Division of Planetary Operations

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The Division of Planetary Operations (abbreviated to DPO) is a Federation office on Earth, responsible for -among other things- global power distribution.

This organization is also responsible for food and water distribution across the planet. Most commonly, the DPO also handles other natural resources across the planet.

Each planet in the Federation usually has its own office. On Earth, this office division is based in the city of Lisbon.

In 2372, members of Red Squad infiltrated the DPO on the orders of Admiral Leyton.
At 0400 hours, they sabotaged the power distribution network by downloading a self-replicating disordering protocol into the control system, shutting down every power relay on the planet.

  • The entire operation, from deployment to return, took less than three hours, and the event led to the declaration of a planet-wide state of emergency.
  • Admiral Leyton's plan was to fully militarize the planet.