Chin'toka Mission 07: "Left Turn at Star Base Delta"
Placed back in command of the Chin’toka, Captain Gagarin was tasked to lead an engineering flotilla through a transwarp gate connecting Starbases Delta and Alpha in order to meet the Krynar offensive fleet and join the assault on the Krynar. Due to a miscalculation, however, the Chin’toka and the engineering ships wound up in the Magellanic Cloud, 100 lightyears away from Starbase Alpha.
Stranded, the crew coordinated with the engineering teams to construct a new gate. Amidst discussions of the best way to ensure a safe trip home, a distress call from a planet named Sheva was received on long range sensors. Commander Codey took a runabout and led an away team to investigate, and Captain Gagarin began researching the USS Copernicus, which had previously found itself in the Magellanic Cloud. Shortly thereafter, while members of the Chin’toka were coordinating with the engineering crews, long range sensors indicated an asteroid headed directly for the gate.
As the runabout neared Sheva, a Klingon woman named Kasia responded to their hails, and it became clear that an epidemic was sweeping the planet. The USS Calder, and Lieutenant Rubi were dispatched to assist. Landing on the surface, the away team split up to treat the disease and research its history and treatment. The away team quickly surmised that the inhabitants of Sheva were suffering from a Klingon disease named Rop’ngor, which was very similar to human measles. The disease had originated from Kasia, whom, intelligence later discovered, was a clone of the Copernicus’ Ariana Lacey. With the disease identified, the cure was easy to synthesize using Klingon blood, obtained from both Kasia and the Chin’toka’s Lieutenant Torkav.
Back at the Chin’toka, Lieutenants Simmons and Erigneis coordinated between the Chin’toka and the Miami to move the transwarp gate out of the asteroid’s path. Scans, however, indicated that the asteroid changed direction, and once again headed directly for the construction site of the gate. Lieutenant Simmons then took an away team to investigate the asteroid and keep it from colliding with the transwarp gate. Scans of the asteroid proved inconclusive, and when the away team tried to divert the asteroid, it vanished, seeming to be nothing more than a hologram hiding an alien vessel, which now fired upon the shuttlecraft housing the away team. The away team fled into a nearby nebula, seeking cover, while the Chin’toka moved to intercept the pursuing ship.
After attempts to communicate with the alien vessel failed, an analysis of what were originally presumed to be sensor ‘pings’ allowed the Chin’toka to translate the alien language. Communications between the Chin’toka and the alien vessel revealed that the aliens believed themselves attacked, and that they would not repayment. Seeing little other options, Captain Gagarin and the Chin’toka provided cover fire for the shuttle as it left the nebula and boarded the Chin’toka.
With the away team safely aboard, the Chin’toka traveled back to the transwarp gate, which was now complete. After Codey’s team rejoined the ship, and all calculations were checked, the Chin’toka led the engineering flotilla safely through the transwarp gate, destroying it behind them.
Captain's Logs
Capt Valentina Gagarin
Stardate 21401.05
Captain’s Log Stardate 21405.01. This is Captain Gagarin once again on board the USS Chin’toka!
Yup, I’m back! I have a feeling it will only be for this one more mission since Captain Yvette is simply off having a baby, but I’ll take it. I love this ship and her crew, so it will be hard to leave them. Though, I may be stuck with them if everything doesn’t go as planned. There is no reason it shouldn’t, but…hold on, let me explain.
The Chin’toka was assigned as the first heavy cruiser and the first leader of a flotilla to test Star Fleet’s new transwarp gates. Star Fleet has built these gates at both Starbase Alpha and Delta, and we were supposed to jump through the one at Delta to meet the Krynar Offensive Fleet at the Sol System. We were leading an Engineering flotilla from the Fourth Fleet that was carrying the elements of a new transwarp gate. Well, unfortunately our test went badly.
We got through the gate safely, but we ended up in the Magellanic Cloud. Yup, we’re in another galaxy, about 100 lightyears from home. Some calculation must have been off. Somewhat luckily it was off for all of the ships because the Engineering flotilla came through as well. That means we can build another gate and try to get home. In the meantime, we’re stranded without backup and we have three situations on our hands.
First, we’re using limited resources to build a transwarp gate to get us back to the Milky Way. We would have had more resources if we were with the Krynar Fleet. We think we can successfully construct the gate, but the lack of backup makes me uneasy.
Second, we have an asteroid making a bee-line for our gate. When we tried to move the gate, the asteroid tracked it. We found some kind of manufactured device attached to the asteroid, but I had to send an away team in a shuttle for a better look. We could just destroy it, but I don’t want to until we know more.
Finally, we picked up a distress signal from the one planet we could find on long-range sensors. The planet is called Sheva, and surprisingly a woman who looks Klingon has answered our response to the distress call. Apparently the population of Sheva is dying from a virus they cannot contain. I sent the runabout ahead to scout the area with Commander Codey in command. Once we found out about the virus, I sent one of the Engineering ships – the USS Calder – with Dr. Rubi to help the people of Sheva.
Some crew members probably think we should make getting home a priority, but we are still Star Fleeters. We’re still members of the Federation. And in both cases, we have an obligation to help those in need. Sheva is a warp-capable society, so we do not have any Prime Directive problems here. Perhaps the universe destined us to arrive in time to help them.
End log.
Stardate 21407.12
Captain’s Log Stardate 21406.09. Captain Valya Gagarin again!
So I really like being in command of a starship, but it has its boring moments that somehow are anxiety-inducing as well. The Captain sits in the center seat issuing orders that may or may not get crew members killed while she is safe and sound on the Bridge. How does that even make sense?
In any case, we are a bit further along in the mission than the last time I recorded. Commander Codey and Dr. Rubi’s team discovered that the Shevans are suffering from, of all things, Rop’ngor. That’s a virus found in our own galaxy that either doesn’t affect Federation species, can be vaccinated against, or is completely curable depending on the species. I think that they should be able to stop it and ensure the Shevans don’t lose their entire species. Once Dr. Rubi has taken care of that, hopefully Brodie will figure out how the Shevans contracted the virus from our galaxy. I would put latinum on the prediction that it has something to do with the Copernicus and the Shevan leader, Kasia.
Meanwhile, the asteroid we were investigating is causing us trouble in that it turned into a ship that has been firing upon our shuttle. As soon as that happened, I ordered the Chin’toka to Red Alert and we travelled the thirteen minutes to join and help the shuttle. Now that we’re here, though, I’m not quite sure what to do. The asteroid ship is intent on finding the shuttle, which fled to a nearby nebula, and seems to be ignoring the Chin’toka. It’s not answering our hails. We have to get the shuttle out of there safely, but at the same time I don’t want to fire upon the asteroid-ship with the Chin’toka unless they attack us. Hopefully we find some way to communicate with them soon.
End log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
Cdr Brodie Codey
Stardate 21407.12
Computer begin log...
First Officer's Personal Log Stardate 21407.12
The Chin'toka has just docked at Delta and gone through the necessary security procedures for a power-down of all systems so an enhanced engineering review can be conducted after our recent mission. Our recent mission was to trial Starfleet's transwarp gateway for the first time over any considerable distance. We were to take an engineering flotilla with all the material required for another gateway to the Krynar homeworld where the fleet would launch its first invasion with the aim of complete destruction of the Krynar. It was something I wasn't entirely comfortable with, and it has made me question my future with the Starfleet - we are meant to be explorers not conquerors...
The Chin'toka made her way into the gateway and then from some miscalculation, or other anomaly, we found ourselves in the Magellanic Cloud - some 100,000 light years from the Milky Way. I can't quite describe what feelings I had at that time - we have all read the Voyager logs and empathised with the crews despair and hopes, but now we were in that real situation. The only grace we had was that we had the material to construct another gateway, but there was no telling if we would be able to jump back to the gateway near to Delta or whether we would truly be 'lost in space'.
Almost immediately we received a distress call from a planet called Sheeva some 17hours from the Chin'toka's position; I was to lead an away team on the Runabout to the location of the distress call to see if we could assist, but also potentially strike up a friendship in this alien galaxy if all attempts to get home failed. We learned just before our departure that the Copernicus had traveled to the Magenallic Cloud previously, although we couldn't rely on their data completely because we didn't know where they had landed in this galaxy.
We set off, by we I mean myself, Commander's Roland and Wozcienski, and Lieutenant Torkav, to the Shevan system. Commander Roland had the idea of dispatching a probe, which we did, but upon its arrival at the system ahead of us the signal from the probe simply ceased. There were many theories but we would actually have to observe the local space to find out what had happened to this robust exploration device. When we did arrive at the system we noted that a rudimentary planetary defence system had destroyed our probe, and Lieutenant Torkav and Commander Wozcienski assessed that we were safe operating in the area.
I made First Contact with the planet Sheva and was surprised not by the response, but by who delivered it; a female called Kasia who appeared to be visually identical to a Klingon. Kasia detailed a plague on their world that had ravaged and decimated their population. They asked us for our help, and we were obliged to give it; we called for the assistance of the USS Calder - now retrofitted as a medical service ship - and Doctor Rubi. We landed on the planet surface, using the Runabout as a tactical excursion vehicle, and met with Kasia and the Shevans. On the planet we were taken to a central medical facility and observed the sick and dying; I tasked Doctor Rubi to analyse the sick under the watchful gaze of Commander Wozcienski, whilst myself and Commander Roland took a look at their historical efforts in combating the disease. What we discovered is that the Shevan's had been at the mercy of a Klingon illness not too dissimilar from human measles known as 'Rop'ngor'. The cure for Rop'ngor was relatively simple and all we required was Klingon blood - something it transpired Kasia had. We utilised blood from all available Klingon hosts, including Lieutenant Torkav who must be noted for his duty to a planet outside of the Federation, and well beyond the call of duty.
Once we had began to synthesise the antidote it transpired that Kasia was linked to a Commander Ariana Lacey somehow; I am not sure what will be the byproduct of this discovery, but I am sure Starfleet medical will need to examine the records of the Copernicus and of the Chin'toka before our next mission. Whilst I would assess that First Contact went smoothly, I must recommend that all senior officers attend a retraining event as some unnecessary errors were introduced during the mission. I also must note that Doctor Rubi suffered some sort of episode whilst on the planet surface that at present is not linked to her presence on the mission; it has been theorised that Edo's may suffer accumulated stress due to the dislocation away from emotional connections on their homeworld - I am not sure what this means for Edos in Starfleet, but I do hope Cellest makes a speedy recovery, and we are able to reintroduce her back onto the crew.
I am also sad to hear of Commander Wozcienski's immediate transfer that has just appeared on my desk - apparently she is required by the Diplomatic Corps for close protection. I can't say I knew Anne that well - Crissy always spoke so fondly of her - but I feel that the events of the previous mission and its dismissal of Crissy had driven a wedge between whatever friendship could have been...
I sometimes sit and wonder what happened on the Bridge of this ship back then, why did she pull that weapon out on Captain Yvette after some sort of mental episode... Anyways, this speculation is not for this log, I've spoken about this for long enough, it would have just been nice to share a First Contact experience with her.
End log.
CTO Lt Mitsein Erigneis
Stardate 21402.20
Chief Tactical Officer's Log:
My first official day as CTO isn't off to a bad start. I feared I might be late in running back from Delta, but I arrived to the Observation Lounge just in time to save Rubi from choking. The captain ended up with a cheesy jacket, but everyone is no worse for the wear otherwise.
I hope the crew will accept me in my new position. I've aced all of my training exams in record time, but I can't help but feel a bit green. Knowing these other department heads, however, I trust that they'll be able to help me out on the coming mission, wherever that might take us. After all, one of Tactical's primary responsibilities is consolidating dta from other departments in order to help make the wisest decision.
Stardate 21402.20
Recovered log found in ship's memory. Lieutenant Erigneis' Personal Log. Stardate 21402.20.
My new quarters seem to be haunted. I feel like maybe I'm imagining things, and I fear the rest of the crew will think me crazy or worse, but my quarters seem to be inhabited by some force. She seems to like Japanese art and whispers softly that her name sounds kind of like Amy.
I don't know what to do with this information. Should I request new quarters? Maybe this is a crewmember playing a prank on me.
You know what. Computer, end log. Erase it.
ACTO Lt Surak {Erigneis}
Stardate 21407.01
Lieutenant Surak's log to be submitted to Lieutenant Erigneis, Stardate 201407.01.
Finding myself relieved of duty after an extensive shift, I would like to take a minute to update you on what occurred in your absence, and report on my assessment of the Chin' Toka's crew.
First off, you should know that while your away team was surveying the asteroid, and commencing hostilities with an alien species, the other away team successfully diagnosed the situation on the planet. Before that, however, Midshipman Rogue fired a probe without approval. The penalty for this insubordination should be court-martial, but the captain "cut her some slack." After that, while we on the Chin'Toka coordinated between away missions, midshipman Seh'prinna reported to the bridge. She informs me that she did not even meet her superior officer before he left for an away mission, and I must remind you that ensuring that our new officers are fully trained is perhaps the most important responsibility of your position. Despite her inexperience, however, Seh'prinna proved herself a capable navigator, despite a few words spoken in error.
As your vessel fled the unknown alien vessel, the Chin'Toka pursued, and, taking Rogue's findings, successfully made contact, albeit too late to repair the relationship. With weapons ready, we aided in your rescue, and proceeded back to the transwarp gate, where, I am assured, things are proceeding well in your absence.
Overall, it is my personal opinion that you do not meet your obligations as CTO, and furthermore the lack of firm structure onboard this ship seems pervasive and disturbing. Reading through prior mission logs, it is obvious that this ship and its crew frequently operates outside regulations, and the consequences are frequently severe, with disaster narrowly averted. I am forwarding my findings to Starfleet and asking for reassignment.
CE Lt JG Robert Simmons
Stardate 21405.15
Chief Engineer's log Stardate 21405.15 Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons recording
Well, this mission just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I had transferred over to the Miami in hopes to help work on the transwarp gate. Our CTO, Erigneis, joined me on the team. We spent a long time learning the process, and the gate's construction made good progress. It was then that we got the news that there was a comet headed through the system that was on a collision course with our gate. Communicating with the Chin'toka, we were able to pull the transwarp gate out of the way. That was when things got weird.
The comet changed its trajectory to aim for the gate again. So, given this new development, Erigneis and I beamed back over to the Chin'toka to meet with Feyil and the new Science Midshipman, Rogue. We all boarded a shuttle and made haste to the comet. Thus far, we weren't able to pick up on any lifeforms, but we do know that there is a quantum singularity within it. We are working on a method to get it away, or at least buy the gate construction team time to finish.
End log.
Stardate 21406.15
Chief Engineer's log Stardate 21406.15 Lieutenant (JG) Robert Simmons recording
After conferring with the rest of the Away Team, which I realized took far longer than it should have, I made the decision, with at least the support of Lieutenant Erigneis, to attempt to move the 'asteroid' into the nearby nebula, to at least borrow time for the construction crew to finish the transwarp gate. It was going smoothly until the asteroid dropped what I could only describe as a holo-emitter to reveal a small alien ship. The ship began attacking us, so we decided the best idea was to head to the nebula ourselves in order to keep a lock off of us.
So to the coordinated efforts of the shuttle crew, we were able to make it to the nebula with minimal damage. Another vessel, that I assume to be the Chin'toka, was able to arrive after a few minutes, and some form of communication was established. We were also able to decipher the strange pings that the alien vessel was sending to our ship. It appears they thought we attacked them first. I will try to establish contact to see if I can reason with them and let them know we mean them no harm.
Hopefully this will all work out.
End log.
Stardate 21407.15
Chief Engineer's log Stardate 21407.15 Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Robert Simmons recording
Well, our last mission is now behind us. We managed to make contact with the Chin'toka, and were able to escape the nebula and the alien vessel and return to the Transwarp Gate. After confirming everything was fine, I took a much needed rest.
After several tests, we were able to make the correct jump, and ended up at Starbase Delta. We were informed of shore leave. I was also informed of a certain bit of advanced news regarding probable promotions, and so submitted all of the necessary paperwork to take the Command Course. I have completed the pre-screen and written evaluations. I have yet to hear about my results, but I know should those go well, the next step, beyond the obvious promotion to Lieutenant I hope comes, would be the actual Practical Examination.
But, better not to count my eggs before they hatch. For now, I am going to enjoy shore leave and the upcoming Promotions and Awards ceremony, to the tune of the Roaring 20s.
End log
Lt Savar Feyil
Stardate 21404.16
Lieutenant Savar Feyil Personal Log Stardate 201404.16
It has been a strange time. We were supposed to travel to Starbase Alpha and from there we were going to the Krynar home system to build a Transwarp Gate. Things did not go to the plan.
We safely travelled through the Transwarp gate but there was a miscalculation. The Chin'toka is stranded with the Engineering support vessels. Thankfully our mission was to travel there and build a gate so we have the necessary equipment and skills to construct a gate that will allow us to get home. If we didn't it would take quite a few years to get home by normal warp.
Simmons has transferred across to the Miami to oversee the construction of the gate. I have been left in Engineering and have been assisted by two Scientists as we try and figure out what went wrong so we can avoid repeating the mistake on the way home.
End Log.
Stardate 21405.29
Lieutenant Savar Feyil Personal Log Stardate 201405.29
Whilst we were building the gate a comet or asteroid appeared on sensors and was heading for the gate. The decision was taken to move the gate out of path of the comet as this was the easiest course of action. However the comet changed course and headed for the gate again.
I have been assigned to the away team to investigate the cause of this change in course. Our initial scans showed that there is a power source within the comet. It is similar to what the Krynar and Romulans use.
We have decided that the safest option is to push the comet out the way. This will allow us more time to study what is happening and why we have strange readings. We are about to attempt to push the comet. So fingers crossed everything goes ok.
End Log.
Stardate 21406.24
Lieutenant Savar Feyil Personal Log Stardate 201406.24
The asteroid turned out to be a cloaked ship of some kind. As soon as we tractored the vessel it opened fire on the shuttle. We sustained minor damage, but had to make a run for a nearby nebula to hide as we could not outrun or even outgun the ship.
We have spent the last few moments waiting in the nebula to see what the alien vessel would do, and if the Chin'Toka would be able to get here in time to save us. At the moment the nebula seems to be hiding the shuttle quite well.
Whilst I sit here waiting I realise that I outrank two of the Department Heads that are on the shuttle with me. I have never been had any ambitions for responsibility or even being a department head, but I find this situation slightly awkward. I am not sure what my options are at the moment, I could possibly try for a Chief Engineer's spot on another ship, but I don't think I have much chance. I could also resign my commission in Starfleet, but I am not sure if I want to do that or not.
End Log
LCdr Mick Roland
Stardate 21407.07
USS Chin'toka CA-1375 Chief Science Officer’s Log Stardate 21307.07 Lieutenant Commander Mick Roland
begin log
The Chin’toka was scheduled to test a transwarp gate. We did that. Except we found ourselves on the edge of known space, or more like unknown space – 160,000 light years from Star Base Alpha, our intended location. The ship had supplies for years if needed of course, but that wasn’t necessary. We eventually, after some interesting distractions and with help from the Calder and flotilla, were able to assemble the transwarp gate at our incorrect destination and get home to Star Base Delta. We set the gate for self-destruct after our exit for security reasons.
A distress signal was being emitted by a near class-M planet. The Runabout William Ross was dispatched with myself, Commander Codey, Lieutenant Torkav, and Commander Wozcienski. Upon communication with the planet and discovering the dire circumstances they were under, Doctor Rubi was also dispatched via the USS Calder.
After arriving planetside, we soon discovered a common Klingon originating virus, that we regularly vaccinated against, was decimating the population of the planet. A simple blood draw from our Klingon pilot, Lieutenant Torkav and the planet Sheva Ambassador Kasia, who was curiously Klingon, provided enough to create vaccines that were distributed throughout the planet.
Interesting information surfaced regarding the Sheva Ambassador Kasia. Her name was found in the Federation registry as Kasia Lacey. She was the biological daughter of Commander Avark and surrogate daughter of Lieutenant Commander Ariana Lacey, who were both stationed on the USS Copernicus when the ship was lost in the same area of space as we were.
While all of that was taking place, an asteroid was on course to disrupt the assembly of the warp gate. A shuttle was dispatched from the Chin’toka and ran into a misunderstanding with an alien ship that was cloaked as that asteroid. Ultimately, that away team returned home and the shuttle, alien vessel, and Chin’toka were relatively unscathed.
end log
Mid Jada Rogue
Stardate 21404.07
The many adventures of my Academy days are now over, and a new one is about to start. I did my best to spend as much time in the gardens, as I could, playing music and some times even painting. When I was there, something caught my interest over all, there was a memorial to a grounds keeper. The legend of this man, was that nothing ever got by this man. If anything ever happened on those grounds, he was always the first one to know about.. So I painted a picture of him, and I did it in a way so it looked like he was scolding some one. I thought it would be most fitting, because he did it a lot. I also kept the picture beside my door, it reminded me to keep my guard up when up to no good. My naturally shy personality made it easier for me to go by unnoticed, and amazing about what you can do with so much memory and how it comes to the surface. It would be amazing to the average person, on how many ways there is to get rid of evidence and all hidden in the open.
None of it was harmful, but a whole lot of fun.The best part of it was, there were so many people who wanted to take credit for it. The cadet who wanted the credit the most, suddenly had all the evidence that was needed. In the end his punishment was being confined to his room for three weeks, and that was after his classes. All of it was low tech to no tech at all, he wanted it so he got it. That lead me to the greatest of all, a fireworks display.
It was a great symphony of fire, a tribute to the grounds keeper. During the whole thing, there was a twenty five foot holo image of the man, and it was something to be seen. It was during the time I was deployed, that the whole show started. I figured that the best way to start off for my first ship, would be the same way I first got to the Academy. It was a Nero style exit plan, and everyone enjoyed it with the warning to never do it again.
It is now I am here, that I need to come up with a whole new series of games. First I have to find out the information needed, like who sleeps with a rubber chicken under the pillow. I can find all of this out by listening, people always love to talk about what pranks got pulled on who. For now I am just waiting for the best prank, reverse engineer it and watch in the distance when it gets reversed back on them. For now as I bide my time, I am just going to paint. The ship and her crew looks like the best place to start, I just hope they like it.
End Log
CMO Lt JG Cellest Rubi
Stardate 21404.19
Cellest Rubi's personal log, stardate two-one-four-o-four-point, nineteen. (21404.19)
Hey Daystrom,
We are actually in the middle of nowhere, or that's how a few crew-members in sickbay called it. A strange reference to being exactly where we are in my opinion. Sickbay has been running admirably, I am proud at how the staff has performed the last couple of days, so is T'pril. We have been checking the ship and her condition and I've to conclude that all seems well at the moment; if you leave the comet that changed course out of the question.
That's the strangest thing, isn't it? I believe humans would call it Dejà vu, meaning that the current experience has already been experienced.
I have been working on the bridge the last couples of days. I kind of like it up there, but I prefer sickbay and not staring at a console the whole time. However, I'm am beginning to believe medical is going to fulfill a very important role the coming days, unless the ship gets blown to bits by the comet that's heading our way, though I doubt that, because the comet is either inhabited or it's being directed by something or someone.
Ensign Gass … now there's a funny fellow. He poisoned the Captain with one of his concoction. I slapped his wrists and ordered him to take some botany and toxicology lessons in sickbay once we return to 'home.' – wherever that is.
Sheva …
A planet currently inflicted by Rubicun knows what – on top of that, we've been contacted by them and we were being hailed by a Klingon making a reference to 'god'. This is getting complicated very fast.
I've been reading into the Prime Directive a lot as we are not sure what exactly is causing the pandemic circumstance on the planet just yet, if we should interfere is unclear, I however am not sure that once I've actually talked to the people from Sheva, if I'm able to respect that, however Four-Pip will have the last say in that.
The Federation takes the Prime-directive extremely serious … we all know that as the academy has punched those principles into our sculls so many times we could and can dream the words … still, it's open for discussion in my opinion.
That last couple of days I've been having this hunch to just take a shuttle, and fly over there, deal with this myself but … that's not the way to go, and it would by hypocritical as I've explained to Midshipman Rogue that we're a team. I'm still experiencing a sense of rebelling against the structure that makes up a federation ship, and I've been losing sight of my own 'set purpose' within the federation, you might even say that I'm confused … or bored, I'm not sure.
T'pril warned me that thinking the way I do sometimes is hazardous to my responsibility and that I need to maintain Queitis for the good of the whole ship.
Vulcans … I think I can safely say that I don't like them, and strangely enough at times I do.
So! Daystrom, let me sum it up for you:
One – we're lost.
Two – We're repairing the transwarp gate.
Three – a big-behind comet is coming our way and it has changed course.
Four – we're communicating with a planet on the verge of demise and we were hailed by what appeared a Klingon.
Five - … I'm not sure. We'll see...
Six - end log.