Gas giant

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A gas giant is a large planet, and is mostly composed of helium and/or hydrogen.

Detria II and VI, prior to colliding in 2369

These types of planets do not have hard surfaces, and instead have swirling gases above a solid core. These turbulent atmospheres are generally made of the same materials as stars, however, they lack the mass necessary to begin nuclear fusion. Gas giants generate intense magnetic fields that often create unique waveforms. The resulting EM interference sounds very strange when played over speakers.

There are several types of gas giants known to Humans: class J, class 6, class 7, and the class 9 gas giant, which is also known to the Klingons as the Q'tahL class.

Gas Giant Planets:

Fun Fact:

In 2369, the USS Enterprise-D was able to witness the collision of two gas giants in the Detrian system, which triggered nuclear fusion and formed a new star.