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Record Setting Short Story Contest

Stardate 21105.01

In an overwhelming show of site pride, this year's Short Story Contest saw a record breaking 28 entries. Shocking to everyone, especially the contest organizer Lieutenant Torkav, was that this year's contest received more than double previous years' participants. This year's entrants went from recently graduated midshipman right up to well-seasoned commodores and starship captains.

The Federation News Network would like to congratulate the winners and participants of the 2011 Short Story Contest:

Winner: Failure to Return by Capt Braggins, USS Ticonderoga
2nd Place: Shorebreak by Capt Nielson, USS Yeager
3rd Place: The Unlikeliest of Influences by Cdr Crawford, USS Pegasus
Honourable Mention: Footsteps in the Rain by Mid Aldren, Space Station Sierra-18; Life Starts Now by Minister Gage; Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll by LCdr Fiore, USS Ticonderoga
Participants: Cdr Archer, LCdr Azernal, Lt Codey, Lt [JG] Cooper, Lt [JG] Dega, Lt DeWitt, Lt Donovan, Lt [JG] Dys, Cdr Fields, LCdr Gadling, Ens Giraath, Lt Hauser, Cdr Hawk, LCdr Hawkens, Mid Kenmore, Lt [JG] Meels, Lt [JG] Murphy, Lt Scott, LCdr Tokat, LCdr Tucker, Ens West, Cmdr Wong

Lieutenant Torkav also had this to say about the contest:

"I'd like to personally thank each and every participant in the Short Story Contest this year. Our participation level of 28 stories was record-breaking and phenomenal. The stories were some of the most enjoyable that I've seen in all my years on the site, and it was an honor to be a part of this.

As you all already know the winners, I won't dwell on them here. I just want to say, once again, that I am constantly honored and privileged to be a part of the talent that makes up Federation Space.

I can't wait to see what you all come up with to meet the challenge of the next Short Story Contest!

Thank you, Perry"

We would also like to thank the judges who took the time to read through 28 stories.

If you would like to read all the entries to the contest, or past short story contest entries, please click here.

We look forward to reading next year's entries, and hope we can break this year's record.

20 Questions

Commander Tyra Crawford

Stardate 21105.01

This month we get to learn more about Amber, the player behind Commander Tyra Crawford, Chief of Security aboard the USS Pegasus, CL-2500.

Age, Sex, Location?
20, Female, Texas (US)

When did you first join FedSpace?
Oh…it would have been June 2005, if I remember correctly.

What brought you to FedSpace?
Honestly? I was really bored one summer after moving, and wanted to do something creative-ish and I love Star Trek. Coincidentally, someone recruited me during that time.

Tell me a little about the process of developing your character.
The original concept for Tyra was pretty closely based on myself, and I think she remained that way for probably the first year or so. However, she has definitely branched out and developed in ways that I would never have guessed at 5, almost 6 years ago.

Do you think it is easier or more difficult to play someone based on yourself?
I think it's easier because it's mostly instinct. You don't really have to sit there and try to get in someone else's head, but at the same time, it lacks a bit of the challenge and fun that can be had when you really step out of a comfort zone.

Has your character developed differently than what you had planned?
Definitely! She's become a lot tougher than I'd originally planned, and she's not quite the screw up I'd envisioned either.

So far, what is your favourite part about being a member of FedSpace?
The people. I've met some very awesome people and developed some very meaningful friendships through the site.

If you were president for a day, what would you change?
You mean other than make myself Supreme Ruler forever? Haha, seriously? Probably nothing, or nothing that I can think of on the spot.

If you could name your own ship, what would you name it and why?
Haha. Well, being a Texan, I feel a little obligated to name it either the USS Sam Houston or the USS Alamo.

What makes a good Ship/Station?
Definitely the people and environment. If you're post with good and friendly people, who try to make it fun, you can roll with anything.

What do you spend your time outside of FedSpace doing?
Well, I'm a college student so mainly studying, sadly. However, I also play lacrosse so when I'm not killing myself over a textbook, I'm probably getting myself beat up on the field.

What is your favourite Star Trek series?
I would probably have to say Voyager. It was the first one I got the chance to really enjoy when I was about 6, and I just have a soft spot for it.

If you watched the movies, which one was your favorite?
Actually, my favorite is probably the newest one. I just found it to be really fun, even if it didn't totally line up with everything.

Do you have a favourite character from the shows and why?
Oh, that's hard. This might sound strange, but my favorite was always Ensign Kim from Voyager because I just always felt so bad for the poor guy.

What piece of Star Trek Technology would you most like to see today?
A replicator. I'm a college kid, and not having to live on ramen noodles would be amazing.

What was it about Star Trek that made you fall in love with the show?
I fell in love with the fact that it really sparked my imagination from an early age, and let me think outside of reality, I guess.

What FedSpace player would you most like to meet in real life?
I don't think I have just one. I have a bit of a list going currently, and I think it just keeps getting longer, not shorter.

If you could list one pet-peeve about your fellow players, what would it be?
That some people take things way too seriously. Lighten up and have fun!

Do you feel there is any disconnect between you and other players based on geographical location?
Not really. I'm truly lucky in that I have quite a few players in my general area. It certainly helps.

What is in your FedSpace future, for yourself and for your character?
Fun? I don't really know as I'm not really the planning type, but I'm sure whatever is in store for both of us, it'll be interesting, and probably a little strange.

Thank you to Amber for answering my questions! Would you like to be featured in 20 Questions? Please email our [editor-in-chief!]

Dear Abby

Questions for May 2011

Guest Columnist
Stardate 21104.01

Each month I will be taking your questions regarding FedSpace procedure and protocols, and getting answers from various Academy personnel and FedSpace admins. No question is too small!

Is there going to be anything planned to be done with the Borg in the future?
Do answer this I went to the site's Creative Director, Lieutenant Torkav, for his thoughts: "It's been a number of years since the site has seen any major involvement with the Borg, and I would like to, at some future point, involve them in another major plot on the site. There are some creative issues to resolve before we can do so. However, last year we saw a Borg-related mission on the Shadowhawk, and it was a success and gave us some ideas for possible Borg plots in the future. So to answer your question, yes, there will be something, but it's likely a ways off and I can't comment on what it might be."

Does FedSpace have a Twitter account?
Yup! You can access the account by clicking here. Did you know that if you follow FedSpace, you have the opportunity to win up to 200 extra points a month? By re-tweeting to certain questions you can be entered to win a weekly draw for 50 points.

If I wanted to give my NPC a medal in game, do I need approval?
Yes. Please discuss this with your CO, as some medals are very rare even for PCs to receive.

Do we have ship patches, like in Star Trek Enterprise?
All ships have patches / logos, though they are not worn as patches on uniforms like they are in Enterprise. Our uniforms are more similar to those from TNG/DS9/VOY, where the only adornments are rank insignia and commbadge. Ship patches can bee seen on each starship page.

Do you have a question for Abby? Please email her or the editor-in-chief.

Academy Graduates

Guest Columnist
Stardate 21105.01

Please join me in welcoming all the recent graduates to Federation Space! Please note that this table reflects the new Midshipman who graduated in the April points cycle.

Rank Name Ship
Eng-mid.jpg Jintana Yuni USS Titan, CL-2007
Eng-mid.jpg Jace Ajani USS Yeager, SC-8018
Tac-mid.jpg Jason Simmons USS Sheridan, DD-4086
Eng-mid.jpg Taeroc USS Philadelphia, FF-6053