USS Ozaki, FF-7168

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United Federation of Planets logo.pngUSS Ozaki, FF-7168United Federation of Planets logo.png
United Federation of Planets
Commanding Officer
Captain Jason Simmons
Posting Area
Posting Area
Active (242001.03)

The USS Ozaki was a Saber class assigned to the 1st Fleet. Their ongoing mission is to respond and assist to any threat and provide military support where required within the Federation.


The USS Ozaki was launched in 2404 in response to the Borg invasion, and assigned as a Police Frigate to the 202nd Police Flotilla. After taking a pinnacle role in the final Krynar battle, which resulted in the destruction of the enemie's solar system, the 202nd Police Flotilla was dismantled and The USS Ozaki was reassigned as the head of the 205th Police Flotilla. This Police Flotilla, along with the Scout ship USS Redstone and POL-20501 "Khonsu" as their escorts, were assigned to monitoring and responding to any threats along the Romulan Border.

After a reshuffle with the Fleets, due to a division instigated by the 4th Fleet, the USS Ozaki was resigned to the 1st Fleet, where it was refitted to a Berlin Class star ship. Fast and agile, with a pair of torpedo launchers mounted forward and a phaser array that would give all-round coverage, the USS Ozaki was perfect for hit-and-run attacks on larger vessels. Her high speed would allow her to race out of formation in a convoy to fend off attacking vessels, and her compact profile made her immensely difficult to hit in a combat situation.

With this in mind, the 1st Fleet utilizes the USS Ozaki and her strange banded crew, to take on missions to protect and provide military support to the Federation and all those in it.

Current: USS Ozaki, FF-7168
Vessel Class: Saber

Vessel Dedication Quote

"Until Victory Always."
- Che Guevara

Commanding Officers

Commander Sonia Nezmah (241108.12-241401.05)
Captain Sienna Tam (241401.05-241803.01)
Captain Jason Simmons (241803.01-present)

Mission Logs

Previous Mission: "Eloquent Assassinations" - Stardate unknown
First Mission: "The Space Whale" - Stardate 21309 - 241311
Second Mission: "The Final Battle of Krynar" - Stardate 21311 - 241404
Third Mission: "All That Glitters" - Stardate 21404- 241410
Fourth Mission: "Smugglers Rings" - Stardate 21410 - 241509