Miller, John

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NPC  Personnel - box.png


John Miller
Career Occupation
Biographical Attributes
Full Name:
John Miller
Played By:
50% Human, 50% Betazoid
180 cm (5 ft. 11 in.)
80.7 kg (178 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Dark Brown
Short, loose side parting
Lightly spoken, charming tone
United Federation of Planets
New Berlin, Lunar Colony
(N/A) 03.07
Familial Relationships
Garen Ashaan (Betazoid)
Dr Anne Sutcliffe, MD (Human)
Status of Parents:
Anne alive and working on Lunar Colony, Garen Unknown
Marital Status:

Personal History

John Sutcliffe was born on Lunar Colony to a young single mother after the product of a one night stand. A medical student at the time, Anne raised her son alongside training to be a doctor and as such from a very young age the boy was surrounded by medical textbooks, case studies and other doctors and professors. A naturally inquisitive child, he often watched his mother performing medical procedures on holograms during her training, and by the age of 10 he could handle dermal regenerators and tricorders with the same proficiency of most first year Starfleet Cadets.

The true aspects of his Betazoid heritage had been largely swept aside during his childhood, and it was only when a faint empathic ability began to manifest itself in John's adolescence did he truly begin to discover who he was. He'd grown up without much of an interest in his father, and whilst Anne knew that biologically her son was half Betazoid (and never made it a secret) she had raised him as Human - never really giving him an understanding of who he was. It did however make him suddenly very popular with many of the others his own age - John had almost changed overnight from an introspective and academically inclined child to an adaptable and charming teenager who had a knack for influencing the people around him for his own aims. This begun with his mother - small things such as raising his allowance, staying out later at night and getting his own way on trivial matters however this quickly advanced to cheating and charming his way into social circles he had no business being, and getting away with his misdemeanours.

Following his mother's footsteps into medicine, John studied at the Lunar University, majoring in Physiology and Pharmacology; minoring in Psychology. As young adult, his empathic abilities begun to serve him more and more, but his upbringing had meant that general knowledge of his Betazoid heritage had continued to go largely unknown - a talent that often found him around gambling tables in games of Tongo, Poker and various other incarnations of card games. His interest other people's actions, reactions and thoughts and feelings began to influence him further, and he quickly found himself less interest in his major; after his first year of his degree he'd switched them around.

In his penultimate year of study, John had managed to charm his way into a high stakes Poker game whilst 'vacationing' on Earth. He had managed to convince a few sponsors to stake a sizeable portion of his buy in, and his own arrogance had left him feeling confident in his ability to take down the 5 other players on the table. What he hadn't banked on however, was the nature of his 5 opponents. A risky hand and a simple empathic misinterpretation had left him in serious trouble with one particular man who had clearly spotted John's racial advantage. Known simply as 'Kyn', the Bajoran ex-Maquis Terrorist had since fallen in league with the Orion Syndicate, and gave John a simple choice - follow him into the Syndicate, or lose one by one the people around him that he'd developed relationships with; starting with his mother. With little choice in the matter, John could only tell his mother that he was pausing his studies and taking a year out to travel. It was one of the most difficult conversations he'd ever had to have in his life, and her tear-soaked cheeks would be the last time that he ever saw her as he plunged unwillingly into the Orion Syndicate.

What had initially started out as a threat and a punishment, John quickly found himself more aligned with the pirates and mercenaries on the fringes of the Federation. He and Kyn grew close, and in absence of any real father figure the cold and hard Bajoran had somewhat appropriated the role. His incomplete medical training eventually found a new angle in less civilised circles, and for the next 15 years or so John began to develop an incredibly practiced hand at extracting information from people using a wide range of techniques. With every interrogation, infiltration and deception that John made, he slipped further and further into sociopathy - never returning to his studies at Lunar colony. One thing remained constant however - his connection to his mother always persisted, and every few months or so he anonymously deposits credit into bank accounts that slowly trickle their way back to her.

These days with much of his former life and childhood privately erased, he simply uses his first name 'John' in almost all circumstances - offering the common surname 'Miller' only when there's cause for it. His natural inclination to be charming, persuasive and socially adaptable continues to be part of his appeal, but he also developed a talent for being a forgotten man - known only to the people that actively sought him out as an Interrogator and Investigator for the right price. He still occasionally freelances for the Syndicate, but with his skills many of the official and unofficial channels had hired him in consulting capacities.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Physiology, Pharmacology & Psychology (Civilian training)
Hobbies and Pastimes: Gambling
Short-Term Goals: Keep himself alive, healthy and in profit
Long-Term Goals: Retire somewhere far from the Federation and the Orion Syndicate
Personality: Charming, Persuasive and Socially Adaptable
Sense of Humor: Controlled
Phobias: None
Likes: Being able to control the ebb and flow of a conversation
Dislikes: Being singled out in a group, or the centre of attention
Pet Peeves or Gripes: Loud and obnoxious behaviour
Bad Habits or Vices: Gambling
Achievements: None that are on record
Disappointments: He'll probably never see his mother again
Strengths: Empathic - able to sense the emotional states of others, an incredibly strong stomach
Weaknesses: Occasionally bites off more than he can chew in games of chance
Fears: That his mother will find out what he's been doing
Prejudices: Does not respect the Betazoids
Friends: A Bajoran man known simply as 'Kyn'

Supplemental Information

Characters Tally:

  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.