s'Iawaain, Arrenhe i'Ra'tleihfi

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Arrenhe i’Ra'tleihfi s'Iawaain
Career Occupation
Chief Engineer
RIS Shadowhawk
erei'Erein (Sub-Lieutenant)
Biographical Attributes
1/2 Romulan, 1/2 Human
170 cm (5 ft. 7 in.)
60 kg (132 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Dyed black
Short, traditional Romulan
muscular for a female, but not to the point of attracting attention
Arrenhe’s voice clearly reveals her Human side, but she can be quite authoritative when she wants to.
Romulan Star Empire
Ra'tleihfi, Rom'lasz
Familial Relationships
Admiral Maec i’Ra'tleihfi s'Iawaain, 75, head of the Applied Theory department at the Imperial Engineering Headquarters.
Lieutenant Camilla Rasmussen s'Iawaain, 44, leader of Third Shift at the Planetary Weather Control on Romulus.
Status of Parents:
Married, and living in Ra'tleihfi on Romulus.
Dhael, 17, and Saeihr, 12.
Marital Status:

Personal History

Arrenhe’s personal history, as is the case for all of us, starts with her parents. Her mother was a young Star Fleet Ensign, straight out of the Academy. She grew more and more discontented with Star Fleet, though, as she saw that the touchy-feely philosophy of humanism was not only preached from the lecturing chairs at the Academy, it was also practised in the field. “Our own compassion and kindness will destroy not only us, but the entire galaxy some day”, she one day told a crewmate aboard the USS Stalwart who she was relaxing with after their shift had ended. Unfortunately, the Captain happened to pass by their table during that conversation, and Camilla was “asked” to accompany him to his ready room.

When they were alone, the Captain told her that the next time he heard her say something like that in public, he was going to demote her to Midshipman and “kick you off my ship”.

That was the final straw. Camilla followed procedure, said “Yes sir” at the appropriate times, and then decided that Star Fleet wasn’t for her. She submitted her resignation, and handed it to her First Officer only hours after that conversation.

The Stalwart was scheduled to meet with a Star Fleet Medical Ship bound for Earth anyway, and so it was arranged for the Medical ship to transport Camilla back to Earth. But on their way to the rendezvous with the medical ship, they received a distress call from a Romulan scout ship some sectors away. The Romulans were apparently having a problem with their reactor, and was stranded. Camilla’s ship was the closest, so the Captain decided to respond. When they arrived, the Captain took no chance, and sent several teams of security officers to board the bridge, reassuring the Romulan Commander that they would be free to go, when the reason for their presence in Federation Space had been acertained, and the crew debriefed.

In the meantime, technicians and engineers from the Stalwart began repairing the damaged reactor, working with Romulan engineers, who the Star Fleet Captain had ordered to assist his own people, while instructing them (that is: the Star Fleet crew) to keep an eye out for what the Romulans were doing.

Fate, or the Element, made the repairs take longer than expected, indeed several days. During the course of those days, Camilla began to have a good working relationship with one of the Romulan engineers. Their common interest in the inner workings of a starship, although it was limited how much he could discuss of course, brought them together in a way that they had not envisioned. Camilla became more and more enamored, not only with the Romulan engineer, but with the culture and people.

Having taken advanced history lessons at the Academy, she had long realized that it was sheer luck that the foolish “humanism” of the Federation had not yet brought swift destruction upon not only itself, but the entire galaxy. Now, the more she learned about the Romulan philosophy over these days, the more she started believing that it had the answer. The brutal savagery of the Klingons is downright primitive, and the touchy-feely, bleeding-heart humanism of the Federation is too utopian to be of any practical use in a cruel universe. The truth lies inbetween – in the Romulan outlook, and this is the only way to keep the Alpha Quadrant free from invasion and tyranny. So, in essence, to defend the Quadrand, she would have to serve the Romulan Empire, instead of the Federation.

It was when she made thus realization that Camilla came to the conclusion that she had to support the Romulan Empire if the galaxy was to be saved. So she secretly, always keeping a lookout for any sign that her Star Fleet Crewmates were getting suspicious, started talking to the her new friend about defecting. When repairs were done, she was lucky enough to be the senior officer left, only with a couple of Crewmen doing some last minute work. She ordered them to return, telling them that she would prefer to do the final checkups herself, and that she would be right behind them. She was indeed, using the scout ship’s transporters to beam herself directly into the Security section of the Stalwart, where she stunned the Security Officer guarding the Romulan crew. She then released the force-fields of the brig cells, and remote-controlled the scout’s transporters, beaming all Romulans and herself back onto the bridge of the scout, before any of the Star Fleet officers knew what had happened.

The Romulan commander hailed the Stalwart, and informed him that “your engineer has been most helpful.”

To this day, Arrenhe’s mother has not forgotten the look on her Captain’s face, before the Romulan ship cut transmission, and returned home towards Romulan space. The Stalwart was in pursuit, trying whatever means it could to bring the ship to a halt, but when two Warbirds decloaked, and the scout ship passed into the Neutral Zone, they had no choice but to turn back.

When they got back to Romulus, Camilla was debriefed, and, because of her experience as an engineer, given the field rank of Sub-Lieutenant, and assigned as an Engineer to the ship that had brought her.

But she was now alone, and missed her family. Her new friend understood this, and soon after, when their ship was once again on Romulus, this time on shore leave, he formally asked her to become a member of his House, having recieved permission to do so from his father – the head of the House –, and to become his mate. She accepted wholeheartedly, and about 9 months later, Arrenhe was the result of their union. Camilla then resigned from the service after her tour of duty was complete, to look after Arrenhe, and has only recently taken up her profession full time again, as Arrenhe and her siblings have grown old enough to look after themselves.

Arrenhe was brought up with pride in both parts of her heritage. Her mother never ceased talking about the ancient warrior tradition that had once been as natural a part of Human existence, as breathing. From the Spartans of ancient Greece (which are the example she uses the most) over the Persian Immortals and Scandinavian Vikings to the Japanese Samurais and on, Arrenhe learned not to be ashamed of being part Human – for in that, she had a proud tradition as well. It is the Federation weaklings who have corrupted humanity. The Romulan Empire must dominate the galaxy, for the sake of the galaxy and the peoples of it.

Another way in which Arranhe’s...unusual background shows itself is in that she is one of the few Rihannsu outside of the top echelons of government that speaks Federation Standard fluently, albeit with a touch of Scandinavian accent. The reason is that Camilla had a very hard time learning Rihan, and so, with the permission of her husband, has always spoken English with Arranhe.

Ever since she could remember, Arrenhe have wanted to be an Engineer in the Imperial fleet, just as her parents. The best gift she ever got was a Federation shuttlecraft, which her father gave her on her 15th birthday (although the engines had been rendered inporative...most likely to prevent her from trying to get it airborne), a little souvenir from when the ship he commanded, the RIS Nightowl, boarded and commandeered the USS Triton. Arrenhe could make hours on end disappear, tinkering with the systems of the Federation ship, learning more and more about the inner workings of space-faring wessels. Of course, she knew that there were insurmountable differences between hevam and Rihan ships, but the basics were the same. There’s a navigation system, conduits, power sources, etc. Thoroughly impressed with his daughter’s technical abilities, Maec supported her morally and financially all the way through the Imperial War College (which she signed up for as soon as she was able to), even more than Rihan parents normally do, and also tutored her in her further workings on the shuttle, trying to give her an advantage before she started at the College.

Her upbringing has given Arrenhe a deep pride in the Empire, and in being a citizen of it. Humans that meet her would be wise to think twice before considering her “one of us” – she is all Romulan, and has nothing but disdain for Federation culture. Not that this has shielded her from the taunting “hevam!” shouts of her classmates when she was little, and suspicious looks from people when she grew older. This has resulted in Arrenhe being very aggressive when it comes to assert her loyalty to the Empire. She once broke the nose of a first-year student at the War College when she was in her senior year, after he had said: “Why is there a Federation spy in this great College?”, and only managed to restrain herself to this because two of her classmates held her back.

She fervently believes that the Romulan Star Empire is meant to rule the galaxy. Not as a tyrant imposing his will upon oppressed subjects, but as a father who knows and does what is best for his children – even if that means disciplining them. For that very reason, she can’t stand hearing her mother tell her of all the Federation propaganda that she used to hear while she was in Star Fleet. Actually, the very words “Star Fleet” and “The Federation” can make her blood boil.

As a result, Arrenhe has hoped every day for as far back as she can remember for war with the Lloann'mhrahel, exited when it came, and sad when it was ended, since it was not in Rihan victory. She believes that if the Lloann'mhrahel falls, the rest of the Alpha Quadrant will fall easily. The Klingons are too stupid to wage war effectively, and the Ferengi wouldn’t know tactics and strategy if it pulled them on the ears. The Cardassians might be a problem, but not a huge one. With the resources of the rest of the Alpha Quadrant at its disposal – the Empire would quickly stand triumphant. And then: Time to settle accounts with those eerie changelings, destroying the Dominion once and for all.

Therefore, the fall of the Federation has become something of an obsession to Arrenhe. Of course, she will gladly go whereever the Empire needs her, but her highest wish is to be involved in the destruction of the Federation.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Advanced Starship Engineering, Military Tactics.
Academy Minor(s): Rihan History, Martial Arts.
Hobbies and Pastimes: Her mother introduced her to the ancient Human game of Chess when she was a little girl. Arrenhe feels that it is a good way to practice strategy and tactics, and has tried to bring her passion for the game to her friends.
Short-Term Goals: To become the Chief Engineer on her ship, and to make her shipmates understand that in spite of her appearance, she is all Romulan at heart.
Long-Term Goals: To command a ship of her own – and even one day rise to the rank of Admiral, and on to the Senate...and who knows from there?
Personality: Very focused on her duty, indeed on Mnhei'sahe in all its forms. But for those who might get to know her well enough, there is a deeper personality within. One that has yet to surface to anyone apart from her closest family, and her best friend from the War College, whom she still keeps in touch with whenever she’s on Romulus.
Sense of Humor: Extremly sarcastic, although she makes a point of only using this in the presence of friends, family, and inferiors.
Phobias: None.
Likes: The Human game Chess, reading some stories from Earth that her mother managed to download on a PADD before she left - warrior poetry and historical accounts of the relatively few Humans that have been worth looking up to - , Rihan poetry, and, once she trusts someone enough to relax around them, having an ale in the Mess Hall.
Dislikes: People who judge her by her appearance. In her eyes – they are as primitive as the Klingons..
Pet Peeves or Gripes: When people jump to conclusions before having facts to build upon. Not only in the case of herself (although also in this case), but also in general.
Achievements: Arrenhe takes great pride in graduating from the War College at the 95th percentile.
Disappointments: That she won’t be able to see all the places on Earth that she has read about in the stories and accounts her mother brought. Although nothing in the universe can compare to the beauty of Gal-Gathong, it WOULD be interesting to see Sparta, Jelling, Osaka, etc.
Illnesses: None.
Strengths: Her human appearance can come in handy in any undercover missions that might be necessary against the Federation. Also, having to overcome the way people might respond to her appearance has made her strong-willed and determined to succeed. Arrenhe speaks Federation Standard fluently.
Weaknesses: None, other than the fact that she finds it very annoying that she always has to use a lot of time convincing people that she is not a Federation spy.
Fears: None.
Prejudices: Arrenhe has a passionate hate for the Federation that goes beyond its present opposition to the interests of the Empire.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Her pride in serving in the Empire’s uniform makes Arrenhe rarely take it off.
Distinguishing Features: Her face is a dead give-away of the fact that she is not a full-blooded Rihan; at least not biologically. From her head, you would think she was human, if not for her ears, which are pointed like those of other Rihannsu
Pets: None
Friends: Te'elis i'Ramnau, who she met at the War College.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: When, as a child, she overheard her mother confessing to a friend of the House how much she misses her family and friends on Earth, though not the Federation. The tears in her mother’s eyes has stuck with Arrenhe all through the years..
Best Time: The War College.
Most Crucial Experience: Her excellent graduation results made her take real pride in her accomplishment, and made her determined to give the RIS Shadowhawk the best engineer the Galae.
Role Model: Her father.

Career History

Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Romulan Imperial Academy 20804.07 Received Imperial Academy Graduate Ribbon  
Engineering Officer RIS Shadowhawk 20804.07 Promoted to erei'Erein (Sub-Lieutenant)
Assigned to RIS Shadowhawk
Chief Engineer RIS Shadowhawk 20806.20 Reassigned to Daise'etrehafwe'saehne (Chief Engineer)
Chief Engineer RIS Shadowhawk 20808.01 Received Defense of the Empire  
Chief Engineer RIS Shadowhawk 20808.01 Awarded Imperial Achievement Medal  
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
  Imperial Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
  Imperial Achievement Medal 1
  Defense of the Empire 1

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.