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A Kai is a religious leader of the Bajoran people. They are elected from, among, and by the Vedek Assembly to a life term.

Acting as symbols of strength and unity to the Bajorans for centuries, a Kai's religious authority is coupled with their influence on political matters. While it is not forbidden for a Kai to serve as First Minister in the government, such involvement in political matters was discouraged. A Kai is properly addressed as "Eminence."

Brief History

  • When the Cardassian Union began its occupation of the planet, the Bajoran religion was outlawed.
    With the conclusion of the Cardassian Withdrawal in 2369, the arrival of Benjamin Sisko, the "Emissary of the Prophets," significantly decreased the influence of the Kai on Bajoran life.
  • When the Bajoran Provisional Government struggled to maintain order, Bajor was spiritually and politically leaderless. A new Kai was therefore not elected until 2370 (Kai Winn).
  • This kai served for over five years, during which time Bajor saw significant changes.
  • The signing of the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty took place in 2371, which the Vedek Assemblyt endorsed.
  • The position of Kai suffered a blow when Kai Winn betrayed the Prophets, and aided in an attempt to release the Pah-wraiths from the Fire Caves.