Carraya IV

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Carraya IV

Carraya IV is a planet located in the Carraya system of the Romulan Star Empire. Klingon survivors from the Khitomer Massacre were brought to a prison camp here following the battle and eventually learned to live in peace with their Romulan captors. The planet contains several lush jungle areas, and is not heavily fortified apart from a few Romulan soldiers. Supply ships make regular stops at the world.

The colony was kept secret until 2369, when a Federation officer of Klingon origin, a Lieutenant Worf, discovered its existence upon a tip from an Yridian trader. Worf was initially held captive but was allowed to return to the Federation with several Klingon youths who wished to leave their secluded home. They were brought to the Enterprise-D aboard a Romulan Warbird and sworn to secrecy about the prison camp in order to protect the honor of the Klingons who remained behind.

Carraya IV is also home to the arboreal needle snake.