Captain Braxton headed the timeship USS Relativity, and was a Starfleet officer from the 29th century. Braxton claimed that the USS Voyager had been responsible for the destruction of the Sol system in the Alpha Quadrant in the 29th century, and so had traveled back to destroy Voyager. Braxton was a prudent follower of upholding the Temporal Prime Directive. Despite this, he was responsible for multiple violations of this Directive.
As Captain, he recruited Seven of Nine from the year 2375 for a mission to save USS Voyager from destruction due to sabotage. It was later revealed that it was Braxton himself who was the saboteur, from a later point in his personal timeline. He would suffer from temporal psychosis, and blamed Voyager's Captain Janeway for his early retirement. Placed under arrest for crimes he would commit, no fewer than three versions of him ended up being held in custody.