Gagarin, Valentina

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Valentina Gagarin
Career Occupation
Commanding Officer
USS Chin’toka, CA-1375
Biographical Attributes
160 cm (5 ft. 3 in.)
55.8 kg (123 lb.)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Short; just above her shoulders. She wears it down when off duty, but pulled back in a headband, barrettes, or a pony-tail when on duty.
Slight, almost boyish
Medium tone white skin
United Federation of Planets
Jerusalem, Israel, but raised in upstate New York.
Familial Relationships
Status of Parents:
Living outside of San Francisco, CA where her father is a baker and her mother is an artist.
Marital Status:

Personal History

Valentina, known to friends and family as Valya, was raised by very nurturing parents. She had a normal childhood where she often helped out in her father’s bakery or spent time with her mother in their in-home art studio. Her main hobby as a child was ballet dancing, as she was trained from the time she could walk until she graduated high school. She made friends very easily, but has always been somewhat introverted and so enjoyed time at home more than out.

Valya joined Starfleet because she didn’t know what else to do. She never took to art or baking, and she was never skilled at one particular thing. Her parents moved to the San Francisco area with her, as their daughter is still their entire world and it was easy to set up a new bakery and studio.

Valya showed an aptitude for Humanoid Biology more than other subjects, but she could never take to the patient side of Medical. She fell in love with research, especially pertaining to research at the cellular level. She still loves to spend time in a lab or the field, though she has also proven to be adept at command.

She was first assigned to work at the Starfleet Science Institute as a junior lab technician. Her good hands in the lab had her assigned on the “front lines” of scientific investigation very quickly, and she was sent wherever she was needed. She mostly worked in on-site labs helping to analyze the biosphere of various planets.

Valya moved through the ranks more for doing her time than for any special discovery. She eventually grew restless of her work, and asked to be assigned to a starship. Having reached the rank of Lieutenant, and shown an aptitude for leadership, she was assigned to the Philadelphia as Chief Science Officer. This didn’t last very long, however, as an exciting new opportunity came up to catalog and discover new life on planet that was not inhabited by intelligent life. Valya was offered the chance to lead the research team, and she took it.

This proved to be the best career decision Valentina ever made. On the planet, Valya’s research team discovered a mold spore that serendipitously cured Kamaraazite Flu. As the leader of the team, Valya received the credit for the discovery, and she was rewarded with the rank of Lieutenant Commander as well as increased noticed by the Starfleet Science Institute.

After finishing the studies on the planet, Gagarin used her newfound influence to secure a position as First Officer on a science vessel. Having made a significant scientific discovery, she was interested in moving on to different life goals, including a Command someday. Her natural charisma and easy-going attitude made her a very good First Officer, and she was eventually promoted to the same position on a Battleship. After a battle with the Krynar left the ship too damaged to repair, Valya found herself stuck on Starbase Delta waiting for an assignment.

USS Chin'toka, "Duogravitics"

Valya was surprised to find herself assigned as Acting Commanding Officer of the USS Chin’toka, CA-1375. The ship’s true Captain, Aloysia Yvette was put on medical leave due to a controversial Borg mission, and so the ship needed someone to fill in for at least 6 months. Valya was assigned because the first mission was somewhat scientific in nature and because she was available. She was promoted to Captain for her duration on the Chin’toka.

The Chin’toka’s mission was relatively straight-forward. The ship had been fitted with a new weapon designed to work against Krynar ships. The weapon worked against gravity-based systems by shooting duonetically charged gravitons out of the deflector dish to deactivate all gravity activity. The Chin’toka was to be the first full-sized ship to test the weapon, which was designed for a ship with two warp cores. The theory behind the weapon was based on work by Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg, and so he joined the crew as Chief Science Officer for the mission.

The testing field was an abandoned system several weeks away from Starbase Delta that had many derelict ships, some fitted with gravity drives and other systems, that they could test the weapon on. They began the tests immediately upon arrival in the system.

The initial tests revealed that the weapon was extremely over-powered and that some kind of feedback wave from the device was affecting their systems, both electronic and biological. During one of the tests that caused the entire crew to vomit, a Romulan ship that was hiding in the system was forced to decloak due to the feedback wave. The Chin’toka crew immediately assumed that they were spying on the weapons tests, and they attempted to discover which Romulan ship was present and who her commanding officer was. Valya did not want to get in a fire fight, but that became unavoidable when the Romulans refused to give them information. The Romulan battlecruiser fired on the Chin’toka.

The minor skirmish ended with the battlecruise fleeing the system, and the Chin'toka left with some serious scars, including warped nacelles that would only allow a maximum speed of warp 6. Several crew members were injured, but the loss of life was minimal.

Lieutenant Commander Gregg and his team of Engineers and Scientists worked to discover what was wrong with the weapon that caused such terrible feedback. They discovered a simple software error that was easily corrected. At Valya’s request, they also attempted to make the weapon less powerful in order to disable rather than destroy. Using the weapon at 1% with a tightly confined beam still resulted in all vessels completely vaporizing. If the vessels were close to each other, the wave of antigravity that emitted from the main target would destroy adjacent targets until a whole field of ships could be destroyed. Though this was good news for winning the fight against the Krynar, Valya still wasn’t comfortable with the major destruction it caused. However, that part of the problem was up to Star Fleet to deal with.

The Chin’toka returned to Starbase Delta for shoreleave and to be fixed after the encounter with the Romulans. Valya found herself giving the Chin’toka back to a pregnant Captain Yvette who wanted to go on another mission before she had her baby. Star Fleet already planned to give Valya back the Chin’toka while Yvette was on paternity leave, so to keep her busy they assigned her as a Senior Scientific Advisor to the Fourth Fleet.

Personality Profile

Academy Major(s): Ecology, Cell Biology
Academy Minor(s): Microbiology, Biochemistry
Hobbies and Pastimes: Valya loves to read. She absorbs books like plants absorb water. Her favorite genre is Science Fiction, though she dabbles in Romance and other genres as well.
Short-Term Goals: To obtain permanent command of a starship.
Long-Term Goals: To have a family with the same bond she has with her parents.
Personality: Very kind and carefree. Optimistic. Tends to be “bouncy” and happy, full of energy.
Sense of Humor: Valya laughs easily, but doesn’t often make jokes for she is afraid of offending someone.
Likes: Reading, running, apple strudel, her mother’s sculptures, and cats.
Dislikes: Mean-spirited people; when someone is upset.
Pet Peeves or Gripes: People who brood. She always feels she has to cheer them up.
Bad Habits or Vices: Can sometimes be found staring off into space.
Achievements: Discovering the cure to the Kamaraazite Flu.
Disappointments: Valya does not focus on negatives and thus has no disappointments to speak of.
Strengths: Her attitude makes it very easy for Valya to get along with people.
Weaknesses: Valya’s care-free and friendly attitude can sometimes make it difficult for her subordinates to see the line between friends and the chain of command.
Fears: Losing her family.
Off Duty Clothing Tastes: Usually a blouse and jeans, though she’s been known to wear a dress occasionally.
Distinguishing Features: Two beauty marks on her face, one on each cheek. If facing her, the one on the left is on the forward part of her cheekbone near her nose. The one on the right is also on her cheekbone, but further back toward her ear.
Friends: Her mother, Shelly. They are very close and more like sisters than mother and child.

Personal Paradigm Shifts

Most Painful Experience: Valya hasn’t had any painful experience as of yet.
Best Time: Her entire childhood.
Most Crucial Experience: Discovering the cure to Kamaraazite Flu.
Role Model: Her parents.

Career History

Ariana Lacey
Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Cadet Star Fleet Academy 20206.25 Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
Science Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20206.25 – 20208.01 Ensign Ensign
Science Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20208.01 – 20302.01 Lieutenant Junior Grade Lieutenant Junior Grade
Science Officer USS Dauntless, BC-1553 20302.01 – 20309.01 Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20307.01 Promoted/Transferred
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20309.01 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20311.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20501.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20504.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20509.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20511.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20512.01 Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20601.01 Annual Citation of Excellence Annual Citation of Excellence
Chief Science Officer USS Copernicus, GSC-9035 20608.10 Switched Characters to Aloysia Yvette
Aloysia Yvette
Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Assistant Chief Medical Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 20608.10 – 20701.01 Lieutenant Lieutenant
Chief Medical Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 20609.01 – 20709.01 Promoted
Chief Medical Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 20609.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
Chief Medical Officer USS Titan, CL-2007 20701.01 Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20701.23 Transferred/Promoted
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20709.01 Diamond Star Diamond Star
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20709.06 Commander Commander
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20804.01 Diamond Star Diamond Star
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20804.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20807.01 Purple Heart Purple Heart
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20808.01 Diamond Star Diamond Star
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20809.02 Gold Star Gold Star
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20904.01 Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20907.02 Purple Heart Purple Heart
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 20907.02 Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal
First Officer USS Gettysburg, BC-1863 21002.03 Diamond Star Diamond Star
Personnel Officer USS Nova, BB-106 21002.20 Transferred
Personnel Officer USS Nova, BB-106 21005.03 The Leonard Nimoy Life Saving Cross
Personnel Officer USS Nova, BB-106 21007.06 Captain Captain
Commanding Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 21007.06 Promoted/Transferred
Commanding Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 21101.03 Gold Star Gold Star
Commanding Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 21105.01 Star Fleet Distinguished Service Globe Star Fleet Distinguished Service Globe
Commanding Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 21105.01 Gold Star Gold Star
Commanding Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 21201.01 Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Commanding Officer USS Chin'toka, CA-1375 21201.30 Transferred
Commanding Officer USS Chin'toka, CA-1375 21402.15 Switched Characters to Valentina Gagarin
Valentina Gagarin
Position Assignment Date(s) Event
Chief Science Officer USS Philadelphia, FF-6053 21005.22 – 21104.23 Assigned
Principal Investigator Planet 578450 21104.23 – 21303.27 Assigned
Acting Commanding Officer USS Chin'toka, CA-1375 21303.27 – 21306.25 Assigned
Senior Scientific Adviser Star Base Delta 21306.25 – 21402.15 Assigned
Commanding Officer USS Chin'toka, CA-1375 21402.15 Assigned
Commanding Officer USS Chin'toka, CA-1375 21501.01 Krynar War Campaign Medal Krynar War Campaign Medal
Commanding Officer USS Chin'toka, CA-1375 21503.01 Switched Characters to Leila Britton
Medals Tally:
Service Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Star Fleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 1
Star Fleet Achievement Medal Star Fleet Achievement Medal 2
Star Fleet Commendation Medal Star Fleet Commendation Medal 2
Gold Star Gold Star 3
Diamond Star Diamond Star 4
Star Fleet Distinguished Service Globe Star Fleet Distinguished Service Globe 1
Purple Heart Purple Heart 2
Campaign Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Krynar War Campaign Medal Krynar War Campaign Medal 1
Achievement Medals Awarded
Image Description Qty.
Role Player of the Month Role Player of the Month 7
Annual Citation of Excellence Annual Citation of Excellence 1

Contact Information


  1. Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in this document is rated CONFIDENTIAL.
  2. Please note that familial and historical references to age may be current only to time of retirement.