Titan Mission 11: "The Hourglass"
Captain's Log
Capt Alexis Tregelen
Stardate 21104.02
Captains Log: Stardate 21104.02
The Titan has been out on patrol on the Cardassian boarder now for the last two months with very little of note. We have intercepted a group of smugglers trying to cross the boarder into Federation space and transferred them to the transport USS Leviathan for transport to the nearest Federation installation for processing.
A few hours ago we received a distress call from the Federation colony on Lyshan IV. A volcano has erupted on the planet and the colony is needing to be evacuated. As the Titan is the fastest ship in range that has the capacity to evacuate the colonists we have been ordered to make our way to the colony and get the colonists off as soon as possible.
On a personal note the Titan recently had a promotion party for the crew. It was a good night for the crew to get together and let their hair down. Lieutenant Tam was named First Officer by Star Fleet and im still not sure how I feel about that. She is a good officer but I don't know if she is First Officer material. I guess we will see.
We are about thirty minutes away from the colony.
End Log.
Stardate 21104.28
Captains Log: Stardate 21104.28
The Titan arrived at the colony and due to the amount of ash in the atmosphere Commander Barrett has had to take the shuttles to facilitate the evacuation. The time frame is quite wide so we shouldn't have any trouble getting the colonists aboard in time, if all goes to plan that is.
Which of course it didn't. It wasn't long after we arrived and began the evacuation that we received a distress call from a Kobheerian freighter convoy that were under attack from a group of Nausicaans. Weighing up the options I decided that the best cause of action was to separate the ship and for me to take the engineering section and engage the Nausicaans and with any luck, protect the convoy.
End Log
Crew Logs
First Officer
LCdr Sienna Tam
First Officer's Log. Stardate: 21106.15
We have been in orbit around Lyshan IV for sometime now...how much time I am unsure. All I know is that I am weary. It seems that I am a soldier through and through and though I can blindly follow orders, giving them comes across much more difficult.
It's not that I hesitate to give them. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by so many competent crew members that it is hard to not see the right path to take. But there have been moments since the Commodore has left us, that I wish he were here sorting this mess and not me...
The Commodore is safe and well from last report, although a little stuck it seems. Yuni is apparently with him so I am certain she will have the issue fixed. I am hoping that this rescue operation also goes smoothly so that we can rendezvous with them soon.
Ensign Clark came up with an ingenious plan to reprogram probes to act like a transport ladder of sorts from the planet's surface to the Titan's transport PADDs. Our CMO, Ley has been working tirelessly to keep our packed ship in some form of order and Barrett...well he has been the sturdy rock that we have all come to know and rely on.
When all of this comes to a close I think the Titan crew will embrace a bit of much earned shore leave.
End Log.