie Prescott recording:

Before returning to the ship, I had a chance to meet the new Captain. I don't really know why Torgh left, but perhaps this is a good sign. Our new Cee-Oh is Derrick Grant.

I'd never really believed that we had personnel from another universe serving in Star Fleet, but I think I'll have to reevaluate my stance. I've heard of Vice Admiral Grant, who was Fourth Fleet’s former commander. Surely, this isn't the same man. It wouldn't make sense, especially since this Grant had defected from Fourth.

That's all beside the point since I don't deceit having any impact against our mission. Dauntless will be using Bravo Gate to travel to system that only been charted by long range probes. It's our job to do a more detailed mapping of the region.

The mission itself should be very straightforward. We’ll be close to the Romulan border, be we’re expecting them to leave us alone. On the off hand we do end up facing a warbird, my staff and I will do everything to keep us afloat, in conjunction with the engineers.

It'll be quiet, but our dealing with the Hera leads to all uncertainty. Civil war possibilities are rising, and there's no telling what could happen to us or what we’ll miss, if anything.

End log.

CTO Lt Acenvar Crystillin

Star Date 21603.17

Security Chief’s Personal Log Star Date: 21603.17 Lieutenant Acenvar Crystillin: Text

I have been preoccupied, referring myself to many Security procedures. Many of the Dauntless’ Security systems are slightly out of date with Security standards. I had an Engineering team give me a report of the Security Office’s. There is a point-six percent power drain, as well as emitter misalignment, and a point-oh-oh-six frequency fluctuation.

This ship was well made however, I can tell it has undergone several renovations and adapted extremely well to them. The only system that would need a major update would be the Computer Core. It might have all the up to date information, however that does not mean that it is physically able to maintain continuous abuse to it.

My current position is somewhat interesting. Our Chief Tactical officer has made her way to the shuttle bay, and left the ship so I am having to fill in. Between Tactical and Security my duties remain very slightly changed. The only major difference between this and my normal duties would be the double in members whom will have to report to me. That should come as no challenge, my job is to read reports and tell the Captain if anything important comes from them.

As for the personal part of this log. The assignment posted before the crew presents several issues. We had assumed correctly that a Constitution-Class, but it was not from this universe. It was an ISS registry. I personally do not feel the eager need to help them, I have heard several stories of their ships relentless attacks on Federation vessels. However this is vessel has lower grade technology compared to the Dauntless. We are receiving a new transmission.

End Log.

Star Date 21608.17

Chief Tactical Officer’s Log- Personal Stardate: 21608.17 Text Only, Main Tactical Console.

The current situation is an interesting one. While the possibility of getting back into our current timeline is unclear, the probability of it happening is the same as it not working. The new officer we acquired from the Academy is an interesting one. I read her background before I was reassigned to Tactical. I do remember her from the Academy. Allie introduced me to her after they had meet during class.

The Dauntless’ senior crew is having internal conflict it seems. I may not understand the complexity of emotions, but I do understand how people may not understand each other. For a moment there could have been a chance of an.... Incident within the observation lounge. Lieutenant Commander Nator is a very smart Hermat, but they have a certain amount of sass I believe is the word they would use. Nator in junction with our First Officer make a bad mixture.

[Personal Log Pause- Three-point-two-minutes.]

The three vessels on sensors have been correctly identified. However the last vessel has an interesting transponder code. I am unsure of what it really is. The computer recognizes it as a Ferengi vessel, but as the Midshipman pointed out it has many similiarities to Federation class starships. In fact is almost have more similiarities to Federation starships then it does to Ferengi vessels.

The crew’s emotional integrity seems find. I am no doctor, but I have spent a lot of time around Humans and other species. There are usually signs of distress in these type of situations. Bocin is the only one that seems a little shaken up.

[End Log]

Star Date 21610.25

Chief Tactical Officers Log Stardate 21610.25 Lieutenant Acenvar Crystillin, USS Dauntless, Recording:

The Dauntless’ mission in summary has been completely void, and required much fewer resources the the Dauntless’. The transport was successful although we ran into a major blockage during the transition. Major might not even be the adequate word to describe such events which transpired.

We encountered a hiccup in the timeline. An anomaly. We encountered a gravimetric distortion and approached it, only to find out that it was the ISS Enterprise, the Iotian counterfeit of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701. I was not aboard the away party, but from overhearing the communications it seems as if the initial beam over wasn’t greeted to kindly. Our away team located and beamed over a captured Ferengi, and fixed their fusion drive.

Our medical team healed and revived the Ferengi whom was apparently deformed. It turned out that the Ferengi was from the future. We traveled back in time again to the point that the Future Ferengi vessel had begun their insertion. This was after the Ferengi hostage committed suicide.

We tried to communicate with the Ferengi vessel, we tried scanning it, and we tried to disable it. All attempts failed. We opened fire on the vessel, but it seems their advanced plating is more Borg like in technology. It opened fire on the USS Dauntless. The neck hull took the most damage with several decks compromised. Casualties remained minimal. Midshipman Bocin used the Graser weapon which was somehow still installed aboard the Avenger Class Cruiser, and with a sensor screen we destroyed the Ferengi vessel, and unfortunately the Iotian moon.

The destruction of the Iotian moon was unfortunate; as well as our casualties. It would either be us or them, there would be no inbetween. If the Graser weapon was not installed the Dauntless would be destroyed along with all hands. The Ferengi’s were plotting to destroy the entire Federation and change the known quadrant. Their ship’s design was interesting, it was a mixture between the Federations saucer design as well as the Ferengi’s. I hope this will be brought up in future conferences with the Ferengi. If they are plotting to destroy the Federation we will need to be prepared in near future.

End Log


CE LCdr Nator 159

Star Date 21604.10

[Chief Engineer's Log LCdr NATOR 159 Recording Stardate 21604.10 encrypt#lvl3#deptcommandplus#]

The Dauntless has entered what is essentially an extended shakedown cruise, and has held up well so far. All systems have been answering green or within expected maintenance timeline failures, and there was nothing that taxed the Engineering staff on the journey out.

The ship received a distress call from an Iotian vessel (sensor data and communication transcript attached [here]) trapped far too low in the gravity well of a singularity. How it got here at all is a mystery, but irrelevant at the moment. The Dauntless has moved in for rescue operations. (predictions of time dilation magnitude [here], projected hull stress against current structural integrity [here]).

Unfortunately, as part of our transporter tests to ensure we can maintain a stable ACB in this environment, two officers were critically injured in the shuttlebay - one died. A damage control and assessment team is currently examining the wreck of the runabout (preliminary damage report [here], resource allocation for repair [here], casualty list [here]).

I have assigned (and joined) an away party of engineers for the sortie over to the Iotian ship. We plan to enact repairs of their ship and help them escape their predicament.

Personal objections and suspicions of Iotians' intent [here].

End log.

Star Date 21607.06

[Chief Engineer's Log LCdr NATOR 159 Recording Stardate 21607.06 encrypt#lvl3#deptcommandplus#]

The away mission met with little-to-mixed success. In terms of our stated aims, at least in terms of the engineering part of the objective, it was almost a complete failure. We helped the Iotian ship home, after a fashion, but their engines remain under their own care and their radiation problem remains their own. Had we been able to beam a full crew to the 'Enterprise', things might have been different. However, circumstances conspired against that, and the scale of the task was beyond the abilities of two engineers. (Tricorder scans of Iotian reactor and damage [here], accumulated radiation curves and dosage [here]).

Lieutenant Ward (file [here]) was shot in the abdomen upon our arrival aboard the Iotian vessel. The crew also threatened the rest of the away team with similar treatment if our tools were not surrendered along with any weapons and our meek cooperation in fixing their ship for them. If we were unable, Captain Krako casually mentioned taking the Dauntless as a prize instead. I declined vigorously, as did Ensign Daudrick (file [here]). The ensign was beaten for his trouble.

Commander Gregg (file [here]) not only failed to adequately negotiate for a guarantee of our safety, but barely expressed any displeasure at the attempted murder of a member of his crew. In fact, the only reproach he offered was based on the fact that Ward is female. Gender politics with binary races is hardly a strong suit of mine, but this doesn't mesh with any behaviour I have yet witnessed from any other civilised human. When I pointed this out - argued with him, in fact, after refusing to aid their crew without such a guarantee of safety, in full view of the Iotian bridge crew and in violation of [these] regulations - he had some sort of nervous conniption and stripped off half his uniform while giggling to himself.

Expressing a refusal to venture on any away mission with him again would be, I suspect, pointless. I doubt he'd offer.

The situation was de-escalated (somehow) and our various teams were graciously allowed to do the job we'd arrived to perform. No real headway was made below decks, however, before news came of the closing of the anomaly (time lapse scans [here]).

The Dauntless itself seems to have held up surprisingly well to the abuses of the local environment. I have scheduled an extra hull sweep for our next visit to Bravo, just in case.

End log.

Star Date 21611.09

[Chief Engineer's Log LCdr NATOR 159 Recording Stardate 21611.09 encrypt#lvl3#deptcommandplus#]

Timeline restored, at length.

The Dauntless warp-slingshotted around a nearby main sequence star (galactic coordinates and spectral class [here]) in order to return to Sigma Iotia II at or before their receipt of intervention from some other relative-future organisation. Just as we arrived, the USS Enterprise (under Kirk, not Krako, sensor record and visual capture [here]) was leaving. She was unaware of our presence.

In orbit of the planet, occluded by a moon, was a ship built of a technology base presumably some tens of years ahead of subjective-current Federation standard (silhouette and available signature readings [here]). This ship did not identify itself and threatened us to leave.

A ship-to-ship combat ensued (initial damage reports [here]), during which I managed to enable the reactivation of the ship's graser (details of spoof and suggestions for improvements to counterintrusion software [here]). The enemy ship and the moon behind it were caught in the beam's effect, and were utterly destroyed (loss of life, ship by ship [here]).

A temporo-spatial phenomenon (chronometric scans [here]) returned us to our subjective present, all damage to prime timeline seemingly undone. The structural damage to the Dauntless was also repaired in this event. How... I am unsure.

I am looking forward to shoreleave.

End log.

Lt JG Felix Dote

Star Date 21603.19

Personal Log, Lieutenant Junior Grade Felix Dote reporting. Stardate 21603.19

I have been asked by our new chief engineer to perform something tantamount to a miracle. She-slash-he wants us to transport people. When we are close to a gravitational singularity. Emitting chromatic interference. *Sigh*. Needless to say, the challenges to this will be extreme, as well as the risks. I am running further simulations with a cobbled-together solution of mine, unlike nothing I ever tried before. I swear, if this does not kill Robin from the pure envy she would have at seeing me do this type of work, nothing would. *Chuckle*

Right now, I am with William. The new guy who got transferred aboard. He is pretty decent so far, although he does seem... a bit insubordinate. No, scratch that, I am sure he is pretty insubordinate; not to me, though. Heck, he is pretty friendly towards me, and has even offered to help me in any way he could at some point or the other. However, I cannot disregard the possible conflict between him and Nator. Their relation is like a coal mine filled with explosive gases, and all it will take is one spark to set them both off. To that regard, it seems I am against my will a sort on "intermediator" between the two: Nator more or less seems satisfied in my performance, and Will seems to be a lot more at ease with me than with hir, at least.

Now, though, is not the time to be playing team-building exercises and sharing stories around the campfire. There is an unknown vessel somewhere out there, and we have to find a foolproof way to ensure nothing wrong happens. Or at least, mitigate the damage that will come when things go inevitably wrong.

End log.

Ens William Thaddeus Daudrick

Star Date 21608.16

Ensign William Thaddeus Daudrick's Personal Log Stardate 21608.16

[There is a series of loud bangs and a constant low humming sound in the background of the audio]

Blasted thing to hell!.. Oh it's recording... Bloody finally...

Well I thought, "Hey, I'm sittin' 'ere in Engineerin', doin' **** all... so I may as well spew some details on the pile-ah **** away team mission"

Before this whole thing blew up in our faces; I was with my mate Dote. He was blabbing about transporters for a bit and I remembah sayin' how goin' to a damn ancient toaster by a ******* ******* blackhole was a bad idea. Anyone listen: no.

So 'ere I am. Gettin' my radiation booster to hop aboard the transportah. The transport itself ends up being a one-way ride through a zillion needles. It lasted ages and I sincerely thought my atoms were gonna splattah throughout space. After ages of agony, we plop into the middle of this crappily modeled starship.

Before we even start repairing anything, mind you we did NOTHING to **** these ******* off, they aim their ******* pistols in our faces and demand all of our gadgets. Some lady cut herself and got shot, I tried to knock one of the main ******** only to get some major bruises... In my defense they had guns, I had fists.

It took a long while before things settled and even so we barely got anything fixed before we were beamed aboard the Intrepid. Screw all the ******* Iotians.

[Another clang resonates in the background of the recording]

Guess I should check that out, or just tell someone to because I can't be bothered...

End Log.

Star Date 21610.24

Personal Log Stardate 21610.24 Will Daudrick recording.


Well... How may I start this. The mission was already described in my previous log report, but to a lesser degree. Since then, a bit more has happened, most of which I can't recall...

After my return, I retired for a well deserved hiatus in Ten Forward. Dealing with the whole Iotian mess had my nerves on edge in more way then one so I thought, "The Hell, why not?". After a proper deal of time off, I made my way to Engineering to assume my post.

I was stationed to manage the calibration of the nacelles according to my rotation schedule, but I'm not entirely sure if I managed to assume that post. My memory sort of hazes from Engineering straight to Cargo Bay. I can only assume that in the exchange with an enemy ship I was knocked out some way or another and was sent to Cargo Bay for some reason or another I can't quite recall. Suffice to say it was completely and utterly professional my reasons for going to Cargo Bay, even though I don't quite remember the terms.

After catching up on some rest, I read through some mission reports for the ship and found that we managed to squeeze through a temporal anomaly, time jump using some sort of slingshot method to reset some sort of temporal fluke by disintegrating an advanced enemy ship using a very destructive "graser" device.... Quite a bit I missed but at least everything seems to be flying fine now.

I think the ships next destination is Bravo after some time around the Iotian home planet but to hell with beaming down. I've had my tasteful fill of Iotian company to last me four lifetimes....

I suppose now I should report to the Chief with some explanations: primarily that I was incapacitated from an injury sustained from some cross fire exchange, but that can wait. I want to gain some more headway on my portable synthahol replicator. Just need to get my hands on some less ****ty circuit boards and figure out how to make a small enough battery that functions to successfully replicate but still has practical portable use.... More on that later.

End Log.


COS Lt JG Serran Zan

Star Date 21604.15

Personal Log. Stardate 21604.15. Serran Zan recording.

Well my first trip out on the USS Dauntless has been pretty standard so far. Bridge duty was interesting though, and interesting seeing how different crew perform, including my new CO, Captain Grant.

He seems a little more laid back than Captain Tokat that I was with on the Pegasus and Ticonderoga, but then Tokat was vulcan so that would make almost anyone seem laid back by comparison.

So anyhoo, the Dauntless is out in a sector that hasn't been charted for a long time. No wonder either as there's nothing interesting to chart. Nothing until we find a starship out here that is. A starship caught by a singularity. We have to go help right?

Turns out the ship is the ISS Enterprise, with the appearance of an old Constitution Class Federation starship, but built by Iotians. These people seem to have developed a civilisation modeled on some old period of Earth's history thanks to a book left behind by someone on the USS Enterprise back in the time of Captain Kirk.

Confused yet? I sure am.

Is it safe to get close to that singularity? Science and the engies seem to think so, but we're going to beam on over to see what the situation is. The Iotian captain sounds... strange, and doesn't seem to understand much of what is going on. He said something that implied that they had been in a firefight with some Ferengi, but we can't find any trace of Ferengi ships in the area. On our Bridge there was talk of time travel and mirror universes but I'm not sure I'll believe any of that until I see it for myself. I'd rather not though.

I'm heading off to the Transporter Room now to meet with Commander Gregg and the rest of the personnel chosen for the Away Team. I'm kind of excited and curious to see these Iotians and their starship which looks like Star Fleet on the outside but is something else on the inside. I wonder if the Iotians are the same?

Gotta be cautious too though. This could be a trap. My research suggested that their tech level is quite behind our own, and their weapons the same. Doesn't make them any less dangerous potentially.

It looks like I'm the ranking security officer on this team, with three others from my department along for the ride too. There's supposed to be high levels of radiation over there so we have med team and engineers along to see what they can fix up. I don't know for sure but I think Captain Grant is considering bringing all of the Iotians off their ship and onto the Dauntless for safety and treatment. I'd better get a good understanding of their threat level while I'm over there, see what we'd be bringing here.

To be honest I've been thinking about my last Away Mission a lot. There are similarities I can't ignore with this situation we have now. Starship in distress, spatial anomalies and singularities, try to rescue a crew from another time... I had to get a shuttle working to get our team off the last ship just so we could get back to the Pegasus. I don't know if these Iotians have invented shuttle craft yet so I really hope we don't lose transporter lock!

Wish us luck. Peace out.

End log.

Star Date 21608.19

Personal Log. Stardate 21608.19. Serran Zan recording.

Well today has been eventfull I suppose. Most of the day was taken up by a senior staff meeting in the Observation Lounge. The Captain wanted a situation report and a plan of action. From what I could understand of all the science and engineering technobabble, the Dauntless has travelled through time into a future - or present, or... oh I hate time travel. Where we are is not where we should be however, or things are not how they should be, how we remember them. History was altered, most likely by our actions when helping the Iotians but removing their prisoner to our own ship. Moving back to what should be our time with this Ferengi seems to have caused the timeline to be changed. To put things straight we have to take him back... and that was what the meeting was all about. I think.

To be honest the meeting was an eye opener, as the Terrans say. I hadn't expected so much bickering and borderline insubordination and disrespect from senior officers - and in the presence of their commanding officer too!

I'd like to think that it was all down to the stress of the situation that we find ourselves in. But surely getting through such things should bring people together?

Everything I learned from my parents, from mother, tell me I should try to bridge the gap and ease matters, but is that realistic? Zan's last host was an ambassador, a negotiator, so I suppose I feel I should mediate... I know we don't all have to like each other to work with each other, but it sure helps right?

Something to think about, especially given my promotion.

Oh yes. I was promoted today. I am now Lieutenant junior grade, again, but in a different department from before. And what's more... I am now head of that department too. I am now officially a senior officer; Chief of Security. Which means I have a lot of work to do now.

Also means I have to go to more of those damn meetings.

End log.

Star Date 21609.09

Personal Log. Stardate 21609.09. Serran Zan recording.

I've finally gotten a break to record this log entry, but I've only got a minute. All hell is about to break out I expect. I don't know when I'll get chance for another log.

Okay, quickly, here's what's been happening...

The Ferengi that the Away Team brought back from the Iotian starship known as the ISS Enterprise has died.

We rescued him from abusive captors, that's for certain, the Iotians had tortured him for information, cutting off one of his ears. Our medical staff managed to fix that, getting him intact and conscious for our own questioning. Since we brought him to our ship, and since the Dauntless returned to our own time through the singularity, nothing in 'our' time is right. We must have messed up the timeline by bringing this Ferengi, Nark, he called himself, back with us.

While we had thought he was a victim of Iotian brutality, what we learned from him when Captain Grant questioned him made us think that the Ferengi were at the source of the whole situation after all. They were using the Iotians. The Iotians had gotten a warp drive from the Romulans, then the Ferengi traded it from them. They had a plan to travel back in time to destroy the Federation, enabling the Ferengi to rise to a position of power instead.

Nark managed to commit suicide before any more information could be gleaned from him. The Captain had wanted me to put him in the brig, but instead he's going to the morgue.

Quite what that means for us now I don't know... but the Bridge tell us that there are four unidentified starships heading in our direction.

I'm heading up to take the Bridge station now. On a side note, I sent a couple of security officers down to Engineering to apprehend an officer apparently drunk on duty. Of all times to be drunk! Then again, a fix like this one may well drive people to drink, but I haven't got the time!

End log.

Star Date 21610.22

Chief Security Officer's Log. Stardate 21610.22. Lieutenant junior grade, Serran Zan recording.

The mission, I am told, is over, as in we have patroled the sector and mapped out the parts that haven't been looked at since the last Federation ship out this way some years back. The Dauntless is currently docked at Star Base Iota, and the crew is allowed a brief period of Shore Leave while we take stock of the events in this part of the sector, and the encounter with agents unknown from another time, we surmise, a time far in the future.

To summarise the participation of the Security department in this encounter, I would say that direct involvement was only during the detail included in the Away Team that beamed over to the ISS Enterprise and 'prisoner' interview that followed. The Dauntless crew briefly attempted to assist the Iotian crew to repair their ship and get it out of the gravity well of a singularity. During the Away Mission one member of the crew was injured, shot with a projectile weapon by one of the Iotian crew at the orders of their captain. He wanted to make a point to coerce the Dauntless to hand over technology that would advance their culture. Naturally the captain and crew of the USS Dauntless did not comply.

Back on board our own ship the Security department followed usual procedures to patrol and prepare for incursion or other hostile encounter with the Iotians or anyone else.

The Away Team, of which I was a member, brought back a Ferengi that the Iotians had been keeping prisoner. He had been tortured and beaten for information. I and Midshipman Ward assisted the medical staff in getting him to Sickbay, and maintained a detail there for the duration.

Once the medical team had treated his injuries, which included reattaching an ear I believe, Captain Grant wished to interview him in person. I attended the interview. The Ferengi provided enough information for the Captain to realise there were other agents at work in this scenario that we had not yet encountered. Unfortunately the Ferengi activated a chemical and committed suicide before I or any of the medical staff could prevent it. He was pronounced deceased.

I won't pretend to comprehend the technical details of the events that took the Dauntless back and forth through time, merely understanding that we had done something to change the timeline once we got back to our own time. So back we went again to try to put things right, only to arrive at Sigma Iota II in the past again to be outmatched and out gunned by a huge warship that seemed to be from a future further on from our own timeline.

I prepared the Security department for possible shipborne incursion, but this did not occur, thankfully. There were injuries and personnel lost through ship-to-ship combat with the future warship, some from most sectors of the crew including some of our own.

Captain Grant resolved the battle with the unidentified warship by using a weapon I am unfamiliar with. It was certainly very effective, disintegrating the huge warship instantly, along with a small moon orbiting Sigma Iota II.

The battle over, the Captain ordered a stand down from Red Alert and arranged Shore Leave at the starbase which appeared in orbit of the planet once the timelines resolved. We are back in our own timeline, and apparently everything is back the way it should be.

I suppose the appropriate Terran phrase would be 'only time will tell.'

End log.

Star Date 21610.22

Personal Log. Stardate 21610.22. Serran Zan recording.

I've been in my Quarters maybe for half an hour after the memorial for the lost crew. I know this isn't the first time I've seen one of these, but it gets to me every time.

My new role as Chief of Security makes me keep my emotions in check during the ceremony, show strength to the other officers and all that.

Back here in my own room though I had a little cry.

We have a little Shore Leave now, but I don't feel like going down to the planet. Not like me I know. Space boomers like us always like to set foot on solid ground to do the tourist thing. Not this time. I think I've had enough of the Iotians for a while. They may be really nice people - now - but the bunch we met on the ISS Enterprise from some time in the past were hard to get along with to say the least.

I'll stay on the ship then. I still have a lot to take in with my new position, a whole department to organise every day now. I don't mind though, it will keep my mind occupied. I might try to socialise, see if that lifts my mood any. I can't say that this crew have been easy to get along with either so far. Star Fleet duty being what it is, and the fact I've never been on board one ship for longer than one mission it's hard to make friends. Maybe I'll be reassigned again, now with my promotion and new position?

I do hope we get more Shore Leave once the Dauntless returns to more civilised space though. This mission and the people we lost, the families here on board, it all makes me miss my own family. I want to see mom and dad, even if they will give me a hard time for not following the family business and all that again. They are still my family. I miss them.

I can feel the tears coming again. Maybe I should let it all out for a while, then I can put on the mask for duty and my next shift. Gotta find a way to at least look like the rough tough Security Chief, right?

End log.


CSO LtZephyr Praise

Star Date 21610.21

Chief Science Officer's Log Lieutenant Zephyr Praise Stardate 21610.21

This was my first mission as both Chief of Science and on this ship. I'm not even sure how I fully feel about the mission as a whole. It was definitely something that will stay with me for a long time. Though, at the very least, there was no true adverse effects on me. I wasn't mentally assaulted this time so.. baby steps.

Captain Grant promoted me to the Chief of Science before the mission truly began. It was a bit of a surprise and .. I'm really proud to hold the mantle. I've had amazing teachers and Commanders in my past.

I was surprised when the Captain put me in charge of the Bridge several times during the mission while he took care of business in the Ready room. I can only hope that I made him proud.

The mission was.. definitely crazy. We found a ship, the USS Enterprise and followed it through an anamoly. Only to end up with an away team and us trying to figure out what we were doing. We needed to ge back to our own time, the anamoly was quickly closing. It was a race but we barely made it in time.

Only, we changed the past.

Of course we did, you can't.. sneeze in the past without effecting everything around it. Suddenly, someone gets sick, or .. someone ends up sliping and dying, who knows. So we brought a Ferengi back on board with us and the whole time line got totally thrown for a loop. Suddenly, we're in danger. The Ferengi are super high tech and all of it is just wrong.

It was bad.

We knew we had to fix it. The Federation didn't even seem to exist. It was chaos.

We went into a meeting and all we did was fight. The Doctor left a really bad taste in my mouth. I haven't forgiven her yet for her nasty comments. Nothing, at all was decided. But, Nator and I agreed the slingshot method which had.. worked once on the enterprise was our best option.

We left, with no answers, no decision, so Nator and I decided to go with it. We pulled Lt. Ward in, and got her physics expertise. With Crystillin and Bocin we decided to roll it and .. and it worked.

I'm .. I'm really proud of us.

It wasn't easy, we had ships hunting us down. It was close, I reprogrammed a probe to act like us long enough so we could perform the manuever. We went back, and we were confronted by a large ship that was super high tech. My sensors worked at first and then they were bounced right back like.. it had some kind of reflective plating.

We tried to talk to them, they told us to stand down or get shot. Then.. something crazy happened. The ship looked Krynar. The Captain went crazy. He lost.. his resolve. In a way I can understand, but in a way I cannot. I don't know the horrors of the Krynar that he experienced. But, I do know how bad they can be. I.. had my own flashbacks during the mission.

We fired a weapon I didn't even know that the Dauntless had, thanks to the hacking job of Nator and boom.. the .. the... *her breath hitches softly* the ship just disappeared. The gun wasn't done though, it also went through a moon. Everything was gone.

The Bridge shook and we were back. Back to our time line. Back to things being right. But at the cost of so many lives. I know that it was them, or us. I know, logically, rationally, it had to be done. It was very hard on me though.

I.. went to Crystillin's place. I had to .. get my emotions out. I had to, or I was going to erode and I couldn't deal with it easily. So I went, and vented, and I feel more at ease, more accepting, and Im excited for our next mission.

Captain Grant is amazing. I miss Tyra.. and Jenny.. and by the Gods I miss Ethan more than I can say. but I love this new crew, I can't wait to make them part of my family.

I'd like to get to know Ward better. I hope that in the future I can.

I can't think of anything else to say. So... there we go.

End Log

LtZoey Ward

Star Date 21608.08

Lieutenant Ward's Personal Log Stardate 21608.08

I... am an idiot.

Oh dear god am I an idiot. The last mission is probably going to give the Captain justification to toss me out of the fleet, if not out an airlock. I totally lost it on the mission and thought I'd psych out a bunch of guys with guns pointed at me. I wasn't thinking. I should have been. I should have known what happens when people with guns want something you have.

I'm going to have nightmares for weeks, probably. I can already feel them in the back of my mind, whispering the horrible words again. The ones where I watch papa getting cut in half and trying to hold in his... his...

[Audio playback continues while the sound of vomiting in the background, followed by sobbing]

[Audio gain raised due to low voice] I shouldn't be like this. I'm an officer, damn it! I shouldn't be crying like a baby.

[Sobbing continues for several more minutes.]

[Sniff] I need to s-send a message home. I miss everyone so much. ****!

[Several bangs, as if beating on a console]

Ow... th-the pain feels better... I don't deserve to be on this ship... everyone's so much braver than me. I'm just a stupid little girl.

[Silence for three minutes, twenty two seconds, before log is ended manually.]


CMO Lt Samantha Rae Fritz

Star Date 21611.5

Chief Medical Officer's Log Stardate 21611.5

I'm not sure where to even start. Logically, one would start at the beginning... but this mission had to do with time travel, so everything gets really confusing at the end. End point is: we lost a fraction of the crew, and are now authorized to start Shore Leave on Starbase Iotia. In addition, the Dauntless crew -most of her, as I'm to believe- is being moved to another starship. Whether it be fallout from the 'Civil War' or simply admirals moving paperwork around, who's to know – it certainly isn't the Senior Staff.

I'm not sure how much of this will be redacted.

I beamed over to an Iotian ship with the Away Team, where the First Officer, the Chief Engineer, myself, and another crewmember clashed. The crewmember, whom I do not want to name in official logs, was injured, and the First Officer... did not handle things in a way everyone agreed with. The Iotians took the Away Team hostage, where we discovered another hostage they held: a Ferengi.

By the time we were returned to the Dauntless, it was uncertain where and when the Ferengi was from. The Iotian ship was pulled into some sort of quantum singularity, the Dauntless going with it. Now the Away Team was back on the ship, but both ships were in an improper timeline – the past? Maybe? Everything was skewed. Captain Grant attempted to conduct an... interview... in my Sickbay, after my team repaired all the torture the Iotians had reaped on the man. The minute Grant left the room, the Ferengi committed suicide. I took him down to the morgue to conduct an autopsy, but the ship was then under attack.

Crew began pouring into my Sickbay, and I do wonder what Captain Grant was up to on the Bridge. We had had a Senior Staff meeting, which was almost as disastrous as the Away Team, and it was decided how the crew were going to try and get the ship back to our proper timeline. By the time the ship stopped shaking, and patients had stopped pouring in to be triaged... there was a ship-wide announcement about Shore Leave. On a Starbase that hadn't existed before all of this.

I wish I could say time-travel negated all the injuries, all the fatalities. But I've still got a full Sickbay. And a full morgue. And a dead Ferengi that Starfleet medical is going to want to get their hands on.

End Log.

Lt JG Aethelwulf Von Brandt

Star Date 21603.08

Medical Officer's Personal Log Star Date: 21603.08 Lieutenant Junior Grade Aethelwulf Von Brandt recording:

Huh... First log on board this tiny ship.... It's not the Ontedekking that's for sure.Only Medical and Science have scientific degrees. Not even half the officers have a scientific degree.

I did a minor surgery on a Bajoran crew member. He kept on complaining about how he didn’t trust me because I wasn’t already on the ship. Little things like this have been happening every once in awhile. I understand this of course. Spending several years on board the Endeavour as the counselor taught me some things. Huh, we had a few people confine to their quarters for several hours because the air ventilators were a tad off, minor allergies. Nothing really exciting for me to do here yet. Although we did set off a few days ago and detected life signs. They might be in need of major medical attention. We don’t know this yet.

In other news. I just talked with my mother... ssss. Iris is doing fine with her whole house rituals and such. Sissy says she still is as needy as ever. I haven’t seen Gale in a few years, but from what Lil’ Iris says is he will be temporarily transferring on the Dauntless until his ship is repaired. That will be interesting to see him for a while. Agh. This human coffee! I need to get use to it! Well... I need to continue my work here. Computer, bring up files Aethelwulf-Sigma-3-Medical. Oh, and Computer End Log.