Klingon Culture

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Klingons are considered to be great warriors. Their reputation as violent and crude species are not completely unfounded, however there is a side to Klingons that many people do not know about. Klingons find honor and tradition to be very important in their society, and serve with a passion and dedication second to none. Klingons enjoy a good fight, especially a melee, and will take any reasonable and honorable opportunity to engage another—sometimes just for fun.



Internally Klingons have a very hard bone structure; and a dense musculature. They also have eight-chambered hearts, two livers, redundant stomachs, and an astounding twenty-three rib pairs. This organ redundancy, called brak’kul, makes them hardy and difficult to kill.


Klingon history is filled with blood and battle, filled with the deeds of great heroes, the most famous of which is Kahless the Unforgettable, first Emperor of the Klingon Empire, and of Qo’noS. Kahless founded the empire at some time around Earth’s 8th century by killing the tyrant Molor.

Klingons' first encounter with an interplanetary species formed their opinions about contact with other beings. Raiders that the Klingons called the Hur'q, or "outsiders," invaded Qo'noS. Once galaxy-wide plunderers who destroyed whatever they could not pillage, the Hur'q pillaged Qo'noS, taking with them many Klingon cultural and historical treasures, including the Sword of Kahless. Thereafter, Klingons would mistrust all "outsiders."

Life and Culture

Klingon culture is dominated by very traditional values, and god-like worship of Kahless the Unforgettable, who founded the empire. He is the cornerstone of their mythology and many legendary feats are attributed to him. It was he who forged the first bat’leth, and with it conquered the Fek’lhri (demons) and skinned the serpent of Xol. He battled his brother Morath for 12 days and 12 nights after the latter lied and brought shame to his family. He fought off an entire army single-handedly at Three Turn Bridge in his bid to unify the empire. Most importantly, howver, Kahless developed the warrior’s code of honor, by which all “true” Klingons live their lives.

The code dictaties proper behavior and controls Klingon aggressiveness, forcing them to work together, ro at least keeps them from devolving into perpetual and utter chaos. The code reads as follows:

  • A warrior does not cheat.
  • A warrior does not take prisoners.
  • A warrior does not allow himself to be taken prisoner.
  • A warrior proclaims himself loudly.
  • A warrior does not use poison, or kill from behind.
  • A warrior does not surrender.
  • A warrior dies standing up.

Klingon families are very important, and are called ‘houses’ usually named for the most senior member of the house. The house of Martok consists of Martok and all of his family as well as those other "families" who he’s adopted or invited into his house.