Lyan, Cho
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RETIRED[2] | |||
Cho Lyan | |||
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Career Occupation | |||
Position: | Science Officer | ||
Assignment: | USS Artemis, EX-11000 | ||
Rank: | Midshipman | ![]() | |
Biographical Attributes | |||
Full Name: | Cho Lyan | ||
Species: | Trill | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Height: | 163 cm (5 ft. 4 in.) | Weight: | 44.5 kg (98 lb.) |
Eye Color: | Ocra | ||
Hair Color: | Coal | ||
Hairstyle: | Ruthlessly regimented pageboy | ||
Physique: | A shortish, skinny woman with a slight build with muscle showing only the bare minimum of physical training. | ||
Complexion: | Pale with an unhealthy sun starved look to it, Trill markings. | ||
Voice: | Tense whisper with a shadow of a rhythmic lilt | ||
Affiliation: | United Federation of Planets | ||
Birthplace: | Earth, East Asian Continent | ||
Born: | (N/A) 00.00 | Age: | 22 |
Familial Relationships | |||
Father: | Bothnar Lyan | ||
Mother: | Hosenta Lyan | ||
Marital Status: | Single |
Personal History
In 2401 Bothnar and Hosenta Lyan settled on Earth in a remote village that purposefully miniumsed their use of technology. To preserve and maintain much older technologies that risked falling from practical knowledge all together. There was no ban on technology but homes did not have replicators as standard, computers were limited for study and rarely entertainment, the nearest transporter was an hours walk away. This small, insular world was where they had chosen to remove themselves to when they walked away from their old lives. Their lone daughter came a year later, cementing them to this village and giving the impression of people that had found their place in the universe.
Cho, named after a friendly older woman who passed away their first year was unremarkable for a Trill baby. Amongst the mostly human population of the village she still stood out somewhat with her spots. Growing up they were commented on frequently, mostly positively but it always made the girl aware that she was different. Both her parents would only talk of their home world in vague terms, never putting any sort of ceremony on their culture or traditions. This lead to Cho mostly considering herself human except where it mattered, she always felt a distance between herself and the other children though one mostly in her own head. The exception to this was a slightly older girl, Bethai Nocombu with coffee coloured skin and almost the complete opposite of the quiet, studious girl. Where Cho was pressed to study, to do well constantly and pressed to be the best, Bethai was allowed to roam freely, being an childhood adventure expert. On the rare occasion she escaped the intensive and comprehensive education from her parents Cho would spend her time with the older girl. Climbing trees, playing with sticks, building bridges and forts, trying to find dragons and monsters. Living for the laugh from Bethai’s mother as she was regaled with those exploits, fearing the scolding for not looking presentable on her own return.
The pressure on education was taken on completely by Cho in mainstream education, lessons were drilled to her before her teachers would ever cover the topic. Being known in her class as the best felt good, the affirmation that never quite seemed to come at home. The strange respect it got from her peers, it felt like that work actually had a purpose. The feeling of awe waned into expectation, Cho always knew the answer. On the occasion she was wrong it felt to shake the foundations of her world, derision, the odd joke or comment thrown in that she took completely to heart. So study she did, no time for play, no time for hobbies, it all had to be accounted for. Wakeup, study before school, exercise, eat on the way, complete the lesson while carrying on for extra work, eat lunch while reviewing her notes, go home and be given new topics by her parents.
A rare few hours in the evening Bethai would look up through her telescope while Cho took notes. The older girl never remarked on Cho much, didn’t seem to care all that much for intellect at all, that she just liked being around her, that every minute just like this felt the fun that didn’t appear elsewhere. Hearing how passionately her friend wanted to explore what was out there awoke something. That it would be their adventures at home written large across the sky, not just over the river or past the hill but somewhere alien. Somewhere no one had ever been before, why should they not do it together? Childish but Cho latched onto it, she wanted that dream if only because it wouldn’t be here.
So Cho would study, driven by her goal, her need for adoration, pressure from her parents, a fear of failure. With her entire life dedicated to improving her mind andher understanding there was no surprise when she applied to Star Fleet Academy. Bethai had gone before her and of course Cho would follow, she had the grades and impressive she barely made the cut. Interpersonal relationships and lack of extended interests are something that would barely improve as her studies began. She’d never learned how to make friends having relied on being the smartest person in a room and mistaking that for social skills. When everyone is as smart or smarter than you that doesn’t count for much. Instead of taking the chance to learn these new skills Cho, afraid of making a mistake, just doubled down on her tried and tested method.
Socially Cho had hung around Bethai and her friends since that was easier and safer, though she would rarely join them for anything beyond meals. Once they graduated any sense of a social life evaporated, perfectly capable of teamwork and group projects generally Cho would carry on turning down any attempts to socialise until everyone stopped making them. Placing all her efforts into additional studies along with the physical aspects required of her. While her natural skills were lent to mathematics and physics it was those nights with the telescope that called to her. Going out there on a real adventure meant you needed your eyes open, applying what she had learned in that direction seemed the best blend. Understanding what you saw, improving on it, having something physical at the end of it. A blend of engineering and theory that would put her right there in the front of it all. Empirical data where there was only the truth, no room for mistakes, making those discoveries.
It goes without saying that her social issues were picked up on and Cho was assigned to mandatory counselling sessions at the Academy. The focus on pushing her towards building social experience with a task based framework with the goal of building new more natural relationships in the future. Every three days she will create a regimented session with another cadet and discuss projects. Set up this way Cho finds it far easier to interact since there is a solid goal however she dreads the weekly sessions where she has to discuss her feelings, quite literally pulling teeth. Progress has been made though they should be kept up following graduation. To Cho it feels a lot like she is being told she is wrong in her efficiencies at the same time as looking into parts of herself she finds immensely painful.
Personality Profile
Academy Major(s): Science
Academy Minor(s): Sensor Design and Construction, Astrophysics, Computer Science
Hobbies and Pastimes: While stating that her hobbies are reading, gardening and playing the violin Cho can never actually be seen doing any of them. There are three plants in her quarters that take three and a half minutes a week to care for. She has never performed with her violin and while she can indeed be seen reading it is almost universally scientific papers. As to what true hobbies Cho has outside of work, she doesn’t know yet, it is not something she has ever given much thought to.
Short-Term Goals: To follow after Bethai and end up on the same ship as her friend. (never let this happen). To impress the people she is working with both with her intellect and efficiency so that they like her. To not do anything that might make people laugh at her.
Long-Term Goals: To do something that leave a mark on something that can’t be forgotten, find something out there that no one has ever seen before, maybe that no one else could have. Also to be cool, not be afraid of things and make friends.
Personality: Shy and reserved whenever she feels uncomfortable or outside of her element which is almost everything. On just about every topic other than math, physics or general science Cho is barely capable of holding down a conversation. Those she does manage are stretched out with pauses that frustrate her and a growing uncomfortable dread as things continue. If not already given away she is incredibly insecure in herself and puts distancing measures between herself and almost everyone. Each faux pas she perceives feels like a mortal injury, a mindset she has had since early childhood.
Beyond that is an awkward woman who goes a hundred and ten percent when she thinks people actually like her. Scared of making the wrong choices can lead to hesitation, yet firm conviction in her own work. If asked to identify something she will answer at once, directly and with an iron conviction that seems firmly out of place with her social personality.
Sense of Humor: Sixty five percent of what makes Cho laugh is cover for nerves. The majority of the rest is made up of sarcasm from other people to each other, verbal wit but she’d never dare actually laugh at it. That tiny single digit that makes her actually laugh, math jokes.
Phobias: Catagelophobia, Sociophobia, Anthropophobia, Atelophobia
Likes: Math, Physics, Working Alone, Cheesecake, Vulcan Culture, Lemons, Fairy Tales, Star Fleet Ration Bar C
Dislikes: Undirected social interactions, powerlessness, gelatin, marzipan, jazz music, eating in public
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Not being put to what she sees as the best use of her skills, being ignored
Bad Habits or Vices: Self controlling to the extreme including monitoring her food intake, avoids getting close to people, workaholic, self denial
Achievements: While excellence was expected Cho’s academic record is impressive on it's own, as a whole she is extremely proud of it
Disappointments: In third grade Cho came second in the regional examination results, while higher than almost the entire population this first failure has haunted her since that day
Illnesses: The odd cold but nothing that ever put her out of action
Strengths: The physical reading and maintenance of top of the line sensor components, complex mathematics, steady hands
Weaknesses: Unable to express herself well, intimacy, indecisive, inflexible
Fears: Laughing crowds, being so wrong about something there is shocked silence, the idea that people dislike her, becoming overweight
Prejudices: Interspecies romantic relationships aren’t natural, people that use their free time for leisure are lazy, anyone that isn’t constantly self improving is wasting their time, soldiers are thick
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: White jumpsuit very similar to uniform or white exercise clothes
Distinguishing Features: Plainness with just an unnatural neatness to everything they do, nary a hair out of place or speck of dust on her uniform
Friends: Bethai Nocombu; outgoing and gregarious, two years older than Cho and one of the few people that ever seemed worth the effort and fear of getting close to. Living in the same village Cho wanted to be more like Bethai in every way possible. How easy it is for her to talk to people, how careless she is with what people think of her, how kind she could be. Bethai is the only person from the commune to go to the Academy since it was formed and a more lonesome Cho set it as her goal ever since
Personal Paradigm Shifts
Most Painful Experience: Being sat in a counselling session on a Tuesday afternoon being cajoled to discuss her relationship with her parents. Nothing was forced, it never was, yet the conversation kept coming back when it came to why she did anything. Cho found it infuriating that the answer of because it's more efficient that way was rebuffed time again, it was true after all. Relying on anyone was never something she had never needed before, so why did she have to spend so much, waste so much time getting to know people? It was embarrassing, it was frustrating and all it ever seemed to do was cloud her judgement with panic and fears. Not that she could say as much. So here they were yet again, having to explain that while her parents were strict, controlling and authoritarian they weren’t bad people. Pretending that she didn’t have doubts, that she didn’t hate the fact she didn’t have friends at her side, that she didn’t blame her parents for not letting her have a normal childhood. She loved them and yet, facing that even as a prospect made her flee in terror, world shaking. Nothing had ever scared her as much as the idea that all of her life and all the silent suffering wasn’t worth it
Best Time: In a rare break from work during her first year where Bethai, Bethai’s friends and Cho got some holodeck time. Being on the bridge of a starship, even a fake one had something to it. Of course it was Bethai in the captain’s chair, Cho taking the Operations Console as they played away two hours with simulated planning and even a little combat. The act themselves were a blur, it was the feeling of being useful, of something that maybe only she could do, of doing it with people she liked. There was a childlike passion that reinforced itself in Cho, it was one of the few things she classified as fun that was not a waste. One she liked sharing with others from time to time
Most Crucial Experience: Cho lived in the mold she was meant to, she did everything her parents told her to do, held to the rules like she might be washed away without them. Placing a great deal of importance on how they would feel about her actions. They had never set her a goal in life however, pushed her to be the very best she could be academically but to what end? It had taken months of planning, hours of talking to herself to try and perfect the point, the argument, the courage to confront the fear it brought on. Telling her parents that she wanted to join Star Fleet, being told to explain herself and evidence her working. Walking them through her considerations and alternatives, finally explaining that it was what she wanted. There was no argument against as she had feared, just that they had forced her to accurately explain her feelings and desires. It might not be much but as the only time she had stepped out of what her parents wanted. The first steps she ever took in being her own kind of person
Role Model: Bethai Nocombu - Cool, proactive, able to get along with just about anyone and filled with passion, everything a person should be
Career History
Position | Assignment | Date(s) | Event | |
Cadet | Star Fleet Academy | 242004.21 | Graduate | ![]() |
Midshipman | USS Artemis, EX-11000 | 242004.21 | Midshipman | ![]() |
Midshipman | USS Artemis, EX-11000 | 242006.01 | Role Player of the Month | ![]() |
Achievement Medals Awarded | ||
Image | Description | Qty. |
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Role Player of the Month | 1 |