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End Log ...
==Security Officer==
=== Midshipman Artemis D'Tor'an ===
====StarDate 21901.16====
Midshipman Artemis’ Personal Log
Stardate 22201.09
Boarded the Sheridan. Assigned quarters. Reported in. Was shown around Main Security, which took up most of my shift. I have yet to meet my roommate. I feel… unsure. I have been assigned to a ship, which is of course good, but I have yet to do anything useful. The ship is apparently stopping at a base soon. There are rumors as to something ‘big’ happening. We will see. I suppose I will unpack now. I hope my roommate has room in our shared closet for my sundresses.
End log.
Personal Log: Midshipman Artemis, Daughter of To'ran
Stardate 22003.18
I hate the Borg. I have decided that if there is anything in the vein of a "Do Not Resuscitate" order in regards to the Borg, I will have it placed in my file.
I cannot imagine living my life as it were after being assimilated by the Borg. I would rather be dead.
End log.
==Acting Chief Tactical Officer==
End log.
==Security Officer==
=== Midshipman Artemis D'Tor'an ===
====StarDate 21901.16====
Midshipman Artemis’ Personal Log
Stardate 22201.09
Boarded the Sheridan. Assigned quarters. Reported in. Was shown around Main Security, which took up most of my shift. I have yet to meet my roommate. I feel… unsure. I have been assigned to a ship, which is of course good, but I have yet to do anything useful. The ship is apparently stopping at a base soon. There are rumors as to something ‘big’ happening. We will see. I suppose I will unpack now. I hope my roommate has room in our shared closet for my sundresses.
End log.
Personal Log: Midshipman Artemis, Daughter of To'ran
Stardate 22003.18
I hate the Borg. I have decided that if there is anything in the vein of a "Do Not Resuscitate" order in regards to the Borg, I will have it placed in my file.
I cannot imagine living my life as it were after being assimilated by the Borg. I would rather be dead.
End log.
== Chief Science Officer==
Command_Officer, Team_Member


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