Olsen, Beka

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Beka Olsen
Beka Olsen.png
Career Occupation
Chief of Security
USS Yeager, FSC-28018
Biographical Attributes
1/2 Ktarian, 1/2 Human
170 cm (5 ft. 7 in.)
63.5 kg (140 lb.)
Eye Color:
Dark green
Hair Color:
Short – chin length
Very athletic
Light tanned with freckles.
Facial Hair:
Smooth with a slight drawl on certain words
United Federation of Planets
Graceland Colony
Familial Relationships
Robert Olsen
Maria Olsen
Status of Parents:
Her parents are alive and well. They still work for the aid organization and spend most of their time going from assignment to assignment.
Mateo, 5 (Bajoran), Anthony, 20 (Human), B’ari, 26 (Klingon), Marissa, 26 (Human), Braden, 29 (Betazoid), Triv, 35 (Vulcan/Human)
Marital Status:

Personal History

Early Years

Not much is known about Beka’s early years. She was found abandoned at the age of 3 by aid workers during the horrific series of natural disasters that befell the Graceland Colony. The colony was absolutely decimated with most of its residents and all known records destroyed. Her name came from a necklace she was wearing, but beyond that, her heritage and her minor injuries, nothing was discovered about the first 3 years of her life. Most things were either created or assumed.

Adoption and Subsequent Life

Shortly after being discovered, she was taken in officially by one of the aid workers that found her and her husband, who also worked with the organization. They already had a very diverse family comprised of one biological daughter and two adopted children. As the years passed, this grew to include two biological children and five adopted children, including Beka.

Because of her parents’ profession, Beka didn’t have a very consistent home life or even a place to really call home. They shifted from one ship to another while her parents responded to one crisis or another and were taught by a personal tutor while on the ship. It allowed for Beka to learn things quickly, but it also isolated her from children her own age, except her own siblings. One benefit of traveling frequently was that she was able to pick up a variety of languages as they went.

When she was older, she was allowed to help with crisis response. To begin with, she helped with the engineering aspects, learning how to make do with the available resources while trying to set up communication systems and restore some sort of power to an effected area. Eventually, she was allowed to help with the medical aspect, where her mother worked. However, it quickly became apparent that she had a very small tolerance for blood in a clinical setting. From there, she was allowed to actually help with rescue operations, first by just helping to carry supplies and then, in her teens, actually being allowed to help perform operations.


By her later teens, Beka already knew that she had no desire to follow the path of her adoptive parents or the siblings that had followed them. She enjoyed the work and she loved helping others, but it was such an unstructured environment that often lacked the resources and training needed to succeed. It was frustrating to say the least, and she’d seen how much of a toll the instability and often depressing surroundings had on her family.

With the assistance of her older brother Braden, who had pointed her towards Starfleet, she was accepted into the Academy at 17. At first, she had been inclined to major in something new, but familiarity won out, as did a desire to help others. At least with Starfleet, she knew that there was some level of structure and stability even in utter chaos. She also decided to study linguistics as a minor, which fit with one of her interests.

After graduating in the top quarter of her class, she was assigned to SBA as a member of their emergency response team. She worked closely with both medical personnel and engineers during the year she was there. She fine-tuned the basic skills she’d acquired in both areas in childhood while there.

However, after a year, she decided that she wanted to be closer to what family she had, who were currently working on Acamar. The closest she could get was the 4th fleet, and upon transfer, she was assigned to the USS Yeager as a security officer.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Security Tactics, Emergency Response
Academy Minor(s): Linguistics
Hobbies and Pastimes: Reading, running, card games, yoga, and exploring new places.
Short-Term Goals: To learn as much as she can about security.
Long-Term Goals: Gain enough experience to lead an emergency response team later in her career.
Personality: Independent and easy going. She’s very versatile, and doesn’t mind change. She doesn’t always know how to respond to social situations, but she’s improved vastly in the last few years.
Sense of Humor: Sarcastic but good natured
Phobias: Blood -- she has a difficult time standing the sight of it.
Likes: Friendly competition, socializing and adventure.
Dislikes: Prejudices, blood, and arrogance
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Can’t stand pettiness.
Bad Habits or Vices: Fidgets when uneasy.
Achievements: Graduating near the top of her class, winning track and field events in the academy, and completing EMT training without getting sick.
Disappointments: Missing out on a normal, stable childhood, and not knowing anything about her biological family.
Illnesses: None
Strengths: Adaptable, quick on her feet, and creative
Weaknesses: Inexperience, and doesn’t also do well in structured environments
Fears: None
Prejudices: None. Beka is very accepting.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Informal and comfortable clothes.
Distinguishing Features: Dark green eyes. She has the forehead ridges of a typical Ktarian, but lacks the scaly skin. She also has freckles.
Pets: None
Friends: Beka has made many friends, but she’s learned not to become too attached. She tries to keep in touch, but tends to not be heartbroken if it doesn’t last.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Any of the disasters she saw during her childhood. While they might not have happened to her personally, they did leave a lasting impression of the painfulness of life.
Best Time: Her time at the Academy. It was her first prolonged experience with people her own age and also her first chance to make decisions for her own.
Most Crucial Experience: Her childhood. She learned so much from her parents and their work. She’d be a vastly different person without their input and guidance.
Role Model: Her older brother Braden. He is proof that she can succeed even with an unusual upbringing.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Security Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21209.01 Awarded Gold Star Gold Star
Security Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21209.01 Designated Ensign Ensign
Security Officer USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21308.01 Awarded Gold Star Gold Star
Chief of Security USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21308.11 Reassigned to Chief of Security
Chief of Security USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21309.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade
Chief of Security USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21310.01 Promoted to Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief of Security USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21404.01 Awarded Diamond Star Diamond Star
Chief of Security USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21407.01 – 21412.15 Extended Leave of Absence
Chief of Security USS Yeager, FSC-28018 21510.01 Awarded Gold Star Gold Star
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Gold Star Gold Star 3
Diamond Star Diamond Star 1

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.