Serving in the Klingon Military

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Honor and Loyalty

The Klingon Military is only partially like that of the Federation's Star Fleet. There is a clear chain of command, with rules guiding performance on a Klingon vessel. First of which is loyalty to the Empire. Any action that is not in the best interest of the Empire is considered treasonous. That being said, there is no fine line between what is loyal and what is treasonous. Perspective is very important.

The same goes for a Klingon vessel; loyalty and obedience is most important. When serving on a Klingon ship, the Captain's orders are paramount. They are not to be questioned by the crew.

By faithfully serving, and distinguishing oneself in battle, a Klingon warrior will earn honor for himself, his ship, and the Empire.

Chain of Command

There is also a strict chain of command. Problems amongst the crew are dealt with quickly and severely. Each 'ay'pIn (section chief), is responsible for those that serve under them. Overall responsibility for the ship and crew falls on the Executive Officer, under the Captain.

Challenges on Klingon Ship

See IKV Dreamslayer for guidelines.