Titan Mission 14: "Talking to Lizards and Demons"
Talking to Lizards and Demons | |||
Ship: | USS Titan, CL-2007 | ||
Commanding Officer: | Captain Alexis Tregelen | ||
Archive: | Link | ||
Stardate: | 21210.15 - 21306.27 | ||
Mission Timeline | |||
Previous Mission: | Current Mission: | Next Mission: | |
Mission 13 | Mission 15 |
- 1 Captains Log
- 2 Crew Logs
- 2.1 Lieutenant Lymtara Vexx
- 2.2 Lieutenant Junior Grade Skyler Gray
- 2.3 Lieutenant Sileen Ley
- 2.3.1 Personal Log: Stardate 21210.15
- 2.3.2 Personal Log: Stardate 21211.16
- 2.3.3 Personal Log: Stardate 21212.15
- 2.3.4 Personal Log: Stardate 21301.15
- 2.3.5 Personal Log: Stardate 21302.16
- 2.3.6 Personal Log: Stardate 21302.16
- 2.3.7 Personal Log: Stardate 21304.17
- 2.3.8 Personal Log: Stardate 21305.16
- 2.3.9 Personal Log: Stardate 21306.15
- 2.3.10 Personal Log: Stardate 21307.16
- 2.4 Lieutenant Jessica Whyte
- 2.5 Lieutenant Commander Zzen Drell
- 2.6 Lieutenant Junior Grade Nila Soen
- 2.7 Ensign Jordan Donovan
- 2.8 Ensign Ahri Ri'ven
- 2.9 Lieutenant Robin Golden
Captains Log
Capt Alexis Tregelen
Captains Log: Stardate 21210.15
The Titan has been ordered to travel to HisssThess Four, an independent Gorn colony close to the border of Federation space. While this is outside of the Titan's normal jurisdiction as a member of the Second Fleet with the Fourth Fleet spread thin with the invasion by the Krynar Star Fleet has assigned the Titan to handle this. They believe that it should be handled by someone of a Flag rank and as most of those are in command of larger warships that the Titan would pose a less threatening vessel and help make things go smoothly. We are leaving Starbase Bravo and heading there at maximum fleet speed taking with us the Ozaki and the remaining POLs. I have requested a replacement for the Atlas but it was unable to meet up with us in time. I am hoping that it will catch up to us before we get to the colony.
We are being sent to help mediate a dispute between the colony and its neighbour, an independent Klingon colony. From the files that Star Fleet has sent through it looks as though they have both been abandoned by their respective Empires over the course of the last half century. I will be calling a senior staff meeting soon to brief them of the situation and also to inform them of Commander Tams departure. This was not an ideal time for her to leave as I could have used her diplomatic skills with this one.
End Log.
Captains Log: Stardate 21211.19
We have arrived at the Gorn colony of HisssThess Four and made contact with the leader who has invited us down to the planet. According to Mister Drell he is a member of the Black crest, the militaristic faction within the Gorn society. To say that I was surprised to learn that there is a specific military crest within the Gorn hierarchy instead of a general adaptation towards the military is an understatement however the pursuit of knowledge has always been rather high on my personal to do list.
I am about to take Commanders Barrett and Drell along with a security detail down to the planet to meet with the Gorns leader, Seelt Kell. Hopefully the first interaction with the Klingons will be this easy.
End Log.
Captains Log: Stardate 21212.07
As I had feared the first meeting with the Gorn and Klingons didn't... well it didn't even happen.
As we arrived on the planet the Klingons were not far behind. They transported in directly behind us and pushed their way through to the land vehicle that was there to transport us to our final destination. They kept to themselves for the most part but one of them, I would assume the leader based on his insignia would not take his eyes off of me and I could sense nothing but hostility and contempt from him.
As we arrived at the main building we were met by a Gorn that based on my readings would be a member of the political crest, although that has yet to be confirmed. We were taken into the main building where Lieutenant Commander Drell spoke to the other Gorn in his native tongue. This angered the Klingons who proclaimed that the negotiations were over and turned and headed out presumably back to their own vessel.
End Log.
Captains Log: Stardate 21301.22
The Klingons have attacked the Titan and landed troops on the surface. The away team is unable to transport back to the Titan due to shielding around the Gorn facility so we have taken it upon ourselves to assist with the defence of the facility. It appears as though our lives now depended on the defence of a building that few of us knew existed a week ago.
I have my fears for the Titan however. I know that the crew are experienced and well trained but few of them have been in a fully-fledged life or death scenario outside of simulations and even fewer if any have done that while in command. If we make it through this I might have to get Barrett to run some more training drills.
End Log.
Captains Log: Stardate 21303.13
The Klingons have finally breached the defenses of the facility. They were able to capture and disable the generator that was providing power to the shields. Once they were down the Klingons blew a hole in a wall and began to stream in, we were now being assaulted from two sides and being heavily outnumbered it looked like we were doomed.
I have't heard from the Titan in a while, I hope they are travelling better than us.
End Log
Captains Log Stardate 21304.26
We managed to regain control of the Titan but were forced to abandon the planet when Klingon reinforcements arrived. En route to Star Base Delta with the prisoners we were ordered to investigate the disappearance of the USS Yeager, a ship that a dozen of the Titans current crew including myself had served. Star Fleet Command had lost contact with the Yeager a few days previous and was worried about the crews safety, with the Titan the closest vessel we were tasked with investigating. I ordered that all prisoners be transported to the Ozaki, Oceanus and Atlas for transport back to Star Base Delta for processing before they would return and assist us in our search. We have just arrived at the Yeagers last known coordinates in the Vandis system and have located the abrupt end to the Yeagers warp trail. The system contains three habitable planets as well as numerous gas giants with who knows how many habitable moons. We are currently moving closer to the end of the trail where we have detected debris. I have ordered probes to be sent to the three habitable planets to gain a closer eyes on things.
End Log.
Crew Logs
Lieutenant Lymtara Vexx
Personal Log: Stardate 21209.17
Personal Log, Stardate 21209.17 Lieutenant Lymtara Vexx recording,
Well, I finally got what I wanted... the mission is over, but not in the way I wanted! I did find out who had killed the Ambassador, his aide and Sweeting. Not that it really helps that I know, cause I found out after he was already off the Titan! Lieutenant Erik Sabat, the man who was supposed to be in charge of the Ambassador's Security detail! He helped me set up the Security measures we had in place!
I guess I can always look at it on the bright side: it took someone who knew every Security measure I had in place to circumvent them... Colors I hope the Commodore doesn't hold me responsible for this! How was I, hell anyone, supposed to guess it was a high ranking Starfleet Officer committing murders!?
What if Starfleet starts to look at me and where my loyalties lie!? If they did, they'd be looking at the entirety of the Titan I guess. Let them look at me! I have nothing to hide, and my loyalties lie with the Federation!
Anyway, I'm spending this leave with Syrii! It feels like I neglected her this past mission, so, this leave is for her!
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21210.14
Personal Log, Stardate 21210.14 Lieutenant Lymtara Vexx recording,
I still can't believe it. I... I've been relieved of my position as the Titan's Chief of Security and... have been transfered to the Dauntless! I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised that I'm being replaced as Chief of Security... Three people died on my watch! Because of my ineptitude!
I guess its a chance at a fresh start. I... I won't have everyone looking at me.. judging me.. knowing the extent of my failure... As I look over these quarters, I can't help but thinking how much I'm going to miss this ship. It's.. its been my home for.. my entire time in Starfleet. Its been such a huge part of my life and now... now thats over...
For the last time from the Titan.... End Log....
Lieutenant Junior Grade Skyler Gray
Personal Log: Stardate 21209.18
Personal Log, Stardate 21209.18 Lieutenant Junior Grade Skyler Gray,
We met the Titan back at Star Base Bravo. It sounded like that had just as interesting a trip as we did. While I was being blown off the side a ship, apparently the ambassadors security chief murdered him. Things like that make me glad I am an Engineer. Systems have logical problems, it's just a matter of finding them. Finding a murderer though... nope, leave that to other people.
In other news my hair is almost back to the original length before that damned Doctor on the Atlas shaved it all off. I guess I can't be too mad however, it did save me from dieing. That is an experience I would rather not repeat. I will also be attempting to stay within the ship from now on. Especially during battles with enemy ships.
Well I am off to find a good cup of tea and enjoy this well deserved break.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21210.28
Personal Log, Stardate 21210.28 Lieutenant Junior Grade Skyler Gray recording
I don't know why but I have felt a little down recently. I see all the crew running around back and fourth, doing their duties, and yet somehow the ship still feels empty to me. It could be that I have yet to make any lasting relationships. It could be that I don't interact much with the Crew out side of things directly related to work. Even the time spent on leave didn't seem to result in much.
There was a point in which a large group of people were sitting with me at one point, but somehow they all moved into the bar area, while I remained in the restaurant. Not terribly surprising as I tend to be rather quiet, and am not much of a drinker usually.
I guess I should spend more time in 10-forward, perhaps I can meet more members of the crew there.
End Log
Lieutenant Sileen Ley
Personal Log: Stardate 21210.15
Personal Log, Stardate 21210.15 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
With our previous mission coming to a close and all the Titan personnel finally at Star Base Bravo, I've arrange a rotating schedule so all Sickbay personnel will enjoy well deserved time to relax and recharge.
I even ordered a little R&R for the boss. I met a new doctor in Spanky's. Though some of her approach to research was a bit unorthodox, I was able to persuade the brass that she would be a good addition to our crew. Lt Jessica Whyte will be joining us on our next mission.
I also ran into Cag, our unorthodox floater some missions back. He is currently playing the part of barfly waiting for the next assignment his father, the Bolian ambassador to Earth, can arrange for him.
In addition, our Captain has arranged a resort holo program to pull all the Titan personnel back together for a bit of relaxation, which I am enjoying very much. Thank you, Captain.
End Log
Personal Log: Stardate 21211.16
Personal Log, Stardate 21211.16 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
Having spent a very relaxing time visiting on Star Base Bravo and taking some time at the Holo Resort getting to know my newest recruit, Lt Jessica Whyte, I find myself in a very relaxed mode as our new mission begins.
There seems to be some trouble between a Klingon and Gorn colony and the Titan has been asked to intervene. Though LCdr Drell has suggesting some possible concerns regarding the different casts in his culture, I am hoping for the best.
Also looking forward to finding out what is happening with our newest mother on board, LCdr Drell’s mate, Tellssa.
Have finished my initial examination of Lt Whyte and have approved her for full duty. As not much is currently happening in Sickbay, I’ve given her permission to get settled into ship routine until such time as her skills are needed.
End log
Personal Log: Stardate 21212.15
Personal Log, Stardate 21212.15 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
During our Mission briefing, LCdr Drell requested I stop by his quarters to take a look at his mate, Tellssa. She had been experiencing severe mood swings and he was concerned. After stopping by, I too, noticed the rapid changes in her mood and her quarrelsome attitude toward Zzen. The Lieutenant Commander was sent on his way and I performed a thorough examination, which revealed nothing of importance in her pregnancy. Tellssa eventually let me in on a secret held by Gorn females…the fact that they get so irritated with their mates constant hovering that they become moody, angry and belligerent just to get some piece. We had a lovely afternoon chatting and eventually Tellssa suggested we go down to the planet. Unfortunately, I had to inform her of the Captain’s orders to keep her on board until the Away Team had finished its assessment.
In other news, I’m glad to report that my two most standoffish underlings, namely Dr Jessica Whyte and Ens James Orin, have found each other and I’m hoping have formed a bond which will bring both of them along to a more socialized life in Star Fleet.
End log
Personal Log: Stardate 21301.15
Personal Log, Stardate 21301.15 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
I was in Lieutenant Commander Drell’s quarters having a nice chat with his mate, Tellssa, when the Klingon attack began. I exited and headed for Sickbay when the General Quarters klaxon sounded.
Seems I wasn’t needed much in Sickbay as my Emergency team had already deployed and my other Doctors were busy patching the injured as they arrived.
I received a summons from the bridge. After being told a site to site transport was not available and, realizing the turbo lifts were inaccessible during an attack, I decided to climb via the Jefferies tubes to the bridge. For a while I was stuck, but discovered an Engineer had lost his life while trying to repair something in a Jefferies junction room.
I eventually made it to the bridge. I patched the living and gave them enough pain medication so they could do their jobs without distraction.
Oh I almost forgot. I didn’t see James Orin or Dr Whyte at in Sickbay. I presume they were delayed in getting to there. Hopefully they are alright and helping where they are.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21302.16
Personal Log, Stardate 21302.16 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
Since my last log entry, my trial by fire has begun. I knew the CO was planning an opportunity for me to have a go at command, but during an Away mission, with no experienced commander on board, and the ship under attack, in the dark, with no gravity and no engines… I’d like to say WOW, nothing like a little trouble to bring out the best in a person.
Engineering wasn’t able to get the engines going, a Klingon vessel was baring down and shields were so low, I thought another blow would kill us all so I tried a delaying tactic which got us boarded and the bridge crew in the brig. I opened communications and surrendered.
I know many of my fellow officers would have loved to fight to the death, but that isn’t me. So here I am in the brig, lucky I have access to write my log.
Oh still don’t know what has become of Dr Whyte and Med tech Orin. I hope they followed orders and are in their cabins or assisting as needed.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21302.16
Personal Log, Stardate 21302.16 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
I begin still in the brig, listening to the others trying to bate the Klingon guard. I was hoping the guard, who clearly was annoyed at being assigned to guard, would drink himself into a stupor to allow us an opportunity to do something. I wasn't expecting anything, but was hopeful.
Then I heard a voice. It turned out to be Lt. Soen from Engineering; she had apparently evaded the Klingon patrols of the ship and had gotten to Security. Unfortunately she had to fight with our Klingon guard but eventually was able to release us from our cells.
I've since learned that Jessica and James are OK and currently in Sickbay. It is a relief to know this.
End log.
Personal Log, Stardate 21302.16 Ens James Orin:
Finally my Klingon guard let me record this log. Dr Whyte and I were rescued from a turbolift failure only to find our ship had been boarded by Klingons and we were needed in Sickbay.
Getting to sickbay was an adventure, but I'll save that for my memoirs. We made it and Dr Whyte was able to repair the damage to a young Klingon's leg.
Dr Whyte went to the lab to examine his blood while I reported her concern about delivering plasma to the patient slowly.
I am now waiting to find out if we will be shuffled off to sit out this takeover of our ship in a cabin or if something will happen to change our fate.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21304.17
Personal Log, Stardate 21304.17 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
After being released from the Titan's brig, I attempted to assist Soen, our rescuer, and our Klingon guard, but he got away from us. He stabbed a fellow crewman, who died, and reported to his superiors that we had escaped.
Us detainees grabbed weapons from Security weapons locker and split up. Soen and I, beaming to the Battle bride, where we ran into Donovan and his security team. I must admit the handsome Donovan caught my eye and I was a bit tongue tied around him.
While Donovan and team guarded the Battle bridge, Soen went about prepping their location for take over. Soon Soen waved me over and indicated that my command codes were required, which I had no problem entering.
Soon after, a ship wide announcement came from Commodore Tregelen telling us that the Klingon's were no longer in control and I was ordered to Sickbay to help the wounded.
End log.
Personal Log Stardate 21304.17 Ens James Orin:
I and Dr Whyte were taken to Sickbay to help a young Klingon. Whyte tried to confuse the Klingons and continue to resist their take over. I just tried to keep her safe.
When the brig crew escaped, most of the Klingon guards left Sickbay and I was able to engage the one remaining guard while Dr Whyte whacked him good enough to allow us to escape.
We left Sickbay via a Jeffries tube accessed through a Storage area and made our way to blend in with other support staff in one of the shared crew quarters.
There we laid low waiting for a change in our situation.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21305.16
Personal Log, Stardate 21305.16 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
I returned to Sickbay and found First Officer Barrett in need of medical assistance. He soon recovered and was back on duty, with strick orders not to over do it.
In the interum, I spent time with Dr Whyte, helping her cope with the actions she was pushed into taking during the Klingon occupation. And our new Security Officer, Ens Donovan, visited for his on board physical. Quite a fine physical specimen, if I do say so.
Sickbay soon became quiet and routine... only slight injuries were seen when the crew visited the holosuites or the gym.
However, I could feel tensions building as the ship neared its destination.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21306.15
Personal Log, Stardate 21306.15 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
During the transit down time prior to reaching our destination, Ley took the opportunity to admire the fine specimen that Ens Donovan is during his late, but welcome, onboard physical.
I also spent some time with Dr Whyte and decided she could also use a checkup after her ordeal with the Klingons. It turned out she'd been fasting and my head nurse, Callie Snow, suggested they both go get something to eat hopefully to get her numbers back where they should be.
While I finished Donovan's exam, the pair left Sickbay. I trust Callie will help Dr Whyte relax and enjoy some time with friends.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21307.16
Personal Log, Stardate 21307.16 Lieutenant Sileen Ley recording:
The Titan arrived and the Yeager crew were transported aboard. Those with medical needs went directly to Sickbay.
I assigned my Head Nurse to triage the incoming patients. She received assistance from a PO3 Medical Technician, Vardok, of the Yeager crew. Together they got the injured distributed amoung my staff and cared for.
I took over for Cassie Snow, who went to assist Dr Whyte.
Dr Whyte took on the dentistry requirements of a Yeager Engineer, Sean Mayer, whose teeth had been badly damaged.
My Emergency doctor, K’tar, assessed Commander Gylanna's condition: broken ribs, a broken arm and head injury, as well as severe bruising both internal and external. He was also suffering from mild heat exhaustion. The Commander is currently being monitored for bleeding within the brain. So far so good.
Crewman Winters was mostly dehydrated and very upset by their ordeal, but seems to be resting comfortably now.
Our newest patient, Kyle, under the care of Dr Ohmsford of the Yeager crew is responding to treatment and is questioning his circumstances, suggesting his delusions are subsiding.
End log.
Lieutenant Jessica Whyte
Personal Log: Stardate 21210.15
Personal Log, Stardate 21210.15
Lieutenant Whyte recording Well well I am finally on a star ship again and off of that base, I am sure there will be some people that will miss me there. I think it will be mostly the bar because in the time I have been there I have carried out a lot of social experiments there. Nothing intrusive or anything that would cause any kind of reaction that is harmful. I have also taught a lot about mixology and flare, I am how ever not here to serve that function. It will be something I have to get used to again though having to answer to some one again and wear the uniform again, something I have not done in a long time.
The crew seem to be nice so far, and Lt. Ley seems to be supportive, and a good friend. To bad I can't really say the same about the other person I met who is the Chief Security Officer. In all fairness though I can not pass any judgement of any kind, it was the first time meeting and she could have been caught off guard causing a bad reaction to me. I hope if our paths ever do cross again that it will be more pleasant than the first time. So here is to hoping that things go well and to the crew I say, I really hope you are ready for me.
End Log
Personal Log: Stardate 21306.28
Personal log
Jessica Whyte recording.
I have been told on more than one occasion that I should make more of these, but I always find there isn't much to say. Well anything that has a positive note anyways, most of the time its only bad things. How ever here things are different, and I feel different. I feel like I actually belong here with these people, I also feel like they count on me for things. I am also getting the feeling that they want me to count on them as well, these feelings have met up with resistance from me, but its only natural to form these walls to keep people out. For so long I have been a loner and until recent times I have not felt bad about it, I found the solitude to be some what of a comfort.
I knew though one day that there would be a crew member who would start the process of breaking through those thick walls I have erected, and I was right the first one who got to me was a young man by the name of James. I am not sure of what it was about him that I seen that was different, but I did like it. What started off as me attempting to help him through things, he some how turned the tides and I keep on making new discoveries about myself as well as others around. Things I am going through now is still so new to me, and right now it is starting to make me remember things I have long forgotten. Even if I had not gotten the chance to meet the whole crew, but I have a feeling there is not too many people here that I wouldn't get along with. I think the biggest difference around is Sileen Ley, who is the Chief Medical Officer on this ship. At no time have I ever felt like she was using her status on the ship to pound me in to submission, plus it was never followed up by the First Officer who would also do the same thing. All this would do was make things worse.
It is in my opinion that it is her bigger plan to make people more prone to respect her, with a soft hand and an open mind. She is the kind of person I would follow anywhere. Right now I am aware I still have a lot of work to do in order to repare some of the dammage caused, but I feel now more than ever I am on the right path to do so.
End Log
Lieutenant Commander Zzen Drell
Personal Log: Stardate 21301.15
Personal Log, Stardate 21301.15 Lieutenant Tellssa Drell recording:
I'm very worried, we are in orbit of the supposed independent Gorn colony of HisssThess Four. Hiss Thess Four is nothing remarkable from a strategic stand point. It's mostly known for the raising of live stock, food processing, craft work, a small electronic assembly and a medium size mining operation. Yet, Zzen will not let me beam down and enjoy our rich vibrant culture.
Yes, it's true I'm with child, but Zzen has forbade me to beam down to Hiss Thess Four, even with company. I can't understand his objections. These are our people, what harm would there be. I would be nice to be around our kind again. To see, hear, touch and taste all things Gorn would be wonderful. Not to mention the chance to visit the Temple of z~sss^x and have my baby blessed would be wonderful. To partake of the hot springs and sun one's self on a real natural stone not a replicated one would be heavenly.
While Zzen is over protective even in the best of times, this situation is truly odd. I don't understand what dangers he thinks may be down there, lurking in the shadows.
I have been keeping busy by listening to music, catching up on communications from family and friends. I have also been reading to my baby, I just know she will be a girl. I can feel it. I have been spending time with Lt Ley, the Titan's doctor. For a mammal she is very clever and intelligent. I like her not just a a doctor, but as a friend.
If I do have a little girl I want to name her ~> Kz^re after my grandmother. I must be honest I haven't given any idea what we would name it should we have a little boy. I gues the important thing is that whether it is a boy or girl it doesn't matter, as long as it is healthy.
- End Recording.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Nila Soen
Personal Log: Stardate 21303.17
Personal Log, Stardate 21303.17 Lieutenant Junior Grade Nila Soen recording:
It's been a hell of a few days. Klingons took over the Titan, after the Acting Captain ordered us to surrender. I disobeyed that order, because I have no intention of becoming a Klingon's plaything. I am sure that will be addressed at some point, but I am hoping any punishment coming for disobeying orders will be mitigated by the fact that I managed to release everyone from the brig and helped retake the ship. In all honesty, I think I should have a shuttle named after me. Or maybe I will even be allowed to return to the Ozaki. Either way, it wasn't fun, and I am looking forward to returning to duty.
Against the recommendation of the Doctor, I have decided to leave the scar across my face as a reminder of these events. Not only of the moment in which I was the most helpless, but also as testiment to my ability to adapt and survive. I think it makes me look tougher, and to be honest at 5 7 kg and barely 172 cm, anything to look tougher is a good thing.
End log.
Acting Chief Engineer's Log: Stardate 21304.16
Acting Chief Engineer's Log, Stardate 21304.16 Lieutenant Junior Grade Nila Soen recording.
It has been a few days since the incident with the Klingons. I have been guiding Engineering in tracing down exactly how the Klingons managed to disrupt several aspects of the ship, and subsequently repair them correctly. It's been a long day, and have just heard that we are headed off somewhere without our flotilla attachment. That seems to be becoming a common occurrence Last time however I was a member of the Ozaki crew. I hope they don't have a repeat of history
I've been watching some of the newer officers in Engineering. Ensign Barber by all reports seems to be doing well, though with the inspection, I have no had time to really spend any time talking to her. Perhaps I shall remedy that today.
End log.
Chief Engineers Log: Stardate 21307.15
Stardate 21307.15 Chief Engineers Log Lieutenant Junior Grade Nila Soen recording.
The Crew of the Yeager has been successfully rescued, due to combined efforts of the crew of the Titan. As a Signals gal, I wish I could have spent some more time studying the planet and the strange energies it contained. The way it was able to bypass shields and knock out power with ease both concerns and delights me. In the end however, the Commodore has ordered us to return to Starbase, and I'd rather be alive and ignorant than to have unlocked it's secrets, and never returned.
End Log.
Ensign Jordan Donovan
Assistant Chief of Security's Log: Stardate 21304.18
Assistant Chief of Security's Log Stardate 21304.18 Ensign Jordan Donovan Recording
Well, this transition certainly has been something. My first mission in this universe and with the Titan saw us responding to a Gorn colony to settle a dispute between them and a Klingon colony. The initial discussions that the CO led evidently did not go well, because the Titan was quickly set upon and boarded by the Klingons. I regret to admit that my department was quickly overcome and the boarders managed to take almost complete control of the ship.
Lieutenant Ley, the CMO, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Soen, the officer in charge of Engineering, were able to do the most in resistance, as when I linked up with them on the Auxiliary Bridge, they had already begun their own efforts to re-take the Titan. Meanwhile the Commodore was able to defeat the hostiles on his end, and assist us in ridding the Titan of our new and surprising enemies.
Lieutenant Golden left to escort the Gorn refugees and Klingon prisoners back to starbase. With the losses we sustained, I found myself as the senior officer for the department. More and more surprises by the minute.
We are now en route to find out why another vessel, the USS Yeager, has gone missing. From what I hear around the ship, a couple of our senior officers, including the Commodore, have a personal history with the Yeager and her crew. Let's hope for everyone's sake that we find some good news when we get there. In the mean time, I'll have to see to whatever readiness I can reach with the security department in the mean time.
End Log.
Assistant Chief of Security's Log: Stardate 21305.15
Assistant Chief of Security's Log Stardate 21305.15 Ensign Jordan Donovan Recording
We've arrived in the system that the Yeager was last thought to be in, only to find a troubling debris field and a Star Fleet warning buoy. Right now it looks as if the Yeager was destroyed in orbit of a planet that has been previously visited by the USS Yorimoto. After some very interesting 'adventures', let's call them, the Yorimoto's crew was able to escape from the planet with the help of the USS Ticonderoga. I've suggested to the Commodore that we use the same technique to ascertain if the Yeager's crew is on the surface, an if so, to rescue them in the same manner. Let's hope we have an easier time than the Yorimoto did.
And speaking of the Ticonderoga, and on a personal note, it seems that Star Fleet in this universe is a rather 'small world'. When I visited Sickbay, I had a nice chat with Doctor Ley, only to find out she was originally on the Ticonderoga at the same time as he, or was. And now the Tico shows up in a mission as well. Strange, ironic, and all still a little bit sickening.
To be honest, I would just very much like to find the Yeager crew, retrieve them, and return to base. There are lots of issues I still want to put in order, and perhaps, I will need to seek some help as well.
End Log.
Ensign Ahri Ri'ven
Personal Log: Stardate 21305.16
Stardate 21305.16 Personal Log Ensign Ri'ven
To say that my short time with Starfleet to this point has been...tame, would be an understatement. At first I was intrigued with my assignment to the Ozaki. Such a small vessel but part of a large and dangerous operation. Something to keep my mind off things. My body occupied. I was wrong.
To date it feels as if the Ozaki is nothing more then a messenger and a decoy. We sit in the wings and await direction. Thats not what I signed up for. Thats not why I sacrificed my freedom for.
I've hardly painted. It's difficult. Every time I go to create something my hand just hovers...no direction, no where to go. The longer I am on this small vessel the more I feel restricted. I am literally climbing the walls. I put in with Starfleet for transfer and there answer was to transfer me to the Titan. That was funny to me. Like up-scaling prisons.
Still, this was my choice. Deep down I know it was the right one. The one that, perhaps I should have made a long time ago. I'll atone and perhaps, eventually, find peace.
End log.
Personal Log: Stardate 21306.16
Stardate 21306.16 Personal Log Ensign Ri'ven
I am on the Titan. A bigger cage with a few more corners to expore before I feel the need to tear at the metal walls with my bare hands. Somedays I feel Tom may have been right.
The small number of crew members I have met had met have been nice enough. The crew is diverse and seemingly laid back. My kind of atmosphere really. I am not sure what our current mission is now. Apparently we have been diverted to save some people but I havn't had time to read the mission debreif...I should probably do that.
End log
Lieutenant Robin Golden
Personal Log: Stardate 21307.03
Stardate 21307.03
Security Log Lieutenant Robin Golden
I have finally returned to the Titan after transferring the Gorn refugees and Klingon prisoners to Star Base. It was a simple transfer and I really did not see a need to be along for the transfer, but it was nice to take a break from my duties.
When I returned to the Titan they were rescuing the crew from the Yeager. When I arrived on the bridge we had launched a probe and it was destroyed by some sort of energy beam. I have never seen anything like that before. I can’t help but wonder what it was.
End Log