Antares Class

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The Antares-Class can be a reference to either the Federation -type starship, or the Bajoran -type starship. Both are listed below.

Federation Class

Federation Class Antares

The Antares class cruiser is a starship type operated by civilians, and so served many purposes.

A warp-capable freighter, it was in operation from the 22nd century and continued to be in service through the mid-24th century, with some being constructed at the Luna Shipyards.

These vessels could operate with a crew complement of twelve, were protected by standard deflector shields, and were often known to be equipped with antiquated Mark V transporters.

Often used as cargo ships, the Antares class was capable of hauling a variety of freight, including deuridium, inertium ore, unstable biomatter, duridium ore, and dilithium.
Other cargo was commonly various types of supplies, moreoften medical, and a variety of material stipulated by contract.

Most Antares-class vessels are approximately 270 meters in length, or just over 885 feet.

Bajoran Class

Bajoran Class Antares

A carrier vessel used by both Bajorans and Cardassians as transports, and freighters.
During (and after) the Occupation of Bajor, they were also used as low-capability warships.

Bajorans frequently used these types of carriers to make routine stops at Deep Space 9, transporting both Bajoran civilians and government officials alike.

Specifications between ships of the varied depending on age and operation.

Older Anteres vessels were well-maintenance by the Bajoran people and were still in service. The older vessels had a maximum speed of half-impulse, and lacked any visual communication capacity.

The newer vessels were warp capable, and were sometimes equipped with multiple holodecks, as well as lifeboats.

The Bajoran-type vessel was visually recognizable by its elongated conical hull, wich appeared like a triangle from above and below.