Holographic Enabled Drones

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’’’Holographic Enabled Drones’’’
’’’Alexander Talion’’’
Commander, USS Titania, RSV-88002


There is a role for multipurpose drones, both on ships and in the field that could save lives and enhance the ability to effectively accomplish the mission with a smaller crew. We’re increasingly seeing crews asked to do more with less. The use of drones would not replace the use of organic crew members, but could augment them by using combined advanced technologies as a force multiplier. Most of this technology is already in use and only a minimal amount of modification manages to combine these elements in new and powerfully effective ways.


Drones are not new. For hundreds of years there were remotely piloted vehicles to perform a wide number of dangerous tasks. The important advance was when they were automated to often perform menial or repetitive tasks. This quickly became very useful in military terms as simple reconnaissance, gathering information. At the same time, maintenance and repair robots were used with increasing frequency, combining advanced programming for them to handle more complicated tasks with minimal supervision. This evolution progressed into the use of holographic assistants to interact with crew members in imitation of a humanoid technician, commonly known as an Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH). The development of the EMH proved to be quite useful and is now considered to be a standard equipment option on almost any ship. Although the need for an EHM is more common than originally anticipated, the problem is right in the name with the use of the word emergency. The availability of such a program to augment first aid considerations on a small ship is not in debate, as dedicated medical staff may not be required. On a ship large enough to require medical staff, and EMH is not intended to replace that crew, but to assist them if the situation exceeds the capability of the crew. Statistics show that this is most commonly encountered under combat conditions or conditions so extreme as to lack the power and computer resources to maintain an EMH effectively. In addition, should the crew need to evacuate the ship, the EMH is unable to continue to assist them once they evacuate the ship. These resource restrictions are not that extreme, but are limited to the power availability or integrity of the systems of the ship in question. Thus, an EMH is often able to help least right when it is needed most. Previous attempts to create what has come to be known as a mobile emitter for EMH programs always fell far short of the mark, often requiring too much power or not able to provide enough processing power. Memory capacity was also elusive so that it was almost impossible to find a winning combination of those three critical elements. In order to have enough of any one of them, you had to sacrifice the others too much to render a viable outcome. Much of this has finally been solved by the advancement in computing technology over the years. Memory capacity has advanced leaps and bounds, as have processors. Rechargeable energy cells are far more efficient than even a few years ago, and they no longer have the heat issues of their predecessors. In fact, all aspects of the technology have advanced a great deal since this topic was last the subject of serious consideration. There is now an effective way to create a unit that can perform what was previously thought to be impossible. Given that there is a device that is capable of acting as an emitter for a holographic program like an EMH, this obviously solves the issues previously stated about loss of resources during a crisis. An EMH could now continue to render medical assistance and even evacuate with a crew if needed. In addition, an EMH could be assigned to follow an Away Team to provide assistance in the field. Once you are able to expand the use into the field, beyond the limitations of use on a ship, many other options open up as well. No longer only limited to medical needs, the emitter can now be considered to have a multi-role function. It is often a very risky or complicated issue to gather information about cultures in preparation of a First Contact Mission. The use of holographic blinds to observe are common, but can be very costly and the logistics of their use can be quite prohibitive. However, if you can have something that will silently observe, using holographics to hide itself from the visual spectrum or even to easily disguise itself as an indigenous life form, for days or even weeks at a time, a team can accomplish the same mission, much more efficiently and with a smaller crew. A smaller crew for such a mission is easier to hide or can even work remotely, but requires far fewer resources, reducing risks and complications. Such equipment, when employed as part of a team, is able to pass for an organic crew member while performing the functions of a machine. It is able to contact and maintain an independent communications link to a ship or relay satellite when available. It is capable of independently recording mission data that might otherwise be lost. Even if only included as emergency equipment, initially left in a shuttle, such a unit, if within communication range, could be summoned as needed to assist a team. The combination of possibilities is vast and is open to interpretation by the mission commander, depending on the availability of the optional equipment associated with the emitter design.


The initial proof of concept effort was to construct a basic device. The first attempt was for a minimalistic unit that could produce a hologram as a self-contained unit. A relatively crude device was assembled that met the requirements, but looked quite unrefined. Willing to temporarily accept this, it was discovered that a spherical shape was most efficient. It could then have an array of micro emitters on the surface, capable of projecting in all directions and overlapping as needed to create convincing images and fields. The power cells needed to be able to recharge easily, so based on the recharge protocols for PADD and tricorder passive systems, it can use broadcast subspace network energy to recharge or recharge from a static base. The static base could be externally powered or contain a secondary batter pack that was previously charged prior to deployment, which would give a number of recharges if external energy was not available. It also required minor capability to move independently, but simple gravitic repulser with micro-thrusters for maneuvering. This prototype was only able to initially provide functionality for a simple matrix that resembled a dog. The dog was a common enough program borrowed from a zoological study program. As a side note, to this day, the basic design that evolved from this prototype is now used for holographic pets. This device was eventually reduced down to a sphere 10cm in diameter. After successfully achieving the fundamentals, there was a series of progressively refined units that worked on maximizing the ration of processors and memory to the power storage. It was also determined that it might be useless if not able to integrate at least a small piece of equipment as well. The EMH was the first unit to be focused on, so it was decided that there should be a communicator, tricorder and a dermal regenerator as integral to the unit. This instantly evolved into a sort of modular design that had some interchangeable components, to be discussed later. This more functional unit, which came to be considered the standard size will be referred to as a Type 1 unit. A Type 1 unit is 23cm in diameter. A larger unit was developed for heavier use, a Type 2 unit, which is 33 cm diameter. The modular options that have been tested thus far include, but are not limited to: Variable Geometry Shield Generator (humanoid) Personal Defense (capable of up to a Heavy Stun) Isolinear Tag Gun (20 tags, range 10 meters) High Resolution Scanning (Engineering, Medical and Science) Physical Sample Retrieval and Analysis (limited to small sample size only) Variable Focus Dermal Regenerator Mechanical Manipulation and Repair (can be fit with various tools, see catalog reference) Extended Recording Package ECM (Electronic Counter Measures – See manual) Also available as empty cargo modules for transport of small items A standard EMH could not quite be directly transferred to the drone and be functional. Some modifications were required. The predominant modification was an integration of an operations subroutine for the sphere itself. That portion was actually a fairly simple robotics matrix that was merged easier than anticipated. The hard part was making the matrix aware of the subroutine and able to make it function in what would appear as an intuitive way from the perspective of an outside observer. Variable Rolls Tested: Thus far, the most common rolls the units were designed for have been tested, but may not be limited to the following… Medical Assistance, Basic Piloting, Personal/Asset Protection, Perimeter Patrol, Basic Recon, Search/Rescue, Backup Communications Relay, Damage Control Assistance/Assessment, Basic Mechanical Repairs, Covert Cultural Observation, Analysis in Hazardous Conditions, Terrain Mapping Limitations: The most limiting factor for these units is that they are designed not to interfere with existing energy fields. This keeps them from causing problems around warp cores and containment systems, thus making them useless in such locations. A Type 1 can normally handle being equipped with up to three modules. The Type 2 can normally be equipped with up to five modules. Not all modules can be used together and some modules are larger and take up more than one slot (see manual for details). Advantages: They are small enough that they take up the room of a medical kit, but can do much more, so a mission with limited space can still be an effective team. Although not able to cloak, the holographic systems allow for them to be optically invisible to the eye and some sensors (for more, an ECM module is required, but still limited). In Cultural Observations, they can easily be programmed to mimic wildlife or domestic animals as well as being completely unseen, reducing the likelihood of discovery. Use in the field: These devices are not intended to replace experienced technicians in the field. As we’ve learned from the EMH programs, they can be helpful, but have limitations. One shouldn’t depend too heavily on them, as they are only tools to assist a capable crew. These devices can’t replace a real crew. When used properly, they may be able to save a good crew by not needing to send them needlessly into potentially very dangerous situations. As with most Star Fleet equipment, the encryption level of the programming and communication links are quite extensive.


To field test the units, and the margin of power, processing and memory required, special advanced programs were used for some of the most strenuous tests. Although these programs performed exceptionally well, it was found that such realistic programs have certain drawbacks that tend to detract from their use. So, although it was a great way to test the functionality of capacity of the units, it became evident that it was more beneficial to return to the EMH style programs with a proven template of personality for optimal crew interaction. The most extensive field test was on a mission where the crew needed to conduct a Second Contact. A drone was used to pilot the shuttle, but once it landed, the drone hid in plain sight by making itself holographically unable to be seen visually and even had a basic ECM module, hiding itself from primitive sensor sweeps. It was only when the team lost contact with the ship that the Captain ordered the unit to establish contact with the team. It then revealed itself to the indigenous population, was brought to the team and broadcast to the ship the entire event, including actually providing communications link to the ship for the Captain to speak with planetary leadership. It then even facilitated assisting medical database searches, links to the ship for data exchange with the research team on the surface. The mission ended successfully and at no time was the native culture aware that the drone was a construct. This unit operated independently, as well as in a team, never violating the operational protocols it had been given and providing data that will prove invaluable for years to come. Obviously, not all missions might go so well, but it certainly set a good precedent. It is anticipated that further refinement might be desired in the programs, but the more refined they are, the more they tend to be limited in their roles. An Medical program might have better bedside manner, but not be as effective in a Security role, for example. The program has currently entered the next stage, which is having drone units staged in various departments at the same time. This will give each department long term exposure to using them as an optional equipment item. Long term exposure is required to recognize areas where appropriate guidelines and procedures need to be implemented to govern their use that covers as many situations as possible. This program is already functional enough that it is in full field test on at least one ship in Star Fleet. It is approaching the point where other ships may soon be able to apply for permission to field test it on other ships or bases. The programs for refined roles could benefit greatly from more diverse feedback from others willing to test them in the field. It should be stated that these are not being created as independent synthetic life forms. These are classified as synthetics, but as with a classic EMH program, the personalities are intended to be simulations. This program is not addressing the issue of modifying such programs to customized parameters and function outside of the original design. Should you venture into that area, your results may vary as a result and it may skew the usefulness to the program of your feedback data. Consequently, if you are accepted into the program testing, your feedback would include a copy of the program template used in your testing, so it can be examined.


In conclusion, it has been established that such a unit can be and is able to function in the field. There has been recorded benefits to use in real situations, both under controlled conditions as well as in an environment that was relatively unknown, potentially volatile and full of variables. Such programs have the potential to save lives and reduce unnecessary risk to organic life forms. As technology continues to evolve, it is speculated that future units will be able to last longer, have even higher resolution and be even more miniaturized. The implications for further advancement and options to mission commanders and ship captains are very powerful and should not be ignored. For this technology to continue to advance further, it requires active experimentation through programs like this.