Authorization code

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The use of an authorization code to transfer command of a starship from one captain to another.

The command authorization code (also known as authorization code, voice authorization code, command code, defense access code, or access code) is an alphanumeric sequence used by militaries to allow access to certain command protocols and restricted information.

Some of the many uses of authorization codes including: activating and canceling auto destruct sequences, transferring of command of a starship, accessing secured locations, and ejecting a warp core.

Star Fleet

In Star Fleet, the style of code varies from decade to decade. In 2365, the code was a long sequence of numbers, letters from the human Greek and English alphabet pronounced phonetically and colors. By the following year, the code standardized to a form used from that point on. Typically, this would involve the user's name, Greek letters, and numbers. Codes are changed on a regular basis, to prevent sabotage and security breaches.


  • Kappa-Alpha-4-6-0-1-7-0-4
  • Picard-4-7-Alpha-Tango
  • Sisko-Omega-1-7-Abort
  • Janeway-1-1-5-3-Red, Clearance level: 10


Cardassian authorization codes are somewhat customizable in that high-ranking officers can add additional security checks to restrict use of their security clearances.