Temporal science

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Temporal mechanics is the study of the workings of time and its effects on the space-time continuum, and is particularly relevant when dealing with time travel.

As late as 2154, time travel was deemed impossible by the Vulcan Science Directorate.

The United Federation of Planets has had some form of time travel ability since at least 2268.

  • It is possible that at least some of the current and future regulations regarding time travel can trace their origins back to this date.

Temporal mechanics is taught at Starfleet Academy.



  • A historical research in 2268 suggests the Federation was capable of controlled time travel and used this ability at the very least for research purposes.
  • As of 2378, at least 40 different instances of some form of time travel had been noted in Federation records.
    Technologically speaking, the Federation's capabilities concerning time travel have, for the most part, remained unclear.
  • In the 25th century, time travel is mostly possible but still risky.

Noted Events

  • In 2267, after an encounter with a black star, the Enterprise-A was hurled 300 years into the past.
    • Eventually, the Enterprise's science officer Spock devised a method for returning the Enterprise back to its original period.

Known Methods

Named Paradoxes

  • Dali Paradox
    Also known as the "melting clock effect," refers to a temporal fissure which slows the passage of time to a gradual halt.

  • Grandfather paradox
    The idea that if a person travels to a time before their grandfather had children, and kills him, it would make their own birth impossible.

  • Pogo Paradox
    A causality loop, in which interference to prevent an event through the use of time travel actually triggers the same event.

  • Predestination paradox
    When an event of time travel could become part of events which had already occurred, and could even lead to the initial event of time travel in the first place.
    "it was supposed to happen this way all along"