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Enterprise: Rosetta

Stardate 21105.01

Star Trek: Enterprise: Rosetta by Dave Stern should have been a Star Trek book that I enjoyed. Focused on my favourite of Star Trek crew, I’ve typically been able to dive into Enterprise novels with ease and liked what I was reading.

Not the case this time.

While this story was a relatively easy read to get through – I polished it off in only a few days – I had a difficult time taking the story seriously. It’s not that the plot itself was bad, there was certainly potential for it to be a good story, it was that I felt the characters weren’t themselves.

This book was set in the fourth season of Enterprise and, particularly in the case of Hoshi Sato, it felt as if any character development seen over three seasons of the show have gone out the window and it's starting with the fresh green crew of the NX-01. One would think after all the encounters with alien species, the Enterprise crew would have been more wary of who they are dealing with. Still welcoming, but wary. Yet they jump right into an unknown situation with a species they’ve never met, all naively believing they would be safe. (Then again, this is Trek…)

The commanding officer of the NX-01, Jonathan Archer, is killed in the process. Starfleet Command then insists that a meeting is more important than investigating why the captain of their first warp 5 ship has been killed. I’m certain that given the situation the delegates that the Enterprise crew was originally meant to escort would have understood a delay in the process. Particularly when another species involved in the meeting were also present when Archer is killed.

Also, the sonuvabitch joke was way overdone. I got tired of it after the second time it was used.

It made me wonder though, had I read this book before I read the Destiny series would I have enjoyed it more? It’s quite possible. But then again, I probably wouldn’t have.

One star.

Trek Trivia

Stardate 21105.01

Each month on the FNN we ask 10 Trek Trivia questions! Some may be easy, some may be difficult. Think you know some or all of the answers? Submit them to the Editor-In-Chief. Each month we'll post the Top 10 Scoreboard and Top 10 All Around Champs, along with the previous month's answers and new trivia questions. Good luck!

This Month's Questions

Q10: What kind of medical test is Kirk participating in?

1. Montgomery Scott was always concerned with the conditions of what?
2. What was Lwaxana's nickname for her daughter Deanna?
3. From which of Dax's former hosts did Ezri seek insight on how to catch a killer?
4. What does EMH stand for?
5. For what clue to Gorkon's murder did Spock as Valeris to search the Enterprise in The Undiscovered Country?
6. What are the Trill candidates for joining called?
7. From what planet was Charlie Evans rescued?
8. What did Gillian Taylor order for dinner with Kirk?
9. Which series does the episode titled "Attached" belong to?
10. What kind of test is Kirk participating in, pictured to the right?

Submit your answers or email them.

Last Month's Answers

A10: This species is Akritirian.

1. In which episode did Leonard McCoy require James Kirk to eat a salad?

  • The Corbomite Maneuver

2. Who was Worf's nursemaid when he was a child?

  • Kahlest

3. True or False: Both of Jadzia Dax's parents were joined.

  • False; neither were joined.

4. Harry Kim died in two Voyager episodes. Name them.

  • "Emanations" and "Deadlock".

5. What ship did Jean Luc Picard and his team take down to the surface of the Ba'ku planet in Star Trek: Insurrection?

  • His Captain's yacht.

6. Name Gul Dukat's half-Bajoran daughter.

  • Tora Ziya

7. In "Tomorrow is Yesterday", a slingshot maneuver was used to return the Enterprise to its proper time. In what later episode was this maneuver employed deliberately to revisit the past?

  • Assignment: Earth

8. Which of the following activities was Data not known to do in his quest to understand humanity?

  • c) Participating in gymnastics

9. Name the episode in which Picard is kidnapped and kept in a room with other humanoids so a group of aliens can study the concept of authority.

  • Allegiance

10. Name the species pictured to the right.

Last Month's Winners

1. Alexis Tregelen
2. Alice Dega
3. Jordan Donovan
4. Rachel Christie

All Around Champs

Rank Player Score
1. Alice Dega 26
2. Alexis Tregelen 17
3. Azernal Rin 13
4. Jonathan Cooper 12
5. Rachel Christie 11
6. Jordan Donovan 2
Hall of Fame
Player Points Year
Kyle DeWitt 86 2010
Laura Macleod 91 2009

Joke of the Month

Red Shirt Last Words

10. *Ugh!*
9. Captain, I think I have a solution to all our problems.
8. Where's that sound coming from?
7. I love you—enter any name--
6. My tricorder is reading life forms, sir.
5. There appears to be a transporter malfunction.
4. What's that blob?
3. Gee, what a pretty flower pod.
2. Hmm... I seem to have lost the rest of the landing party.
1. I think we've found a paradise planet, Captain.