Keir 77

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Keir 77
Career Occupation
Chief Engineer
USS Geronimo, CR-75250
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Time on Site:
Longevity Medal 6
Biographical Attributes
Full Name:
Keir 77
Played By:
S'hiarra Sothrick
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Shoulder length usually pulled back in a ponytail
Slim with little body fat, and subtly muscled.
Facial Hair:
Tenor but unremarkable
United Federation of Planets
Familial Relationships
Keir 76 (Deceased)
Keir 76 (Deceased)
Marital Status:

Personal History

Keir 77’s parent had crash landed hir shuttle on an inhabited moon in an area near to the Romulan border; where two retired Star Fleet officers were there along with some others investigating the possibility of setting up a colony.

Lt (Ret) Gordon Ramsey and his wife LCdr (Ret) Sylvia Ramsey took charge of the rescue, and pulled both child and parent to safety. As a Xeno-biologist Sylvia recognized them as Hermat and knew that while the parent was dead the child would need more care than they were able to give; and with the assistance of the Star Fleet vessel stationed in the sector contacted the Hermat Directorate; who responded within a week with a vessel to return both to Hermat and compensation for the Ramsey’s who politely refused. They asked for and were granted opportunities to remain in contact with Keir 77.

Hir early life was quite typical; Keir 77 was highly intelligent and scored very well on all studies and proved to be a capable child gang leader as well.

S/he had a love of technology and with the support of the Ramsey’s and her own parent’s estate s/he arranged for an opportunity to enter Star Fleet Academy.

Hir time in the Academy was both good and odd. S/he found hirself accepted as s/he hadn’t expected but many people couldn’t seem to get comfortable around hir and it did make for some awkward times.

Over the following 6 years s/he had three postings, largely unremarkable, however one of which resulted in a serious injury which brought Keir into contact with another Hermat Star Fleet officer; namely Adaran 225. Their conversations though not extensive did a lot for Keir 77’s confidence going forward.

As a Hermat who planned to enter service s/he had read some stories about hir, but never believed s/he would meet the famous officer, and s/he thoroughly enjoyed the conversations with the older officer. It was just as she finished her third tour that s/he got word that the Ramsey’s had disappeared after they moved to Thoth. Determined to find them s/he took a leave of absence and with help from some friends in Star Fleet got hirself to Thoth where the search for hir past continues.

S/he has taken an identity, complete with papers(pretty well done) that show hir to be a Sally Benson, whose family ship went missing 1 year ago and she has been asking about those fictional people while making acquaintances that s/he hoped would lead hir to the Ramsey’s.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Engineering
Academy Minor(s): Emergency Medicine, Computers and Holography
Hobbies and Pastimes: Hunting (With nothing), Martial arts, Sketching
Short-Term Goals: Find the people who rescued hir and took hir home
Long-Term Goals: Find a ship that accepts hir openly as a Hermat and, make friends.
Personality: Quiet until spoken to, has very little of a filter in social circumstances. Extremely loyal, can be single minded when working.
Sense of Humor: Puns, and sarcasm
Phobias: Dying
Likes: Rich food especially meat, cuddling, intelligent conversation.
Dislikes: Whining
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Dumb people
Bad Habits or Vices: Telling people what s/he thinks, when s/he drinks, it’s usually too much.
Achievements: A notable Starfleet career before she turned 15
Disappointments: Losing hir parent and inability to find the people who saved hir.
Illnesses: none
Weaknesses: Can be arrogant, over confidence.
Fears: Hir Temper and that s/he will never find hir real home
Prejudices: Anyone who employs violence to subjugate free will.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Favors loose fitting clothes.
Distinguishing Features: None
Pets: None
Friends: None

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Death of hir parent
Best Time: Leading a youth gang
Most Crucial Experience: Leaving Hermat
Role Model: Adaran 225

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Engineering Officer USS Apparition 21811.01 Assigned to USS Apparition
Engineering Officer USS Apparition 21902.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Engineering Officer USS Yoritomo, DD-4019 21909.01 Assigned
Chief Engineer USS Geronimo, CR-75250 22106.17 Assigned
Chief Engineer USS Geronimo, CR-75250 22210.01 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief Engineer USS Geronimo, CR-75250 22308.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
First Officer USS Geronimo, CR-75250 22310.01 First Officer
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 1

Contact Information


Supplemental Information

Previous Character: James Bowie

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.