Titan Mission 02: "A Rock and a Hard Place"
Stardate 20304.30 Captain Tam Otlan, USS Titan, recording.
After returning successfully from our mission to find the missing USS Gettysburg, we had docked with Starbase One for resupply and repairs. We had barely enough time to attend the wedding of my friend and former Commanding Officer Captain Daniel Wueste and my former crewmate Samantha Aster, when the base was attacked by a Romulan assault force. The base defenses went to work, holding back the Romulans as we prepared for launch to help repulse the attack, when an unknown subspace rift opened and Starbase One was disabled with a single strike.
The ships that followed through immediately launched an attack on both the Starbase, the Romulan attack fleet, Mars, and all orbital stations and platforms. Within minutes the ship opened a channel and we were informed of exactly who was attacking us, the Borg. After more than thirty years of silence, they had returned to the Sol System to once again attempt to destroy humanity and the Federation.
Every starship present attempted to escape and many were successful. On our way out of the system, we received coded orders from Fleet Admiral Jonathan Beckett and were assigned to travel to the Tholian border to ask for their assistance in fighting the Borg threat. Their web technology had been successful in keeping them safe from Borg attack for decades.
Upon arrival, we were met by several patrol cruisers who ordered us to stand down and wait for an envoy to open negotiations. Unfortunately, a Federation Frigate and Federation Destroyer arrived unannounced and were attacked by the Tholians. The Frigate, the USS Tunis, under command of Captain Simon Mallory was instantly destroyed. The destroyer, the USS Yoritomo, was badly damaged and her command crew killed. Being the ranking officer on scene, I reassigned my First Officer, Commander Joseph Valiant as Commanding Officer of the Yoritomo and ordered him to carry out the Yoritomo's mission. I then reassigned my CSO, LCdr Himbog as First Officer of the Titan.
The Tholians agreed to meet with me if I beamed to their ship and they promptly set course into their own space, leaving the Titan behind. The Titan then detected a nearby battle and went to investigate. There they found a Tholian ship being attacked by a Klingon cruiser. The Titan interfered and was attacked by the Klingon Commander. When they had defeated the Heavy Cruiser, at the expense of many of the Titan's systems and her hull, they were surrounded and boarded by Klingons, that had responded to the attack on one of their own. Commanders Himbog and Donaghue were taken hostage and the Titan was left without a command crew.
After successful negotiations with the Tholians, they agreed to intercede on my crews behalf and ordered the Klingons to release my people back to the Titan. The Klingons wisely left the system. The Titan, with the Tholians in tow, set course for the Archimedes Belt where the second phase of our mission was to take place. The Tholians were asked by FAdm Beckett to create a transport web around Starbase Alpha, a hidden Immense Class Starbase, and transport it to the Sol System. They agreed and we were transported many thousand kilometers to the heart of the Federation.
Upon arrival were were joined in battle against the Borg forces, many times more powerful than what had chased us out. With the combined efforts of the Gettysburg, the Romulans, the Tholians, The Yoritomo, the Republic, the Dauntless, Species 8472, the Mirak, the Philadelphia, the Copernicus, the Agincourt and Starbase Alpha itself, we were successful in destroying the Borg threat, hopefully, forever.
Captain's Logs
Capt Tam Otlan
Stardate 20211.16
Stardate 20211.16
We are currently en route to the Federation/Tholian Border to begin possible talks to obtain the Tholians help in defeating the Borg.
While we had been at Starbase One for repairs and restocking, the base had been attacked by a fleet of Romulan ships. The base had gone on alert to repel the fleet, only to be attacked by an unknown force later identified as the Borg.
They have returned to Federation space after more than thirty years of silence and their return has brought nothing but destruction.
The San Francisco shipyards, Starbase One, and Utopia Planetia have all been destroyed, while Mars has been completely assimilated.
Earth, and the other member worlds are likely safe under their planetary defense screens, something I was not even aware they had until the Armageddon Directive was issued and Earth's shield came up.
We can only hope that our efforts, and the efforts of the other escaping ships can help to bring an end to the Borg invasion of the Sol System, but I am concerned that they may have easily overwhelmed us because they are simply too powerful to defeat.
I am ordering a Department Head meeting in thirty minutes to discuss our options and to give new orders to the crew. If we are to survive, we will have to make a lot of changes aboard the Titan.
My thoughts are with my ship, my crew and my friends on other ships that I no longer have any way to contact.
The crew of the Titan is the best I have ever served with and I know that they will do everything in their power to see this threat wiped out.
End Log.
Stardate 20212.08
Stardate 20212.08
We are en route to Tholian Space to attempt a peaceful negotiation for their web technology. Failing a peaceful negotiation, we will likely attempt to steal the technology.
The Borg have had little luck assimilating the Tholians on a mass scale as they web tech has made them very difficult to overrun. Past skirmishes have shown that the Tholians can be defeated, but the cost is generally high.
While I have never been much for diplomacy, I fear that we have little options left to us other than to try and come to some mutual agreement. Star Fleet, per the Armageddon Directive, has given me the power to negotiate a treaty with them without the benefit of a diplomat or ambassador to assist me.
Let's hope the fates are smiling on the Federation or I could start a two-front war between the Borg, the Tholians and the Federation.
Sometimes I wonder if the Engineers at Star Fleet should come up with a Emergency Diplomatic Hologram to keep former Security Officers turned Captains out of trouble.
I have also ordered severe rationing on the ship which means that the holodecks, replicators and other non-essential systems have been shut down. Not only are we in the middle of a devastating war, but we can't relax in the holodeck, or enjoy the comforts of good food. It makes one wonder how the ancient sailors survived life aboard wooden sailing ships.
Let's hope we never have to find out if it can get any worse.
End Log.
Stardate 20301.02
Stardate 20301.02
Nearing the border of Tholian Space, there has been new development which might help bolster the crew's spirits a bit. We are going to have a wedding. LtJg Ian Moody, and his fiance, Chloe Tabby, are planning on getting married.
They have asked me, as Captain of the Titan, to perform the ceremony and I have agreed. I'm not sure what kind of reception Vorrath will be able to put together in Ten Forward, but with any luck it will be a memorable and happy occasion for the couple.
Unfortunately for them, the holodecks are offline, so a honeymoon is likely going to prove problematic.
End Log.
Stardate 20301.27
Stardate 20301.27
We detected the remains of a recent battle and upon inspection found a Tholian heavy cruiser nearly destroyed by disruptor-style weapons. Commander Valiant led an away team to the Tholian vessel and discovered evidence that implicated the Klingons were involved in the attack.
This is troubling news as the Klingons are Federation allies, and we are coming to request aide from the Tholian government. With any luck the Tholians have not detected our presence and won't assume that we were involved.
My crew has been performing their duties with the same exemplary dedication as always, even in the face of all the setbacks we have suffered. I can only hope their hard work will soon be rewarded.
End Log.
Stardate 20302.06
Stardate 20302.06
We have arrived at the Tholian Border and have been intercepted by three Tholian Patrol Cruisers. They have agreed to let us meet with a representative, but we are under threat of attack should we attempt to leave, or raise shields.
I have never had any dealing with the Tholians, but from what Star Fleet reports, they are a formidable adversary and are not to be taken lightly.
For now we wait on the arrival of this representative and I can only hope that our requests will be given serious consideration.
End log.
Stardate 20303.26
Stardate 20303.26
The Tholian representative arrived and agreed to meet with me, but only if I were to beam to the their vessel. I had decided to go alone to the protest of my senior officers, but there was little choice as I am one of the few beings likely to survive the harsh Tholian environment.
Before I could beam over however, we detected an incoming Federation ship which the Tholians assumed was performing an attack run. The Tholians fired on the vessel and destroyed it outright. Moments later we became aware of the fact that two ships were coming in, the USS Tunis, a Federation Frigate, and the USS Yoritomo, a Federation Destroyer. The Tunis suffered total destruction with the loss of her Captain and crew. The Yoritomo only fared slightly better losing many officers including the First Officer and Captain.
Under Star Fleet regulations I assigned my First Officer, Commander Joseph Valiant as the Yoritomo's new Commanding Officer and reassigned my Second Officer and CSO, LCdr Himbog as First Officer. LCdr David Donaghue, my CEO is now Second Officer.
When the Yoritomo was clear of the system, I beamed over to the Tholian vessel where I was greeted by the ship's First Officer and shown to quarters. The officer seemed to be able to probe my thoughts with little effort, leading me to believe that the Tholians are powerful telepaths, though it could be unique to only this particular officer.
I await the meeting with the ship's Captain in hopes of forging an alliance that could help to force the Borg from Federation Space once and for all.
End log.
Stardate 20304.16
Stardate 20304.16
I have tried to convince Captain Gamillon that it would be in the Tholians best interest to help the Federation and to join us in the fight with the Borg, however, he has expressed time and again that the Tholians do not hold any fear of the cybernetic threat that has chased Star Fleet from the very heart of the Federation.
I am quickly running out of avenues to try and it may come down to me attempting to steal the technology, though I doubt I will succeed. Even if I were to take it from them, I am far from my ship and there is no telling if the Titan would receive my distress call and make it far enough into Tholian space to effect a rescue.
If it comes to that, I will try though.
The one advantage I may have is the seeming friendship with the Charak's First Officer, Commander Wsyl. Her and I have spent some time together and she seems willing to see things from a Federation perspective. I can only hope that she can help me convince Captain Gamillon to help.
I pray the Titan is still waiting for my return.
End log.
Stardate 20304.22
Stardate 20304.22
I have been returned to the Titan by the Tholians who stepped into a confrontation between my ship and several Klingon vessels that apparently had taken LCdr Himbog and LCdr Donaghue hostage. I have yet to find out the details that led to this event, but I'm sure I will be filled in later.
The Tholians, having agreed to a special request I made of Captain Gamillon, have transported a secret Starbase, code named 'Alpha' from the Archimedes Belt to the Sol System to confront the Borg.
Upon arrival, we have discovered that several Federation starships, as well as ships from the Mirak Star League, Romulan Star Empire, and Klingon Empire have joined the fight. I'm not sure what is happening as of yet, but this is a force unlike anything I have ever seen or heard about in my life time.
The battle is joined and with any luck, the Federation will survive this encounter and put an end to the Borg threat forever.
End Log.
Stardate 20304.30
Stardate 20304.30
The Borg have been removed from the Sol System thanks to the assistance of many. I do not know of all those who have participated in this fight, but I marked Klingon, Romulan, Species 8472, Mirak, Star Fleet and Tholian ships in the System, all contributing to the fight.
We have docked the Titan with Starbase Alpha and will no doubt receive new crew, repairs and orders for our next mission. The crew has performed admirably and I'm sure there are those who will be moving on without the Titan. I wish them all good luck and god speed and I look forward to the rebuilding of the Federation.
End Log.
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Himbog
LCdr Himbog "Second officer, CSO, LCdr Himbog - Personal log - Stardate... The new beginning.
Borg. A word with a whole collective of meanings. I know little of the mechanical race of beings that were once humanoid, though I do know that if we do not act quickly, it could mean the destruction of the United Federation of Planets. The infamous words, "Resistance is futile" are ones that I wished I never heard or even dreamt of. However today I heard them more clearly than I ever imagined they would be."
There was a brief pause, and the sound of a replicator producing something. Then the log continued.
"I wish now that I took the time to learn about the Borg in the academy. In less than thirty minutes I will be required to make judgments and suggestions that at present I couldn't even lie about. That is one thing that scares me more than anything."
There was a slight tremor in his voice now as his breathing became more and more stuttery - as if he was about to cry. He took a deep breath and the log continued once again.
"As much as I would like to, I do not believe that we, a Zeus class vessel, will be able to stand up against a race that destroyed an immense class Star Base before everyone could be transported to safety. This could mean the end of the Federation. I want more than anything for the Captain to have the utmost optimism on this mission. Although our mission objectives are unknown to me at this time, I hope the crew will join together and put all our efforts against this force that was deemed by many, never to return. However it is obvious by the action taken by Star Fleet that the recent events had been predicted, and the Admiralty were merely waiting for the collective to return..."
A chirp ended the log, yet it was not closed. He would be adding to his thoughts at a laer period...
LCdr Himbog "Second Officer, CSO, LCdr Himbog - Personal log - supplemental.
After returning from the departmental meeting with my colleagues, my feelings on this new war have not changed. However now we have a new goal to achieve. We are to visit the Tholian home world - Tholia Prime - on a diplomatic mission to gain their infamous web technology. The Tholians have a good track record for keeping away negotiators. Their war with the Klingons has seemed very much victorious on their half, which doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
I have every trust in Captain Otlan, as he led us through a tough mission on search for the Gettysburg, and although I don't know what the other ships' missions are this time, I know we won't be assisted. I can't be certain that our plan of action is laid down in front of us either, we didn't come up with as many good ideas in the meeting as I would have hoped - not for negotiation, anyway. It would seem the rest of the crew have the same thoughts as myself - this is going to be a matter of take what you can and run." Ens. Daniel Sky "Security Officer Daniel Sky personal log, Stardate 20212.30
This past day has been a long and rough one. It started with the borg attacking the starbase while Celeste and I were in the holodeck. We were beamed off the base and told to report to battle stations. We ran away from a battle to save earth and went to try to find a way to defeat the borg without losing all of our lives. A good approach I must say, while I was disappointed when we left. My boss went to a department head meeting while I was left to sit around. Then to show how "important" my job must be, I was told to do research. Research of all things for a Star Fleet security officer! But I know that it is my duty to know as much about the enemy as possible. If it weren't such a horrible situation I would complain to my superiors.
When the long day was done in security I thought I would have a break, some time to be with my wife. Little did I know that she would collapse in the middle of Ten Forward. The stress and worry of this current situation and carrying the twins has caused her to work too hard and eat too little. I am worried that while she seems to have taken the doctor's words to heart that she will forget all too soon and endanger herself and the children. On a more happy note, while we were in sickbay we had a chance to find out the gender of the babies. I found that I will be the father of both a girl and a boy whom we have chosen to call Alison and Bryan for now. We know what we really wish to call them but feel that for now we want to keep that a secret. At least one happy thing has come out of this horrible day. I can only hope that they will have a chance to grow up."
Computer, save log"
Stardate 20303.02
LCdr Himbog First Officer's log - Stardate 20303.02
Since the transfer of Commander Valiant to the Yoritomo after the death of Captain Rayne, I have been made First officer. And now that Captain Otlan has left with the Tholians to visit their assembly and attempt to gain an alliance against the Borg, I have been left in charge of the Titan until he returns.
A confrontation with Commander Donaghue earlier today resulted in a brief discussion about his competence in Command - led by him. I sincerely hope I haven't lost the trust of the crew after this confrontation as I will require their assistance in many ways over my time in Command.
To top everything off, we have received a distress call from a Tholian vessel explaining that they have been fired upon by Klingons. The chances of that vessel containing Captain Otlan are minimal, but nevertheless I have to prepare myself for that eventuality. We are currently on our way to the co-ordinates given in the message, and are all hoping for the best. The last thing we need is to lose one of our most powerful allies in a time such as this. Our possible allegiance with the Tholians, however, could be resolved this way. Our hopes lie in the Klingons' co-operation.
End Log
Stardate 20304.29
Cdr Himbog First Officer's log - Star date 20304.29
It's over. The war has ended and we've won. The Borg are gone from Sol and will hopefully never return. As the mission has ended, the crew will no doubt split apart and be transferred elsewhere. I feel as if we have grown even stronger these past few weeks - myself especially.
The pessimism that was shown at the beginning of this mission has gone. I no longer feel as if we are doomed to damnation and I have a new sense of happiness in my life.
In light of our command efforts on this mission, myself and Dave have received the rank of Commander, for which I feel proud. Adding to my feeling of achievement, my permanent promotion to First Officer has now sunk in, and I feel I am ready to face my next challenge.
However, before I do so, I have shore leave - something else I will, no doubt, grow thankful for as our last leave was cut short. Some time during this leave I plan on meeting up with a new member of our crew - Ensign Ishmi. Something about her makes me smile, and this has contributed to my new-found well-being. I look forward to our meeting immensely, and hope it goes down well.
Until our next mission, the Titan crew are now part of the Federation as a whole, once again. Each ships' crews will be able to meet up again after weeks of doubt. Somehow, an old friend of mine is back and will be joining us in the Star Base Tavern. Although I do not yet understand the concept that Captain Rayne is alive once again, I strive to find out.
Until next time, the Titan will now go in for repairs, and no doubt she will be a different ship by the time I return. All I hope, is that I do return.
End log.
CE LCdr David Donaghue
Stardate 20303.26
LCdr David Donaghue Second Officers Log - Stardate 20303.26 - Belayed Entry.
Since the sudden events that surrounded the death of Captain Rayne and the possible life threatening injury of LCdr Lee onboard the Yoritomo, the Titans First Officer Commander Valiant left his role to undertake the role of CO onboard the Yoritomo. I wish him every success in his new assignment.
With this undertaking I have been promoted to Second Officer, and with Captain Otlan's leave to the Tholian vessel, First Officer. I can honestly say I'm dreading this enormous task after having been forced to fire upon the Klingon ship Nightslayer and am currently engaging in negotiations to save the Alliance that the Federation so badly needs.
End Log
Lt JG Roe Gordon
Stardate 20303.03
LtJg Roe Gordon "Personal log, Roe Godron Stardate 20303.03
The events of the past week have been weighing heavily on my mind. First the unprovoked attack by the Romulans, and then the invasion by the Borg.
Life aboard the Titan has been strange as well. There has been much moving around of command positions. Commander Donaghue, the ships CEO, has become the First Officer. Commander Valliant has left to take command of the Yoritomo, and I do not know what has happened to Captain Otlan. This has left me in charge of Engineering. The engineers on this ship are, in my opinion, the best in the fleet. I am sure that they will continue to be efficient in these most trying times.
End Log"
CTO LCdr Davies
Stardate 20304.19
LCdr Davies Chief Tactical Officers Log - Stardate 20304.19.
Recent events have been eventful and thats putting it lightly. Captain Otlan beamed over to a Tholian vessel to negotiate with them and explain the situation we are in. Mean while we were boarded by Klingons to check out logs. Commander Donaghue and Commander Himbog in the Observation Room while talking to the Klingons who had arrived to investigate a earlier incident where a Klingon ship Attacked us and the Tholian vessel. Suddenly there was an explosion that we now know was cause by a grenade. The two we not killed but we don't know as to their condition as they were beamed off the ship.
Lieutenant Commander Nadia Kali was thrown into command, only after much confusion. This meant I was First Officer effectively but I never officially took on the role. Lieutenant Commander Nadia Kali performance was strong considering she had never had command in a situation like this, at least not to my knowledge. Doing only a few things someone might question.
At this point the Bridge was in pieces and all looked hopeless when the Klingons failed to return hails then locked onto us with a tractor beam.
Luckily help is now at hand as out of the blue 12 Tholian vessels have showed up demanding the Klingons free our officers. That is were we are now and things look like they can only get better.
That’s all for now but not for long as I hope to be able to do another log soon.
Computer, end and save log.
Ens Vaebn Tei
Stardate 20304.14
Ens Vaebn Tei Personal Log - Stardate 20304.14 - Ensign Vaebn Tei
I've been having a great first day; I actually managed to make a fool of myself the first minute I stepped off the turbolift and on to the bridge by tripping over a pile of debris. Great first impression eh?
The bridge is a wreck, debris litters the floor and a haze of smoke swirls in the air. Oh, did I mention we're surrounded by a a group of Klingon ships? Wonderful thought isn't it? A bunch of those belligerent, more than likely drunk on blood wine, battle fiends pointing their guns at us.
As I record this I'm plotting escape routes...."Just incase." Lcdr Kali, the ships' acting CO seems to have things well in hand. Our Captain is somewhere in Tholian space trying to negotiate for their web casting technology. Obviously, things are just a little hectic just now.
I just hope there are a few calm days sometime soon so I can get my bearings and maybe make a few friends.
End Log
Chloe Tabby
Stardate 20212.31
Chloe Tabby {Lorien} Personal Log stardate 20212.31 Chloe Tabby.
So much has happened I don't know where to begin. My thoughts and feelings are so scattered. I feel this log will help settle the conflicts inside me.
I'm with Ian once again. It's been so long since we were together. My heart swells with love for him and the child we created together that I carry in my womb. Eternity stretches before us and together I know we will conquer the demons that wish us apart.
I miss the Dauntless greatly. Most of all I miss Jenny. She was..is..a true friend. While recovering on the Starbase from my severe injuries, the base was attacked by the Borg and destroyed. Ian and I were together and he brought me to his ship.
The USS Titan is a beautiful ship. She is strong and her crew fine. But she isn't the Dauntless. I met her Captain. A formidable man. He is kind. He has agreed to marry Ian and me in 10 forward tomorrow. There is much to do to get ready.
I have been allowed to have a piece of heaven. Captain Oltan has agreed providing Dr. Sky and LCdr Donaghue agree, to let me grow food and medicinal plants. I miss the tending of the garden in my village. It will be good for me to do it again.
I grow tired now and must rest. Tomorrow is a busy day.
End Log