Matter-antimatter reaction

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The matter-antimatter reaction in the warp core of a Galaxy class.

The matter-antimatter reaction (also called MAM reaction) is the reaction of matter and antimatter which results in the most powerful exothermal reaction currently known.

The primary source of power utilized in Federation starships is provided by the enormous amount of output energy produced by this controlled reaction. This reaction typically occurs within the intermix chamber of a warp core, and is contained by a magnetic containment field. This reaction produces a considerable amount of heat energy in addition to the kinetic energy that is used by the vessel's propulsion system. This heat is supplanted by a plasma coolant system that is situated adjacent to the intermix chamber. The loss of coolant will inevitably result in the overheating and destruction of the intermix chamber, causing a warp core breach.

If the antimatter reaction rate in a matter-antimatter reaction drops below 9%, it can cause the system's plasma injectors to lock up, which subsequently prevents the nacelles from being initialized.