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Physical Description

Name: Galan
Position: Engineer
Rank: erei’Erein
Assignment: RIS Shadowhawk
Species: Romulan
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5’6
Weight: 155 pounds
Build/Body Type: Small, athletic
Complexion: Pale
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short in the traditional Romulan manner
Facial Hair: None
Eye Color: Black
Voice: Strong
Off-Duty Clothing Taste: Traditional Romulan male clothing

Personal History

Date of Birth: 18511.30
Place of Birth: Mhiessan, Remus
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Siblings Name & Ages: None
Mother's Name: T'Maekh
Father's Name: Vrih
Parent's Status: Alive and living in Mhiessan
Pets: None
Best Friend: Lai Yhea (Deceased)
Personal History: Havraha Galan was born and raised in Mhiessan. His earliest memories were of his father’s workshop. His mother would sit for hours holding him as they watched his father build and repair furniture. Even though Vrih was a carpenter by trade, he had a passion for mechanics. It was said by the locals that if Vrih could not fix it, then it could not be fixed. While not a wealthy or prestigious family, they were respectable members of the community and lived a modest lifestyle.

As a boy, when he was not in his father’s workshop, Galan enjoyed walking along the shore and gazing into the nearby ocean. For hours he would sit under the large cliffs and watch as the waves crashed to the shore as birds soared through the air. Due to his short stature, the other children at school would tease and make fun of Galan. This caused him great embarrassment, so instead of socializing or taking part in school extra curricula activities, he retreated to his father’s workshop.

His father noticed his son’s interest and natural abilities for mechanics and taught Galan everything that he knew, eventually giving up the carpentry trade to focus on mechanics. As Galan grew into a teenager, he was an average student in most subjects and excelled at classes having anything to do with mechanics. He also met and became close friends with Lai Yhea. Yhea’s father was a merchant who often traded with Vrih. Both boys had a passion for the ocean and would spend several hours swimming and climbing the cliffs around the ocean. However, tragedy soon struck one day when Galan was sixteen, Yhea asked Galan to go to the beach and swim with him. Galan, who was working on a project with his father, told him no, and the two got into an argument. Yhea went to the beach alone and drown. Galan blamed himself for Yhea’s death.

Two years after Yhea’s death, an Imperial Fleet officer who had known the family for years pulled a few strings and got Galan into the Imperial Academy. At the Academy, while getting by in most subjects, Galan excelled in his engineering classes. While not the overall top student, he was the top engineering student in his graduating class. Upon graduation from the Imperial Academy, he was transferred to one of the newest ships in the fleet, the RIS Shadowhawk.

Galan was killed in battle during Stardate 20904 when he threw himself on a grenade to save his comrades.


Academy Majors: Quantum Singularity, Advanced Mechanics
Academy Minors: Warp Propulsion, Weapon Systems
Hobbies & Past-Times: Working with his hands and anything mechanical.
Short-Term Goals: Do well aboard the Shadowhawk.
Long-Term Goals: One day return to his home and take over his father’s shop.
Personality: Galan is very shy. Not having an active social life growing up or at the Academy, he tends to keep to himself. He is very mechanical minded. However, he has a good sense of humor and those few who get to know him enjoy his company.
Phobias: None
Likes: Repairing things, making sure everything mechanical is properly working.
Dislikes: Attention, crowds, people who make fun of his height.
Bad Habits/Vices: Because of his lack in social skills, he can be very tactless and to the point. Prefers to work alone and doesn’t like to do something he thinks will waste his time.
Pet Peeves/Gripes: Does not like formality or people he deems are too social.
Achievements: Graduating top of his engineering class at the Academy.
Disappointments: Not having any siblings.
Illnesses: None
Strengths: Very mechanical, can fix almost anything, thinks before he acts, dependable.
Weaknesses: Impatient, tends to ignore or bend rules he deems ridiculous.
Prejudices: Does not like social or prominent Romulans who think they are better than the common people.


Most Painful Experience: When his best friend Yhea drown.
Best Time: Swimming and being with Yhea
Most Crucial Experience: Working with his father in his father’s workshop.
Role Model: His father.

Career History

Saeihr-hveith 20804.07 – Promoted to erei'Erein. Assigned RIS Shadowhawk.