
From Federation Space - Official Wiki
Revision as of 06:21, 27 June 2022 by Tregelen (talk | contribs)
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When a link is marked as "Unknown" in the Federation Space wiki, it means there is not enough known about a specific subject for us to input any information. You may find this is the case on such things such as a "Minor Species," which may have only been mentioned in passing during one episode of one Star Trek series. What differentiates a Minor species from a Major species is the amount of information that is readily known about them. For example, the Antedean species was in one episode of The Next Generation, and may have then been only mentioned in passing.

If you find you have information on a field that has been marked "Unknown," it would be greatly appreciated if you could contact the wiki team regarding said information.

You can e-mail the Content Manager directly with the information and they will direct you further.