Arik Soong

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Arik Soong was a brilliant genetic doctor during the 22nd century, and is often looked upon as infamous.

Unlike many others, Soong believed that it was wrong to abandon genetic engineering. Though the Eugenics Wars were a very dark mark on Humanity's history, Soong believed that
altering one's genetics would not unequivocally cause them to turn out like Khan Noonien Singh. His argument hinged on the belief that it was not the technology that was the issue, but
instead Humanity's ability to use to wisely.

Dr. Soong and his "children"

While stationed at Cold Station 12 as the Senior Medical Director, Soong stole an uncounted number of Augment embryos. He made his own alterations to the embryos, and raised them as his own children. Soong was captured in 2144, and jailed for his many crimes against humanity, though he tried to escape many times.

In 2154, he was "volun-told" by Captain Archer to assist Starfleet when Soong's children stole a Klingon vessel, killing the crew on board. When the Enterprise confronted the Augment children, they made the mistake of bringing them on board. One child took the Captain hostage, while the others released their "father" from the brig. Escaping on the Klingon ship together, scientist and Augments fled back to Cold Station 12, with the mission of retrieving more Augment embryos.

Unfortunately, Soong and one of the Augments, who had become the children's leader while Soong was gone, did not agree on how to liberate the 1,000 embryos. Soong had planned on a peaceful takeover of the station, and when personnel were killed in the process, he realized the children's true intentions. Once they had taken the station, the Augments planned to fire torpedoes, loaded with pathogens, at a Klingon colony, in the hopes of stating a war between the Humans and the Klingon Empire. When they learned their father disagreed with them, Soong was subsequently confined to quarters. Only one Augment helped Dr. Soong to escape, with his escape pod being picked up by the Enterprise. Not wanting to see his children commit mass murder, he then agreed to assist Captain Archer in stopping them. Unfortunately, the leader of the children set the Klingon ship to self-destruct, beaming over just before he destroyed his own kind. After attempting to murder Soong, Archer shot and killed the boy, finalizing the death of all of Soong's "children."

Dr. Soong then returned to prison on Earth, vowing to give up his work on genetic studies. He took up the field of artificial life instead, paving the way for his descendants, namely Noonian Soong.

During his time in prison, Soong also recorded theories on how to cure "Sharat Syndrome," as well as ideas regarding how to improve the Human visual spectrum by around five percent.