Ticonderoga Mission 05: "Welcome to the Lobe Globe"

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Captain's Logs

Capt Paul Braggins

Stardate 21005.29

Captain's Log, Stardate 21005.29

Begin Log.

So...a lot has happened in the past month or so, some of which is totally irrelevent so I wont go into it now. Some of it however, is relevent so I'll begin with that.

First of all, Lieutenant Commander Dempsey was promoted to the position of First Officer of the USS Titan. I sometimes wonder whether this was a smart move, Commander Dempsey's mental health has been an area of concern more than once. Regardless of what problems plague him, I hope he enjoys his time aboard the Titan.

I chose Lieutenant Ankar from the Dauntless to replace Dempsey, his record speaks of great potential and though he is still young, he came with the reccommendation of Captain Wong and Commander Nielson. I must make a note of speaking to Lieutenant Drell regarding this matter, as I have been informed that he did not take the news well...

Perhaps the biggest shakeup was the departure of Admiral Daher, he's been transferred back to Earth to head up some big project of some sort. That left the Ticonderoga Captain-less and worse, the Battle Group Commander-less. Neither problem remained unsolved however, and Commodore Jhalan zh'Matis of the USS Quasar was selected to replace the Admiral. Her record is certainly impressive and I think she will lead us well.

With a new Group Commander, I had thought Admiral Daher would have been replaced with a member of her no doubt vast entourage, such is the benefit of carrying favour with a member of the Admiralty. I was as surprised as any, when I was not only named as Admiral Daher's successor but also obtained my Captaincy at the same time...I have big shoes to fill, and I'm not one-hundred percent confident I can fill them...but I'll give it a shot...

My first decision as Captain was to name Lieutenant Tokat as First Officer. Admiral Daher and I had both agreed that the young Vulcan will go a long way in Starfleet, and keeping him tied to the Tactical Department seemed a waste. Commodore zh'Matis seemed to approve of my decision, it would seem to me like the Lieutenant has people in high places watching his career with interest.

Lieutenant K'Naan replaces Lieutenant Tokat, he's Mirak and a rather odd one in that he was exiled from his homeworld and rather than fight to regain the honour of his family, he became a diplomat before enrolling at the Academy. We shall see whether his skills prove useful in time...

That's all of the main personnel changes, aside from my old friend Alex LaHaye coming aboard as Counsellor.

Our mission is looking to be more complicated than we first thought. We are to petition the Ferengi Grand Nagus for a material compound known as "Ferengithium". The SCE hope that this compound can be used to erect a barrier around the Romulan Star, Eisn, and protect it from the approaching shockwave.

Whether or not the Nagus will let us have it is another matter. If he gives it to us, great...if not...well...we have a Company of Marines and a Squadron of Fighters aboard for just such an occurrence...I just hope we don't have to use them...I've heard the Tower of Commerce is an architechtural marvel...I'd hate to have to blow it up...

I suppose we'll find out in a few days when we arrive...

End Log.

Stardate 21007.05

Captain's Log, Stardate 21007.05

Begin recording:

So...Ferenginar...the Nagus...anyone fancy trading ships with me?

My dealings with the Ferengi in the past have never been pleasant, from being swindled at the Academy to Daimon Whodat trying his hardest to get me blown into tiny pieces...

This encounter, while not as violent as my previous encounter with Auditor Straarg, was no less aggravating. After meeting with the Nagus, whose reputation of being a senile old fool may be well-founded, we agreed that in trade for the Ferengithium we would pose as tourists and infiltrate his private Leisure Park which seems to have been taken over by its own AI.

How he expects us to reprogramme the AI to not start killing Ferengi, I have no idea...but the Nagus has said should we destroy his precious 'Lobe Globe' we will be forced to pay reparations so he can rebuild it. Rather generously though, he said he would give us the Ferengithium anyway...

On a more personal note, I think the next time we are assigned to a diplomatic mission I should let Lieutenant K'Naan do the talking...

End Log

Stardate 21011.24

Captain's Log, Stardate 21011.24

What a balls up!

The entire thing went from bad to worse!

Not only did the Lobe Globe itself try to kill us, when we finally deactivated the corrupted software, the Nagus almost refused to give us the Ferengithium! I had to resort to making a comment about his mother on Daimon Whodat's behalf to convince him...

We lost Lieutenant K'Naan quite early on, from what I am told...several of the crew are uncertain as to whether saving the Romulans was a worthy cause for him to lose his life in...and I find myself agreeing with them.

Cargo Bays full, we are now bound for Starbase Bravo where we will arrange for the Ferengithium to be transferred to a Cargo Ship. On the journey back, I think I have some medals to reccommend...

End Log.

Crew Logs

First Officer

Lt Tokat

Stardate 21005.03

Stardate: 21005.03

Initial Entry

This is my first log entry since accepting the position of First Officer. Captain Braggins has placed great faith in me, and it is my intention to not let his faith have been misplaced. That having been said, I have learned that there is a great deal involved in a Command-level position which I must adjust myself to. Duty rosters, personnel issues, and other executive duties carry the bulk of my concern, but I must admit, the prospect of leading away missions is not something I had considered before. Nevertheless, it is my duty to adjust to my new responsibilities and provide support to our new Captain and the crew.

With regard to our current mision. Captain Braggins has informed us that we have been tasked with acquiring a supply of the rare element, Ferengithium. This of course means negotiating with the Ferengi government. Considering our involvement in the Bishtar incident, I could foresee things going either very well, or not well at all. Time shall tell.

A cause for concern arose during the Senior Staff briefing for this mission. It would seem that several of our veteran senior staff members are oblivious to current events. Lieutenant Commander Gregg was under the belief that Daimon Whodat, the Ferengi Rogue responsible for the Bishtar and Shravishthna incidents, was also responsible for the situation now facing the Romulans. Lieutenant Dwora even went so far as to question our involvement at all. Captain Braggins called the briefing short, no doubt to diffuse the situation before it escalated any further.

Once crew transfers are completed, we should then be enroute to Ferengar. One thing is certain: I have a great many things to consider during this trip, both professional, and personal it would seem.

Stardate 21005.03

Stardate 21005.03

Carraya IV has left me with a great deal to consider.

The announcement regarding the Romulan system's predicament was of course a significant revelationa. One with galactic implications, in fact. But the events of the conference have created a great deal of personal revelation as well.

Amanda and I sat down and had a long conversation for the first time since my return from leave. Understandably, she was upset that I neglected to tell her where I was going, and how long I would be gone. I must admit, it has proven to be a significant oversight on my part.

During our conversation, our hands brushed too closely, and I detected a fleeting sense of negative emotions. When I questioned her about those emotions, she revealed her fear that I had left in order to find a mate. I explained to her about my bond to T'kal, and how I am determined not to allow that bond to be consummated if it is within my ability. She did not respond well. She ran out of the bar and refused to speak with me for two days.

Once we did speak again, however, she was in a state of emotional distress. For reasons I do not understand, I ... allowed myself to link our minds... For several minutes, our minds were linked, if only slightly. I could feel her emotions, and she could feel mine. It was at that point that I discovered the strange, unexplainable emotion which has caused me trouble since. It was an emotion which defies explaination: I cannot hope to put its sensation into words. And I have no idea if it belonged to myself, or to Amanda. Perhaps the journals and logs of Vulcan Psychologists, Physicians, and Sociologists may prove insightful? I shall spend the evening researching these ... symptoms... hopefully something will turn up. I do not wish to cause Amanda any undue stress over this, if I can avoid it.

What I do know, is that this same sensation has been plaguing my mind ever since, and I fear that if I do not determine what it is - what caused it - I may never gather the nerve to speak with her again.

Stardate 21011.17

Stardate 21011.17

Appearances can be... Deceiving...

That is what we were warned in the Academy, and that is what I have come to appreciate following our experience with the Ferengi.

Upon our arrival at Ferenginar, we met with the Grand Nagus to discuss a proposal. I fully expected the Nagus to request latnium, or credits.. or some resource of considerable financial value. He had a different idea, however.

He asked us to infiltrate his new, state-of-the-art resort facility, and determine what had caused the resort's Artificial Intelligence to malfunction, bring it back under control, and return it to him. In exchange, he would supply the Federation and their allies with all the Ferengithium that was needed for our goal.

Upon our arrival, assumed the role of guests traveling under certain covers. The team I led assumed the role of the Interspecies Marriage Committee holding a conference on the subject of Hermats and their role in weddings. Specifically, whether s/he should be considered the bride or the groom.

The previous AI contacted us, and identified itself as "Gabriel." It informed us that a malicious program known as "Lucifer" had sized control of the facility, and was monitoring our every move. Gabriel told us that it would make preparations, and contact us when it was ready for us to make a move.

We were then given the opportunity to choose the context of our "fantasy vacation." We selected the universe of Mr. George Lucas's design, otherwise known as the "Star Wars Universe." Mr. Lucas's universe is similar enough to our own, and provided sufficient opportunity to arm ourselves should Lucifer move against us that I believed it to be a sound tactical choice. Admittedly, I also found the world of Mr. Lucas's design to be most intriguing.

At any rate, we continued to maintain our cover and in all honesty enjoy our "vacation" as we waited for Gabriel. But it would seem that Gabriel decided it was best not to place our team in Jeopardy, and in fact never contacted us. We continued to maintain our cover until we were beamed to the resort's control room, and met the other teams.

Everyone else had seen considerable action it seemed, and in fact I found out later that Lieutenant K'Naan had been killed during the mission. Even if we had no way of knowing, It does not seem right that the Lieutenant was facing mortal peril even as we were simply enjoying our vacation.

Our own experience was not without danger, however. Somehow, the holocube safeties had failed in our simulation, and our injuries became very much real. Mr. Lucas's world is not one without dangers, and without safety protocols in place, those dangers become very real: Lightsaber duels, blaster fights, orbital blockades, and robot assassins seem far less threatning when you know they cannot hurt you.

Now that we have returned, I have learned that Captain Braggins negotiated with the Nagus and secured a supply of Ferenginthium, and I find that the events my team and I were oblivious to have created no small amount of paperwork for me to complete.

Not to mention a letter of condolence to Lieutenant K'Naan's family.

[End Log]


LCdr Edward Gregg

Stardate 21006.10

Stardate 21006.10

It has been an awkward start to a very necessary mission. The gathering at Carraya IV turned out to be more important than had been hinted at.

The Romulan homeworld is currently endangered by an energy wavefront from the collapse of the sol located in system RX-317. For the moment old animosities are being laid to rest and technologies are being put together to preserve Romulus and its inhabitants.

The Ticonderoga has been tasked with acquiring an element known as Ferengithium from the Ferengi. The element is unique to their system and this is going to require some hard bargaining on the part of those who have to do the negotiating. They are being allowed to offer the Ferengi just about anything to acquire the element, though I hope the Ferengi like a little hard bargaining.

Personally I look forward to getting a chance to examine the element first hand. What Starfleet has learnt from Daimon Whodat’s platforms has proved very intriguing. The element has properties which could even aid the progress of scientific research. I also look forward to learning more about the Ferengi, maybe reading up on the Rules of Acquisition could prove useful.

End log.

Stardate 21011.15

Stardate 21011.15

Any cultural curiosity about the Ferengi has been sated. No wonder curiosity kills the cat. After the Captain’s meeting with the Nagus the entire senior staff and a significant proportion of crew were called to board the Lobe Express, but to pack one bag of clothes, some holiday reading and no weapons.

On boarding the express to the Lobe Globe the Away Team were informed of the task. The Nagus’ pet project had been invaded by a rogue program and in exchange for the Ferengithium the Away Team had been tasked to solve the problem. It seemed like a simple mission. Get to the core of the Globe where the intrusion could be removed. The Away Team was divided into four groups each with a cover story and each got to choose what location the ‘holiday’ would occur.

Our group chose the Normandy landing on D-Day, though we did not get to start our ‘holiday’ voluntarily. The program abducted the group and dropped us in the middle of the first wave of attacking on what had been designated Omaha beach. Through the group’s force of will, the assistance of AI’s agent and a lot of craziness on my part we escaped from certain death.
Upon escaping holo-cube we were greeted by a second agent who stated that the Captain was in danger. So the group’s assistance was appropriated. Extraction of the Captain’s group was simple, but the program was intent on self-preservation. In order to bring the fight to the program the AI transported the combined group to the armoury, only for program which had acquired control of the Globe’s security and housekeeping androids to launch an attack.

Unfortunately a ‘bright’ idea on my part to use an overloading phaser to thin the attackers turned into a threat against the group leaving the previously unarmed attackers with one of their number armed. The first of my attempts to break into the central core caused severe injury to Captain Braggins. The second attempt was intercepted by Captain Treborn, who felt that I was putting the group at risk.

The program attempted to threaten the group first by holding one of the other groups hostage, then suggesting that it would let the group go if Captain Braggins was killed. I attempted determine the program’s reasoning and in turn it activated the Globe’s self-destruct mechanism. At the core the group discovered a Pulsar class bridge. The program had retreated to its point of origin allowing the group to disconnect the android the program had been using to infiltrate the Globe. With the AI’s help the self-destruct was stopped.

Someone removed the android the program had been using. It leaves the fear that whoever introduced the program might use it somewhere else. With the Away Team free to leave the Lobe Globe and the Ferengithium acquired there are many questions which will never be answered. I hope that the nightmares encountered on the Globe can be left behind. There’s a lot of scars which have been inflicted on the crew and they will need time to heal.

End log.


Lt Alex Ankar

Stardate 21006.15

Stardate 21006.15

Thought I'd treat myself to a break.

At long last, I think I can finally consider myself more or less settled in on the Ticonderoga. The jump from Team Leader to Department Head has been quite steep, but I've owed it to myself to prove I'm capable.

However, I wasn't aware that I was snatching the position away from another member of the crew. Lt Drell seems like a good enough officer, but all previous interactions with him have proved...frosty. He assures me that titles have no meaning to him, but I can see that it's nonsense - I don't expect him to come and confide in me however, I understand where he's coming from and hope he's not one to hold a grudge. But, I can only assume that if he were up for the job I wouldn't be here making this log right now. I mean, how many officers do you know go around accusing their new Chief of being an alcoholic the moment they meet them? Maybe it's a Gorn thing...

Other than that, I've found my time in the Tico's security department to be reasonably stoic. Work loads come and go, duty rosters are filled and filed - I anxiously wait for our mission to really start. Things didn't get off to a good start in the briefing, the new command team seem a little troubled. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the brotherhood I saw amongst other department heads on previous ships was missing. Maybe I saw the worst of them in that particular situation, it's only when the •••• starts flying that people are forced to work in such close proximity.

But I'm not here to pass judgement. Hell, I'm sure there have been more than enough words spoken about me which I guess you have to deal with. I'm finding it progressively harder to care about anything at the moment, especially with such an important mission looming ahead.

Just being near Ferenginar is making me uneasy.

End log.

Stardate 21011.15

Stardate: 21011.15

Begin recording]

Y'know, I'm starting to believe my old Weapons and Tactics lecturer back at the Academy. He used to tell us young Security Cadets that 'there be no peace for the wicked...and as Security bods, ya'll be as wicked as it's possible to be' [laughs] ah, well I never really was great at doing an impression of old Bernie. But his sentiment still stands I guess. Even when the crew of the Ticonderoga were sent to the grandest of all the holiday resorts in the galaxy, a mission was bearing down us every second. I don't think I even stopped to have a drink or a dip in the pool for all the twists and turns we had to negotiate...

This was my first real mission as Chief of Security, a position I'd been hoping to fill for some time whilst under the leadership of Ben. So do I think I've found my calling here after such an ordeal? Well, it's hard to say, this mission wasn't about leaders or ranks for me. We needed to get a supply of Ferengithium to help save the Romulans' home system from certain destruction. Of course, this involved grovelling to the Grand Nagus who was more than happy to hand over the compound...providing we did some of his dirty work first. Those profit-centric bastards...I've never really dealt with the Ferengi at such first hand before, but for as long as I live I hope never have to again. The ugly little buggers we met were egotistical and selfish, bloody hell, you would have at least think I would have seen it coming - I don't even know why it annoyed me so much.

But we went off to save his holiday resort from the clutches of some kind of 'evil' artificial intelligence called Lucifer, that had hijacked the previous programme. We were dealing with an enemy that was everywhere at once so the idea was to start off as incognito as possible - disguising ourselves as holiday makers. This 'Lobe Express' and it's destination - 'The Lobe Globe' - were populated by android Ferengi look-alikes called 'Silver Saints'. Evil looking sods, I didn't like them from day one. It seemed we had one ally however, Gabriel - the previous AI, with whom we rendezvoused right in the middle of our holosuite 'adventures'. Just as well really, I'd spent a fair portion of my team's fantasy unconscious...

[There is a pause]

Things turned sour then. I was with Ley, Sumeru and K'Naan - our new Chief Tactical Officer. We'd found ourselves in some kind of underwater vessel after a hijacked shuttle ride, to make matters worse this massive submersible began to sink. Bless that big fur-ball, he gave his life to save ours and it was because of his sacrifice that the remaining 3 of us were able to escape to the upper levels. [Another pause] We all took a good battering from those damn androids turned nasty, I have Ensign Ley to thank for her courage and firm head as both an officer and doctor. The whole team was a top draw example of the team-work and confident collaboration amongst the crew, it made me proud to be amongst them. As I said, this wasn't a tale of leaders, but one of equality and selfless co-operation. Even more so for those who didn't make it back...

Long story short, we ended up taking back control of the resort. I don't know much about the interaction between the top brass and the Nagus, but it ended with us getting our Ferengithium. I'd love to say that it's the hard part over for now, but I don't think it is somehow. The next stage is to actually use the compound to make the probes.

I'm...I'm too tired to go into too much detail right now, but it's about time I had a rest. I don't care how bloody wicked I am.

[End log]

Lt Zzen Drell

Stardate 21006.18

Stardate 21006.18 Lieutenant Zzen Drell Personal Log

The mammals say change is a good thing, but I am not convinced of that. Commander Dempsey has left us and our new Security Chief, Lt. Ankar has filled his shoes.

Lt. Ankar seems to be a capable officer, but bit more casual that Commander Dempsey was. Ankar is younger than Commander Dempsey, but I am not sure of his abilities.

Many of the Security Officers have come and expressed their outrage at me being passed over as Security Chief. As I explained to them, "The goddess moves in mysterious ways." I have explained to them that I don't care about such things, I said to them that in due time I will be promoted.

In my own opinion I think the relationship between Lt. Ankar and I has become an mutual respect society, each doing our best not to step on each others toe's, but at the same time prove to each other how good an officer we are. I 'am assuming that as time goes by, things will undoubtedly return to a more normal relationship. Tellssa seems to think that Ankar and I are so much alike that we can't get along.

The truth of the matter is I have several offers from the Boston, the London, the Crazy Horse, and the Sacajawia just to name a few. Yes, these are ships on the frontier of Federation Space with small crews and the idea of seeing the same faces day in and day out are just not that appealing to me. Not to mention Tellssa and I are growing closer and I am not sure she would want to be so far from home.

We have been sent by the Federation Council to Ferenginar to obtain a supply of a special metal that the Ferengi have created. I know my people have had economic contacts with them and all in all both the Gorn and the Ferengi seemed to have benefited from it.

- End Log.


CTO Lt K'Naan

Stardate 2107.07

Chief Tactical Officer's Log Stardate: 2107.07 Lieutenant K'Naan

This posting is nothing like I would have ever imagined. Taking an active role in the Romulus project is one thing, but being required to command a department on a ship like this seems quite mad. The captain, who albeit looks to be honourable and full of strength, possesses a disturbing reputation for violence and destruction - if this is what it should take to reach command I wonder if I should ever reach it. To make matters worse, I am doomed to serve under a herbivore, and a lieutenant no less. It raises many questions in my mind as to the stability of the command structure here when department heads and even a few other officers out rank the first officer. Still, these concerns are my own. It is challenging to say the least, to remain professional in his presence. The relentless Vulcan logic is a flawed ideal, enacting upon itself to solve and justify any situation through any means necessary, and I know in my heart that were I in that position I would not dishonour myself by accepting such a promotion on what can only be personal favouritism on the captain's behalf.

My attention now however must remain with the mission. We are to infiltrate and recover control of a Ferengi resort - the artificial intelligence that commands the complex apparently has developed its own grip on its systems, independent of the Ferengi's control. Sentience perhaps? It is impossible to tell for now. Our standing orders require a large contingent of the crew to pose as holiday-makers to gain access to this "Lobe-Dome". In achieving our primary goals, we are also required not to cause any damage to the resort, lest the Ferengi Commerce Authority extract every last slip of latinum in reparations. With Captain Braggins' reputation, this part of the deal can only concern me, to say the least.

End Log.


Ens Jordon Donovan

Stardate 21007.03

Stardate 21007.03 Ensign Jordan Donovan Personal Log

[The visual recorder shows an image that, under closer examination, turns out to be a close up view on half of a human male's unshaven lower jaw and chin. In the rest of the frame a mostly empty liquor bottle is in view, a dark brown fluid occupying only about 1/8 of the container. A hand clutches the vessel tightly around the neck. After a few moments, the face comes back into view as it backs away and the body of Ensign Donovan occupies the chair in front of the desk and visual recorder.]

Hah! I bet this •••• isn't going to be stored in the ship's logs.

[Jordan suppresses a burp as he sways back and forth toward the recorder, clearly heavily intoxicated at this point, his speech slurring and varying in volume.]

But here I am, the wonderful Ensign Donovan! I've just returned from the most secret and important of missions, stabbing my brothers in the back. Always faithful my •••. But, now that I've sold my soul, I'm living in the lap of luxury. I get called 'sir' and get to pretend I did my duty. Hell, I think they gave me a medal to go along with my certificate of commendation.

[With a crash and terrific violence of action, Jordan suddenly hurls the bottle out of the screen, presumably to collide with the nearest bulkhead.]

Such bull ••••. And what the •••• is Josh going to think. I wouldn't blame the ••••••• if he tried to kill my ••• for it. But what was it that quack said? Oh yeah, I should find confidence and comfort in knowing I chose the 'harder right' over the 'easier wrong'.

Did that •••• really think spouting that psycho-babble would make me feel better about it all? I guess fleeters really don't get it. Oh wait, I am a ••••••• fleeter now too! God, just •••• my life...

Computer, lights.

[The lights go out.]

I mean damn, just •••• this ••••.

[End Log.]

Stardate 21011.18

Stardate 21011.18 Ensign Jordan Donovan Personal Log

Audio Only]

"To be honest, I really have no clue what the hell is going on these days. This mission to the Lobe Globe, what an absurd title, was as weird as they come. I think saying that I could never get my mind wrapped around the whole concept of reality during the mission is as accurate as I know how to describe it."

[An audible sigh.]

"So here I am, deemed psychologically injured, and asked to join the mission when I haven't even been cleared for duty yet. But if the CO says so, then it's law around here. Just like it is in the Corps..."

[An unintelligible whispered curse.]

"But I really don't wanna get into that right now, or ever..."

[Clears throat.]

"So, I'm briefed on my role. Pretend to be a vacationer, and function mostly as a bar-fly. I figure, 'hell, isn't that exactly what I've been doing by myself in my quarters? This can't be that bad'. Well I was wrong. It was veryun-like my sabbatical."

"My quarters, as luxurious as they are when compared to where I've been in the past, do not offer the same amenities as that luxury resort of horrors those Ferengi have going on over there. Drinks were great, although I surprisingly only had a couple. But the holo-technology was remarkable! I actually believed I was in Daytona! Well, an improved Daytona, with silver Ferengi android butlers and actual surf-able, let-alone modifiable, waves rolling in."

"So, I do exactly what I was supposed to do. Enjoy myself and keep an eye out for when I may need to actually perform my job as a Security Officer. And, for the longest time, that never happened. I'll admit, although it won't do my career much good, that there were many moments that I forgot about my orders and the mission all-together. But I had no reason not to!"

"This Midshipman Murphy, Tactical Officer, ended up coming along with me as we decided that racing automobiles wasn't our thing. She was excellent company. And very diverting in the way of my attention, concentration, composure, and just about everything else. Thankfully any frat-charges won't really be applicable. For one, she's not in my chain of command, and the other, it worked very well to play the parts of tourists enjoying ourselves. And yes, I did manage to genuinely enjoy myself. Maggie, erm, Midshipman Murphy is mostly to blame for that."

"Well, the day goes great, we even find a holo-pizza joint with real pizza. We sit down to order, and enjoy eachothers company a bit more, when everything goes upside down. Those butlers grow red evil glowing eyes and start shooting up the place. The holograms were programmed very realistically, cause it really got to me. I mean, it really got to me."

"The shrinks may have been right after all. I could handle a beautiful vacation just fine, but when the •••• hit the fan, or in this case the holographic gore, I snapped. I don't know what I was thinking, but I was back on Calder, Josh was there, sort of, but so was Murphy now, sort of. The androids were Remans,then they weren't, it was confusing. I just remember being very angry, but afraid. I thought we were all going to die, and I just knew that I was gonna take as many of them with me as I could. I almost...almost thought I was getting a chance to do it all over again..."

"But thank God for Murphy, and not just because of the way she kisses. Somehow she smuggled in parts for a weapon, a hand phaser of sorts, and we were able to fight back a bit. The androids were controlled by the renegade virus we had been warned about, and we took out a couple. They seemed intent on using us as hostages, otherwise we'd both have been dead, I'm sure of it."

"But the rest of the team, who turned out to have a much rougher go of it all, must have gotten to a place where they could help us all out. The androids shut off the evil-eye thing and began to help us. But before we were clear of the arch, evidently that Lucifer thing conjured some mean toys. I still can't remember exactly what happened, but some sort of android evil fish thing took huge chunks out of my leg."

"So here I am, a crippled leg and a crippled mind. And now, since the CO ordered me on this mission, I have to convince him of one thing or another. Either that he was right and that I can resume duties, or that he made the wrong choice and I at least have another, more tangible reason why I need more time."

[A long and drawn out sigh.]

"The worst of it is, I just don't know what is the real answer. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"And, to top it all off, Jordan decided to be a genius and topped off all his real problems by throwing a female into the mix. I really have no idea what I'm doing with this Midshipman. Or if there is anything to do about it...No, not like that. You know what I mean. I hope."

[Recording Ends.]

Ens Zaelisabrin th'Gaoli

Stardate 21007.04

Stardate: 21007.04 Ensign Zaelisabrin th'Gaoli Personal Log

Well...back on the Ticonderoga! Carraya was pretty nice and I was able to see some of the Dhar'hyyk crew. It was nice to see them all alive and functional. Speaking (or writing) of functional, Nick and Oceana! I saw them there too. They mentioned fleet changes...and I could have sworn I saw their names on the updated crew manifest.

But that's not really important to the mission. ...Then again this is a personal log that I'm scribbling down in the Chief Medical Officer's office. So I could theoretically write whatever I want. ...Not that it really matters since the moment a stylus is in my hand, all matter of orderly thoughts go right out the airlock.

Right. So the wonderfully heavy stuff first: Romulus! That's where we oughtta start. Long story short that really doesn't need me elaborating on anything: We get to deal with Ferengi. Honestly, I don't really see a point in this. They're Ferengi. Wouldn't it do them good business to save an entire species? Those are valuable customers right there. That and it'd sure boos their publicity. Then again, doing anything for free is suspicious. ...Okay I didn't mean they should do it for free-free. But us on a diplomatic mission? Is that necessary? Why not send in some high-ranking official of the Federation? Like a General. Is a whole ship needed?

Once again I'm showing just why it's a good thing I didn't even consider going into tactics. I'd be a terrible, terrible diplomat. I think I barely made it with what was just discussed with Hoya and Ley. Gender politics of all things, too. Actually politics in general just makes my head spin. It's little sub-genres don't make too much of a difference...

Not only that, our captain is down there. Sure, he's Braggins. He's got Tokat and Ankar. And K'Naan—tough looking Mirak. So they should be fine. ...Though if they need a doctor I'll be more then happy to beam down and fix whatever needs fixing.

All of that stuff aside, things may or may not get exciting on my end. Aside from Nick and Oceana being on here, it appears my bond with Giadoklaesio ch'Tokla is ever-strengthening and the bond with Yaukeaioniu zh'Daiao is increasing.

I should probably note I'm full of mixed feelings on this. I'm quite happy to know that Sio and Niu don't see me as something vile for being clanless, but at the same time...Kal. To make it worse, they're on a different ship in a different star system in a completely different military force. I heard some Earth term about distance making the heart ever fonder or...something. Me? More like it makes the heart ever panicky.

My hope is (naturally and understated) that nothing goes wrong with them. Yes. I'm more willing to take on a fleet of pissed off Ferengi then hearing—and feeling—one of them died. So, why yes, I do in fact invite a terrifying force of Spirits knows what upon us all, so long as they don't die.

Hn. Better be very sure this stays personal. Don't think I want anybody seeing that line. ...Especially if things do get interesting.

End log.

Ens Sileen Ley

Stardate 21011.16

Stardate 21011.16 Ensign Sileen Ley Personal Log

Our last mission began with the crew being made aware that the Romulan system would be destroyed if a supply of Ferengithium could not be obtained from its only source, the Ferengi home world.

Many were not pleased at having to save the Romulans nor having to deal with the Ferengi, but an Away team was assembled and went to Ferenginar to arrange a trade. I searched for something in our medical supplies or medical knowledge that may be offered in trade, but nothing was requested.

Before the Away team returned, several crew members were called to pack a bag for a holiday. We were to assemble on a transport called the Lobe Express. Greeted by Ferengi look alike silver butlers, called Silver Saints, in appropriate attire, each team member was shown to a posh lounge, were we all were treated like first class guests.

The our Captain told us the real mission. We were to rid the Nagus' pet project, the Lobe Globe, a first class resort world, of a malevolent AI called Lucifer. It had taken over the world and we were to neutralize it and return the resort to the Nagus in one richly appointed piece.

The Tico crew was divided into 4 groups, each were to design their own fantasy adventure as a cover for investigating, distracting and/or destroying this evil AI.

Gabriel, the originally intended AI who was to oversee the resort operations was our behind the scenes helper, guiding us, though often too little and many times too late to do much more than keep our team alive.

I was assigned to team 3. Our adventure/ disguise was to be an Ambassador (K'Naan) to the Orion home world, who traveled with an Orion guide (Sumeru), a security guard (Ankar) and his physician (me). We were to assist the Ambassador in preparing for his assignment while taking time to enjoy the resorts luxury surroundings.

Upon arrival, though, rather than enjoying a trip to the pool, we were rapidly whisked away from the exquisite lobby to a drab transport receiving station, only to be attacked, captured, and shuttled to a prison cell aboard what we later discovered was a sinking submersible.

No more had we escaped the prison we discovered the only means of possible escape was a locked door or an unusable shuttle craft. After finding some useful tools and first aid supplies in the craft, we turned our sites on the door all the while swimming for our lives in freezing water which was rising rapidly.

K'Naan's great strength finally gave us access to the corridor beyond, but his herculean efforts which saved his team were not able to save him.

I was devastated at the loss of a friend and a comrade, but Ankar got through to me and we pushed on. That's when we were attacked by an evil Silver Saint. The second time Ankar was injured. Though wounded badly in the chest, our intrepid security guard was able to send the saint into the depths of the ship.

Having rid ourselves of the attacking saint and in view of the holodeck portal, our plight was not secure. The submersible had shifted leaving each of us clinking precariously to whatever perch we could find lest we too drop into the watery depths of this sinking ship.

Having to use the very clothes on our backs to fashion a rope to swing each of us toward the portal, we managed to get Ankar, our now semi-conscious fellow and me to safety. Our engineer and Orion guide, Sumeru was to follow when the evil saint grabbed her leg. I grabbed her and held on all the while hoping Ankar could rally some strength to help save her.

He did and we got her into a service corridor of the Lobe Globe. With Gabriel's help I was able to temporarily patch up Ankar and Sumeru, then we were again transported to a central hub for transporting saints through out the resort. We needed to stop this as the other teams were being assaulted by droves of saints intent on evil. Gabriel had supplied us with weapons and luckily our team was able to stop the saints from continuing to supply replacements for the saints being repelled by the other teams.

Unable to transport ourselves to safely, Ankar located a jeffries tube and our team escaped before being gassed to death. Again luck was on our side and we joined forces with the Captain's team.

I was able to do a better job of patching up Ankar and Sumeru. We were joined by Donovan, who also needed a bit of patching, and Murphy.

That's when the count down to planet wide destruction began. But while we were making preparations to meet our makers, the count down was stopped. The Nagus arrived, fulfilling his promise of awarding us with the needed Ferengithium and we were returned to the Tico.

End log.

Mid Thaddeus Pellew

Stardate 21011.17

Stardate 21011.17 Midshipman Thaddeus Pellew Personal Log

This is my first full day being aboard ship even though officially I've been part of the Ticonderoga crew for a couple of weeks now. During the first fifteen minutes on ship the Captain ordered me to join an away team heading for lands unknown. I have to say the trip was... exciting.

Deadly too. We all came back battered and one shipmate lost his life. As of this moment I'm not exactly sure how he died... but that's neither here nor there I suppose.

It's all brought Alex to mind. We haven't talked in some time and right now I could stand to hear his voice if nothing else. We're still friends if nothing else and, being the new guy on his huge ship, it would do to have one of those.

Maybe this is my chance to make one or two though. There's a gathering in 10 Forward. A debriefing of sorts but it will also be a chance to meet a lot of the Senior Staff and other members of the crew. I'd better be getting ready.

End recording. Computer file and send a copy to my mother on New Dover.

Stardate 21012.06

Stardate 21012.06 Midshipman Thaddeus Granger Pellew Personal Log

Hello again whoever will listen to or watch these snipets one day. It's been several days since I've made a log entry and so I thought it prudent to get one in. Let's see... what was in my last entry...?

Ah, right, the debriefing and all. Well, it was a divided affair if you ask me; that is to say opinion wise anyway. It wasn't a debriefing by definition either. The Captain, someone who by my assessment is an unconventional and complicated man, simply wanted our opinion on how the mission had unfolded. Opinions he did get. Some were lofty and some were, well... let's just say that emotions ran deep for everyone involved.

For my part I 'm sure I came off as the green new officer that I am. Looking back I think I could've chosen my words a little better but that's how it goes I guess.

Lets see. What else to talk about? We're docked now at Star Base Bravo for a little down time. I've thought about trying to get a transport home to New Dover and spend a little leave there, but then I wouldn't have a chance to get to know any of my new shipmates. Besides, New Dover is a week away at best and who knows what calamities could require Ticonderoga to fly into spaces unknown at a moment's notices? Where would they be without their newest Science Officer slash standby General Practitioner?

Yeah. Funny I know. Well I should wrap this up now. Duty doesn't call, but my stomach does and I hear there's are a couple of great restaurants on this station. Look for reviews in my next log entry.

End Log.

Mid Margaret Murphy

Stardate 21011.17

Stardate 21011.17 Midshipman Margaret Murphy Personal Log

[Maggie sits in front of the screen, a pizza slice in her hand.]

Well, as far as first missions go, this one was pretty… interesting. I don’t think I’ve had time to make a ‘first’ personal log before this, actually. I haven’t been on the ship long. I pretty much got here, met with the Captain, and then next thing I knew, he was telling me to pack some things so I could be part of an away team.

[Maggie pauses to take a few bites of pizza.]

Oh, sorry, guess I should put this down. Um. Well, I’m not sure if you would really call it a ‘mission’ until the very end. My team went to a holographic representation of Florida, I think it was, and I really spent my time with one other crew member. After watching the Captain and others play NASCAR, my …new friend… and I decided that we’d rather go visit the beach part of the holocube, and somewhere along the way, got transported to a different cube altogether.

I guess… we did more ‘personal time’ than ‘professional time,’ you could say. But the Ferengi androids tried to take us hostage after that, and …ok, I had a pretty badass moment. But it didn’t matter anyway, because soon we were reunited with the rest of the Away Team, although not before Jordan got attacked by some stupid mutant android fish or something.

Anyway. The Senior Officers... pretty much did their thing, I guess, and talked to the Ferengi to get the stuff for the Romulans.

I learned that my boss –who I didn’t even get to meet yet— was killed on this mission, too. That really brought my mood down, if the starvation and near-death experiences weren’t enough. I feel for his family… I know I didn’t even get to shake his hand, but already I know this job is hard enough.

I feel like I didn’t do much on this mission. Well, except for flirt and kiss and surf and have one pretty awesome moment. Which I guess all adds up to my life anyway, huh? Well—

[There is a pause as a small, furry, black and white animal jumps up onto Maggie’s lap and obviously tries to eat the pizza that is just out of reach.]

Piper, NO! Ugh. End log.

Lt Mali Kaluhani

Stardate 21012.09

Stardate 21012.09 Lieutenant Mali Kaluhani Personal Log

I have just arrived what seems like minutes ago, but in reality hours have past since my two day shuttle ride from the Sheridan. Everything is happening so fast.

I remember being at the holodeck enjoying the ceremony with my friends and crewmates. First Lieutenant Fred Michaels was present as well it was nice to see a friendly face from my past again. I do think of my days on the Copernicus often. I enjoyed the friendships I made.

My time on the outpost well that is the other side of the coin. That Commander was something else.

Ah reality of where I have gotten to now. Captain Dramar has brought me to the lions den so to speak. I was so nervous meeting Captain Braggins. He is an intimidating person. I must be doing something right though. He is allowing me to be the Chief Engineering Officer of this fine vessel. I just hope I live up to the expectations. I have been an acting chief, but this is different. I am the one it is my name, my department, and my tanned Hawaiian butt on the line if I screw up. Perhaps I will contact Powell and Kane sometime and seek guidence if I need it. Peter was a fast learner and looking back I am glad that he took over for me when I transferred to the Sheridan.

I have met a couple people already whom seem nice. Perhaps on shore leave I will be able to meet some more of the crew. I also need to get some things for my office.

That is crazy my office. I wish Harvey could see this. I am sure he would have some kind of smart comment. Heaven be with him.

Well for now I will pause and continue another day.

End Log.