Imperial Land Army
The Khhiu'draao s'Shiar (Imperial Land Army) are specialized troops of the Romulan Star Empire trained in ground defense. They protect important land-based facilities and sensitive areas from attack and often serve as law enforcement for smaller colony worlds. They also serve as ground assault troops in time of war.
Basic Structure
Since it has no entry tests for physical prowess, mental dexterity, or skills, the majority of those entering the Fvaennh Phi'lasasam (War Academy) for mandatory duty are from the common-folk strata of the Romulan social structure. Farmers, peasants, craftsmen and artisans make up the bulk of the Khhiu'draao soldiers. Socially, this keeps the Army's status at the bottom of the pecking order. It also does not possess vessels of its own and has to rely on the Galae s'Shiar for transport.
The headquarters of the Khhiu'draao was formerly based on ch'Rihan in the capital Ra'tleihfi, with its Phi'lasasam and training facilities situated on the outskirts of the port city of Mhiessan. After the Exodus, the Khhiu'draao relocated along with the Galae s'Shiar to Eilhaunn. There are also recruitment centers in all main towns and cities throughout the Shiar.
Fvaennh Phi'lasasam
The Fvaennh Phi'lasasam is separate from the Galae s'Shiar's Phi'lasasam. New nvialmnir (soldiers) are instructed in basic survival, weapons, various killing techniques, tactical doctrines, small unit tactics, escape and evasion, and other military training. They are also taught to withstand unbearable amounts of pain, designed specifically to raise their pain tolerance threshold. The Khhiu'draao indifference to pain has become almost legendary within the Shiar and makes the troopers a most feared opponent.
The training is direct, brutal and simple in comparison to the Galae s'Shiar. The basic program which all soldiers take involves six weeks of intensive physical exercise and basic weapon proficiency training. The next six weeks are more focused on basic non-weapon equipment use. At the end of the first three months, the soldier graduates and, depending on their final testing scores, may be entered in an additional six week specialist training course. Otherwise, they are simply injected into the field as an Infantryman. Those with leadership qualities may go on to attend the Officers Training Academy.
The commander of the Fvaennh Phi'lasasam is the Khoilmnriir (Commandant).
Specialist Training Courses
Scout Training
The most common skill found in the Khhiu'draao (as its only requirement is physical prowess). The soldier learns how to detect basic traps and is taught the basic principles of silent observation and stealth.
Tracker Training
Tracking is taught in the local wilderness as well as in holographic simulations. The primary interests of this skill are to inform the soldier on how to follow a target simply by what it has left behind, how to survive with only local materials for nourishment, and to stay (relatively) unseen when the target is finally encountered.
Sniper and Spotter Training
A sniper and their spotter are an inseparable team. Together they are a deadly weapon; apart, they are just infantrymen. With this in mind, a sniper and spotter are always honed together even though their specific tasks and studies are different. They learn each other's trade, maintain each others gear and equipment, and generally form a strong bond. The point of study is to learn silent observation, threat assessment and 'take down' skills.
Communications Training
Communications specialists are rare at best. The course is highly technical in focus, from learning a foreign language to memorizing hundreds of non-tech forms of communications to learning the entirety of basic field communications gear.
Explosives Training
Explosive specialists learn how to create small and less detectable explosive devices, as well as some basic architectural concepts. This ensures they can not only use their bombs, but know how to destroy a structure fully, or specifically, with said devices.
Assault Training
Assault specialists are taught the use of heavy weapons. They also practice para-drops, fast boarding, and bombardment tactics.
Artillery Training
Artillery experts are taught the concepts of range, trajectories and other techniques, along with loading, firing and maintenance training.
Sector 1 Command (Federation/Klingon)
Sector 2 Command (Cardassian)
Sector 3 Command (Gorn)
Sector 4 Command (Neutral Zone)
Sector 5 Command (Orion)
Sector 6 Command (Tholian)
Draao'efvir (Army Group Headquarters)
Composition: 2 + Armies
Personnel: 129,600 or more
Draao (Army)
Composition: 3-12 Corps
Personnel: 64,800 – 1,536,000
Agheak (Corps)
Composition: 3-4 Divisions
Personnel: 21,600 – 128,000
Fvhirvhel (Division)
Composition: 3-4 Brigades
Personnel: 7,200 – 32,000
Hauol'niykmar (Brigade)
Composition: 4 Battalions
Personnel: 2,400 – 8,000
Ihanntho (Battalion)
Composition: 2 Regiments
Personnel: 600 – 2000
Reghaih (Regiment)
Composition: 3-10 Companies
Personnel: 300 – 1000
Ihanmei (Company)
Composition: 4 Platoons
Personnel: 100
Ihannor (Platoon)
Composition: 5 Squads
Personnel: 25
Ehre (Squad)
Personnel: 5 troops
The Khhiu'draao s'Shiar's strongest level of authority is at the very bottom: Squad and Platoon level actions. The larger the unit, the more likely the Galae s'Shiar is to interfere (if only for transportation’s sake).