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A concussion is a brain injury that is caused by a sudden blow to the head or to the body. The blow shakes the brain inside the skull, which temporarily prevents the brain from working normally. Some people have obvious symptoms of a concussion (such as passing out or feeling lightheaded), while others do not. With rest, most people fully recover from concussions within a few hours to a few weeks. On rare occasions, concussions cause more serious problems. Repeated concussions or a severe concussion may require surgery or lead to long-lasting problems with movement, learning, or speaking. Because of the small chance of permanent brain problems, it is important to monitor a patient that has received a concussion to watch for symptoms indicating further problems.


The brain is a soft organ that is surrounded by spinal fluid and usually protected by a hard skull. Normally, the fluid around the brain acts like a cushion that keeps the brain from banging into the skull. But if the head or the body is hit unexpectedly hard, the brain can suddenly crash into the skull and temporarily stop working normally. There are many ways to get a concussion. Some common ways include fights, falls, playground injuries, car crashes, and bicycle accidents. Concussions can also happen while participating in rough or high-speed sports such as football, boxing, hockey, soccer, skiing, or snowboarding.


It is not always easy to know if a patient has a concussion. Not everyone who has a concussion passes out. A person who might have a concussion should immediately stop any kind of activity or sport. Becoming active again before the brain returns to normal functioning increases the patient's risk of having a more serious brain injury. Symptoms of a concussion range from mild to severe and can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. Symptoms of a concussion include:

  • Passing out.
  • Not being able to remember what happened after the injury.
  • Acting confused, asking the same question over and over, slurring words, or not being able to concentrate.
  • Feeling lightheaded, seeing "stars," having blurry vision, or experiencing ringing in the ears.
  • Not being able to stand or walk; or having coordination and balance problems.
  • Feeling nauseous or throwing up.

Occasionally a person who has a more serious concussion develops new symptoms over time and feels worse than he or she did before the injury. This is called post-concussive syndrome. Again, a patient should be monitored if they have received a head injury and display any of the following symptoms of post-concussive syndrome:

  • Changes in the ability to think, concentrate, or remember.
  • Headaches and/or blurry vision.
  • Changes in sleep patterns, such as not being able to sleep or sleeping all the time.
  • Changes in personality such as becoming angry or anxious for no clear reason.
  • Lack of interest in usual activities.
  • Changes in sex drive.
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or unsteadiness that makes standing or walking difficult.


There are varying ways to diagnose a concussion. The events surrounding the injury should be investigated as well as the injury itself. The patient should be asked simple questions to ensure their brain is working normally, such as, “What day is it?” A doctor should also check the patient’s strength, balance, coordination, reflexes, and sensations. A brain scan should also be performed to ensure that there is no bruising or bleeding of the brain.


Initial treatment for a concussion is to watch a patient closely for any changes in behavior or for any new symptoms. Some patients should stay in Sickbay to be watched while others can go home safely. In either case, activity should be minimal for at least 24 hours. If there is any swelling on the scalp, cold packs may be used to reduce the swelling. An anesthetic and/or an anti-inflammatory may also be administered. Rest is the best way to recover from a concussion. A patient should get plenty of sleep at night and take it easy during the day. To prevent a second brain injury, alcohol, illegal drugs, and any activities that could lead to another head injury should be avoided for a few days or even a few weeks. A doctor may recommend the suspension of piloting and swimming as well. Some patients feel normal again in a few hours while others have symptoms for weeks or months. It is very important to encourage the patient to take the time to get better and to slowly return to regular activities. Follow-up with the patient is also recommended.

This information adapted from