Bajoran Chamber of Ministers

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The Chamber of Ministers meets in 2370

The Bajoran Council of Ministers, also known as the Board of Ministers, Chamber of Ministers or the Bajoran Council, was the head of the Bajoran Provisional Government (later known as the Bajoran Republic). Together with the Vedek Assembly, the institutional head of the Bajoran religion, the Chamber of Ministers decided on matters that concerned Bajor as a whole.

In 2373, the Council of Ministers voted to delay acceptance of Federation membership after Captain Benjamin Sisko warned that it was too soon to join, and that doing so would destroy Bajor.

Later that year, the Council of Ministers debated signing a "nonaggression pact" offered by the Dominion. The pact was signed following its endorsement by the Emissary, who argued that it was Bajor's only chance of survival under Dominion rule.

In 2374, Major Kira went to the Council of Ministers, asking them to lodge a formal protest against the planned execution of Rom.

Example: As the Bajoran people considered Benjamin Sisko the Emissary, they would have to request permission through the Board of Ministers to speak with him directly.