Ticonderoga Mission 06: "Sunrise Over Carraya"
Captain's Logs
LCdr Tokat
Stardate 21101.31
Captain's Log
Stardate: 21101.31
Lieutenant Commander Tokat, First Officer, Reporting.
With the Captain not on board, maintaining this log falls to me. In order to fully relay the events which lead to my Command, I shall start from the begining.
After returning to Starbase Bravo and spending a rather eventful shore leave, the Ticonderoga received orders to report to Starbase Delta for a conference. Details beyond this were considerably limited.
Upon our arrival we were instructed to hold position and await further instructions. Instructions came directing us to join up with a small armada from the 4th Fleet led by Rear Admiral Grayson and the Nova. We set course for the Carraya system at Warp 8. The Admiral promised more details once we were underway.
The holo-conference briefing that followed informed the Command Teams of each ship of the mission. A distress signal was received from the Carraya system, but was unexpectedly cut off. Knowing Carraya's sordid history, it was decided to send a special fleet to investigate. The Commanding Officers, First Officers, and one Second Officer if I recall, discussed the worst case scenario: A Klingon uprising and large scale battle. We prepared combat strategies, logistics, and discussed methods of detecting concealed ships.
It was determined that Captain Braggins would go aboard the Nova to coordinate the Fighter forces from the advanced StratOPS center the flagship possesses. In honesty, the Captain asked to lead the Fighters personally, but the Admiral denied his request. Which is fortunate, because I had no intention of simply watching as he led such a dangerous mission at extreme personal risk. He is far too valuable to Starfleet, this Crew, and indeed to myself.
We have now arrived at Carraya to find the system occupied by Klingon patrols, and a large battleship. There are signs of a battle. We are currently awaiting orders from Admiral Grayson on how to proceed. Captain Braggins has transferred to the Nova, leaving me in Command of the Ticonderoga.
I only hope I can rise to the challenge of leading our crew... my crew... through combat. Only time shall tell.
[Text Entry]
Stardate 21103.25
Captain's Log—Supplemental
Stardate 21103.25
First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Tokat, Reporting
Things have not gone well so far.
As we moved to engage the outer patrols surrounding the Carrayan system we were attacked with a weapon of unknown origin. Our sensors, shields, and communications have been rendered useless due to some sort of subspace particle field. We were boarded immediately after this as three shuttlecraft rammed our exposed hull.
Lieutenant Commander Fiore led a security team to secure the Auxiliary Bridge, but encountered heavy resistance from what she reports as cybernetically altered Klingons. This report is concerning, to say the least. Despite the cyborgs' best efforts, the Auxiliary bridge has been secured with moderate damage.
We also lost contact with Engineering during the boarding. Lieutenant Commander Gregg was there as the boarders entered. He and the Engineers managed to hold Main Engineering, and his fast action was able to put a stop to the Warp Core Ejection the intruders attempted. I have no idea yet exactly how they were able to access a command-level function with such ease, but those answers will come later. Fortunately, Engineering was secured after sustaining moderate damage.
The intruders also invaded the Bridge, although I cannot remember very much about the invasion. Security teams informed me that the Klingons used some sort of chemical weapon. The gas had the unfortunate symptom of short-term memory loss. I can only recall short snippets of detail. We exchanged fire with three enemies, or was it four? I can remember grenades and that Ensign Murphy tried to sacrifice herself by diving on one, but somehow she is still alive so there is obviously more to the story then I can recall. All I know for certain is that the boarders have been neutralized, but the Bridge was heavily damaged in the process. We barely have enough working consoles to remain operable. In fact, I am making this log on a PADD because both the Command consoles have been damaged beyond normal function. As if system damage wasn't enough, most of the Bridge crew were seriously injured in the encounter as well. Myself included.
The three shuttlecraft have disengaged themselves from the hull and seem to be leaving us alone. Security is working to verify that all boarders have been neutralized or repelled as I make this log. Lieutenant Donovan requested to take his away team aboard the runabout and try to meet up with the Pegasus to move forward with the mission's ground objective, but the fact remains that we have had no contact with fleet since we were attacked. We simply have no way of knowing if the fleet is still there. I tenatively denyed his request, but asked him to make the preparations. My intention was that once this interference was lifted his team would be ready to leave immediately. He did not see fit to obey this order, however. Mr. Donovan has just launched the runabout without authorization, and in doing so has blatantly disobeyed a direct order. But that matter will have to wait until the Mission is over.
We are making progress toward removing the interference, however. Mr. Smith is currently preparing a modified graviton burst which Lieutenant Commander Gregg informs me will dispel the particle field quickly. There is a chance the modifications will damage the deflector, but we simply cannot afford to wait for the particles to clear naturally, as that would take up to an hour.
This battle will be decided long before then, if it hasn't already.
[End Log]
Capt Paul Braggins
Stardate 21104.04
Captain Paul Braggins
Captain's Log
Stardade 21104.04
Begin Recording:
I have returned to the Ticonderoga following the conclusion of the Space Battle above Carraya. The ship was until recently hidden in an area of "empty space" caused by some form of dampening field. This field disabled shields, communications and sensors but was finally overcome by a Graviton Burst prepared by a member of the Science Department.
That burst however, has flooded the forward section of the Secondary Hull with Gamma Radiation and those sections have been sealed off with people still trapped inside. Repairs to those areas will have to wait until we find a way to vent the radiation without venting the atmosphere and killing those trapped...
If there are any left alive...
When repairs are underway, I plan to take what remains of the Pegasus in tow and make our way towards the rest of the Fleet. There is no sign of the other ship in our group but from my Fighter I saw a large amount of debris that matched materials used in Federation vessels...I can only hope that at least some of their crew managed to escape...
End Log
Crew Logs
CE Lt Mali Kaluhani
Stardate 21012.09
Personal log
Stardate 21012.09
Lieutenant Mali Kaluhani
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Ticonderoga
I have just arrived what seems like minutes ago, but in reality hours have past since my two day shuttle ride from the Sheridan. Everything is happening so fast.
I remember being at the holodeck enjoying the ceremony with my friends and crewmates. First Lieutenant Fred Michaels was present as well it was nice to see a friendly face from my past again. I do think of my days on the Copernicus often. I enjoyed the friendships I made.
My time on the outpost well that is the other side of the coin. That Commander was something else.
Ah reality of where I have gotten to now. Captain Dramar has brought me to the lions den so to speak. I was so nervous meeting Captain Braggins. He is an intimidating person. I must be doing something right though. He is allowing me to be the Chief Engineering Officer of this fine vessel. I just hope I live up to the expectations. I have been an acting chief, but this is different. I am the one it is my name, my department, and my tanned Hawaiian butt on the line if I screw up. Perhaps I will contact Powell and Kane sometime and seek guidence if I need it. Peter was a fast learner and looking back I am glad that he took over for me when I transferred to the Sheridan.
I have met a couple people already whom seem nice. Perhaps on shore leave I will be able to meet some more of the crew. I also need to get some things for my office.
That is crazy my office. I wish Harvey could see this. I am sure he would have some kind of smart comment. Heaven be with him.
Well for now I will pause and continue another day.
[End Log]
Lt JG Donovan
Stardate 21103.28
Personal Log
Lieutenant Junior Grade Donovan, J.A. Recording
Stardate 21103.28
Text Entry retrieved from Runabout's local data storage
[I can't help but repeat that cliche to myself...'If all is going according to plan, it's an ambush.'
So far this mission, not much has gone according to plan, but there was still one hell of an ambush waiting for us.
I'm writing out this entry as the runabout I commandeered from the Tico makes its way to link up with the Pegasus with myself and Petty Officer Mitchell, as well as the ten others from my department to make up my sniper detail, aboard.
The Tico was attacked not long after entering mid-system. Through some sort of nasty distortion field, we were blinded and had most of our systems knocked off-line. In a coordinated effort, the enemy, composed of what appeared to be renegade Klingons, boarded the ship with three different shuttlecraft, by ramming them straight into our hull.
With a third of my department detached to the Nova to assault the orbital facility, the remainder were already on alert and double-staffed; two teams on duty and QRF doubled. My people did well, I cannot deny that. But, the boarders still got too far, and did much more damage than should have been allowed. The body count on our side, and the near destruction of both bridges and main engineering can account for that fact.
While I know I am responsible for the inherent failure, I am still unsure as to what could have been done differently, to improve our outcomes. When we were first hit, it actually seemed that many things were coincidently fortunate for us. My location for example, on the same deck as the boarders who headed for the bridge, enabled me and my detail to quickly pursue the enemy and eliminate them before they had a chance to gain control of the bridge. Damages to personnel and systems were severe though. Aside from minor to moderate injuries sustained by myself and the bridge crew, three of my people were killed, and another two seriously wounded. Reinforcements and medics were on scene in good order, and all of the hostiles were eliminated, so it was a successful action, if still costly.
When I get the time, I will gladly wade through the administrative nightmare to make sure my people get decorated where warranted; and that's a lot with everything considered, for the living and the fallen.
When the bridge was secured, I reported to the First Officer, and currently acting Captain, Lieutenant Commander Tokat. My request to depart from the immobile and mainly inoperative Ticonderoga via this runabout to link up with the Pegasus as planned was flatly denied by Tokat.
Taking into consideration the importance of the Task Force's overall mission, and given that the Lieutenant Commander's reasons which he gave seemed to set that mission aside, I made the decision to disobey and leave with my team regardless. Yes, I know that according to rules and regs, it was the wrong call, but in every other instance I hold that I am in the right. Otherwise, I wouldn't have done what I have.
The Ticonderoga is one piece of this mission, and as crass as it sounds, the truth remains that she may be considered expendable under certain circumstances. My subordinates back on the ship are more than capable of carrying out their assignments without my immediate presence. But when it comes down to it, if we failed to secure the Task Force objectives, then those of my department, the Ticonderoga's crew, and the rest of the Task Force's personnel who have already died would have done so for nothing.
I'll be damned if some still-wet-behind-the-ears Vulcan with his bullshit and so-called logic will let that happen if I have anything to do about it. This can go on record to, as I'm sure there will be charges whenever this is done with.
As for now, my people and I still have a job to do, and mission to accomplish.]
LCdr Edward Gregg
Stardate 21104.23
Lieutenant Commander Edward Gregg
Chief Science Officer’s Log.
Stardate 21104.23
It all started with a statement made to the effect that the Carraya system wanted to declare independence and demanded the removal of the Klingon forces. That seemed decent statement, then the statement became a request for help. The Federation responded by sending the Fourth Fleet and the Ticonderoga.
The Fleet joined up at Star Base Delta and travelled on to the Carraya system. The scene on arrival in the Carraya system was not friendly. There were three Klingon vessels, one was captained by a war hero and there was enough debris which could have been the remains Carrayan system’s own fleet. It didn’t take long for it to appear as if the cause for the cry help was a sizable portion of the Klingon fleet.
At the time I had my doubts that the Klingons were guilty, but things changed quickly. Halo squadron launched leaving the Tico under the command of Lieutenant Commander Tokat. Briefly after Halo squadron had departed the Tico was attacked by forces which were unknown at the time. I had been in Engineering retrieving samples to aid in the hunt for cloaked vessels.
By the time I was about to leave part of a three part Klingon boarding party entered Engineering and cleared most of my doubts as to who was responsible for the debris field. The first problem was that the Klingons were not taking prisoners. Anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path died. After a number of distractions which included one cornered Engineer and the Klingons attempting to do something nasty to the warp core, the Klingons were forced to leave Engineering.
As the survivors attempted to collect our nerves a rescue team from the Bridge arrived there was the discovery of a Klingon tricorder which related to an unusual particle cloud which cut the Tico off from contact with the rest of the fleet. There were two options wait for the cloud to dissipate or force the cloud to clear, this involved channelling a burst of harmonized and charged gravitons through the Main Deflector Dish. Unfortunately damage inflicted to the Deflector Dish resulted in dangerous levels of radiation flooding the Engineering deck.
Thankfully severe radiation poisoning was avoided, but it was a close thing. Engineering had been severely depleted by the events of the mission and left unapproachable without protective clothing. Once radiation levels have cleared repairs to the Deflector Dish, Hull and countless consoles will need some care and repair.
At the moment it is hard to understand if the purpose of the mission has been achieved. There has been so much death and pain. It has certainly been equal to the mission to the Lobe Globe, if not surpassing the trauma caused. Let’s hope that this one will be soon forgotten.
LCdr Tokat
Stardate 21104.27
Lieutenant Commander Tokat
First Officer's Log
Stardate 21104.27
The battle is now over, but I cannot with any certainty say who "won."
Commander Gregg's graviton burst was extremely effective. Unfortunately it not only dispersed the particle-field effect, but burned out our main deflector as well. The damaged deflector flooded decks 17, 18, and 19 with gamma radiation across the forward sections of the ship, and in the areas closest to the source the radiation levels proved fatal.
Shortly after our systems were restored, Captain Braggins returned and reassumed command. He then ordered me to lead the Engineering and Medical Teams to aid the survivors in the Engineering sections and work toward making repairs.
When we arrived in Engineering however, we discovered that the contamination was too extensive to be removed without the facilities available only at a starbase. Using EVA suits, Commander Gregg, Lieutenant Kaluhani, and myself re-routed Engineering controls to the Auxiliary Bridge. Once this was done, Kaluhani and I remained in Engineering to monitor the damaged systems and make manual adjustments should the ship enter battle again. To the contrary though, we were relieved to learn that a withdrawl order had been given, and with some difficulty, the Ticonderoga was leaving the system at Warp 4.
I remained in Engineering until the last survivor was taken to sickbay; in retrospect, this may not have been the best decision. The doctors tell me that I experienced a mild case of radiation sickness, even through my EVA suit, due to my extended stay in the area. My exposure was far less extreme or extensive than those who were in the area at the time, however. We were all decontaminated extensively, and the doctors are not wearing protective equipment with any but the most severely exposed paitents. And yet my requests to see Amanda have been repeatedly rejected. I do not understand this. They tell me I can see her after a day, "just to be safe." Curious.
With nowhere to be but sickbay, I have had numerous opporunities to reflect on the mission, and my decisons therein. I still do not remember much about the Bridge incident, but reports have filled in many of my gaps in memory. Most trobuling to me though, is the particle field and its dispersal.
71. That is the number of people who died so that our sensors and communications could be restored. And based on what I have seen and heard here in sickbay, I expect that number to rise in the coming days. I understand that logically, the decision was sound, and that the decision fell to me, but that does not make the burden of that decision any less troublesome.
But such is the burden of Command.
[End Log]