Gettysburg Mission 03: "Pandora's Paradox"
Stardate 20501.30 Captain Darsyn Syntranos, Commanding Officer.
The Gettysburg had been dispatched to locate and discover why the U.S.S. Pandora vanished without a trace. We followed her last known course and found her dead in space. I sent a Marine only recon team to investigate and to try and restore power. Being a former Marine himself, my former first officer, Commander Haren Mormel led the team.
Upon arriving, they discovered an alien artifact in the main cargo bay, which, I would discover later, housed a race of energy beings called the Ym. I beamed myself over to investigate as soon as life support was restored. Unfortunately, I was beamed near the artifact, which almost fell on me. Had it not been for Commander Mormel pushing me out of the way, I would have been crushed by it.
He had been sent back to Star Base Bravo for treatment.
During my investigation, one of the alien entities had found its way onto the Gettysburg, and had taken a liking to Commander Speer, my Chief Science Officer at that time. Apparently it was harmless, in fact quite the opposite; it was very friendly, at least, to Speer. But there was another entity that hadn’t been so friendly; another entity, whom we came to know later as the Guardian of the Ym, had taken control of the Getty, and suddenly warped away, leaving me stranded on the Pandora.
But, just as soon as the Getty disappeared, it came back, and I beamed back aboard before anything else happened. But something else did happen. The Getty had picked up a strange looking Cardassian ship, and it appeared to have only one passenger.
Captain Ysiadina Lanael.
I ordered Commander Speer to take a team of scientists to study the artifact, and to try and get more systems on line. Thank God they were able to return power to the warp engines, because the Getty, for no apparent reason, started to attack the Pandora! But Speer and his team managed to get the Pandora to safety in the form of a giant nebula which inhibits warp drive. Don’t ask me to explain, but they somehow found a way to counter the effects of the nebula and pushed the Pandora deep into it, forcing a stalemate with the alien controlled Gettysburg.
That gave us a little time to work with. I took the chance to evacuate everyone to the stardrive section and to separate the saucer, thinking that the alien hadn’t had time to gain access to the entire ship. It was slowly learning everything in our memory banks, and it was only a matter of time before it overtook the entire ship. Luckily, my plan had worked; the stardrive section was free of the alien’s control. But the downside was that we were now at war with our own saucer section.
Unfortunately, some of my crew didn’t make it to the Stardrive.
But once again, we were at a stalemate with the alien entity after it scraped our shields. That gave my Counselor, Aurin Tey time to contact it telepathically. It seemed to distract it, but it took a serious toll on my counselor.
My CMO, LCdr. Larsen, along with Lt.jg Vash, somehow managed to communicate with and talk some sense into the alien entity. They convinced it to return to the alien artifact, which was beamed into space.
We had been damn lucky. It could have easily gone the other way.
After rejoining with the saucer section, I ordered the Getty back to Starbase Bravo, for some well deserved r & r. I had also promoted Vash to full Lieutenant, and Larsen to full Commander.
On a lighter note, as soon as we reached the Pandora, Colonel Avon had taken a runabout to investigate a distress call that the Getty had received while passing through Cardassian space. He brought back my ex commanding officer and close friend, Commodore Dan Wueste and Admiral Jeff Linden.
Captain's Logs
Capt Darsyn Syntranos
Stardate 20404.24
Stardate 20404.24
Huh. Never thought I'd live this long. Or that I'd be in command of one of the fleet's most powerful battleships. It feels like I'm carrying on a tradition.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. The Getty has been sent on a rescue mission, something I don't exactly excel in. We were sent to find the U.S.S. Pandora. Just the name alone makes me nervous. And with good reason. With some effort, we've found her, but she's dead in space, emphasis on dead.
I've sent an Away Team comprised of mostly Marines for recon. I hate to admit it, being a former security officer, but Marines are better at that than security. If all goes well, scratch that, things never go well. When they return I will beam over myself with another team, to discover why the Pandora went missing.
And why it's now, for all intents and purposes, a ghost ship.
There is also a major problem down in the Marine Barracks that I'm investigating. Apparently several explosions tore through them, killing I don't know how many and wounding more. I hope it is an isolated incident.
On a personal note, I have a unique medical condition, dare I say unprecedented in medical history. My hair, for some unfathomable reason, keeps turning colors. I talked to Doctor Larsen, and even she is confused by my...situation. I don't believe it's life threatening. Just annoying.
Very annoying.
Computer. End Log and Save.
Stardat 20408.02
Stardate 20408.02
A lot has happened since my last log entry. But the crew and I have discovered what had plagued the Pandora and killed her crew. For lack of a better phrase, an alien entity, which seems to be comprised completely of energy, had completely infected the Pandora and had taken control of the ship. According to Counselor Tey, the entity views humans as nothing more than vermin, which leaves me to believe that it had attacked the Pandora crew with it's own systems, which is what is happening to the Getty.
But, I'm getting ahead of myself.
The alien entity appeared on the bridge of the Getty suddenly, and without warning. It appeared to have taken a liking to my Science officer, Lieutenant Commander Speer. I'm not going into details about it because quite frankly I still don't understand why.
Counselor Tey surmised it had animalistic instincts, and is still trying to make contact with it. The entity didn't seem to be causing any harm, in fact it even seemed to help, so I decided to beam over to the Pandora. To begin my own investigation.
Big mistake.
After I beamed over to the Pandora, My former first officer, Commander Haren Mormel, discovered an alien artifact floating in the cargo bay. I say floating because the gravity was off with the rest of the systems. Lucky for me the Marines were able to restore gravity. But, as they did, the alien artifact fell, and nearly on me, but Commander Mormel, in and act of pure selflessness shoved me out of harms way, but in the process, was severely injured.
He has been sent to Starbase Bravo for treatment.
I prepared to beam back over to the Getty, which was exhibiting very odd behavior, the kind the Pandora showed before her demise. It suddenly went to warp, leaving me stranded. There was nothing I could do but continue my investigation.
Suddenly the Getty returned, and I beamed back aboard before anything else happened and sent Speer and a team of scientists in my place to take over the investigation.
Another big mistake.
The Getty suddenly turned on the Pandora a few hours afterwards. Luckily, Speer and the others managed to get the warp drive online, and escaped another attack by the Getty.
I can't let the Getty destroy the Pandora, or kill anymore of my crew like it had with the life support systems and transporters. I'm going to separate the saucer section, hoping to contain the entity in it. It's a long shot, and I may lose the Saucer section, but it's the only shot I have at the moment.
Something else has happened. Something that I still, deep down, can't quite believe.
Captain Ysiadina Lanael is alive.
The Getty, for some reason, beamed aboard a Cardassian...shuttle I guess you'd call it. Yssy was on board it. I don't think it's a Cardassian trick, they're too stupid for that. But Somehow, Yssy survived the explosion of the Cardassian battle cruiser I destroyed while I was in command of the Copernicus.
Perhaps she was beamed to another ship, cloaked somehow, or the explosion could have been faked. Whatever happened, I don't care.
She's back. And that's all that matters.
Computer, end log and save.
Stardate 20409.18
Stardate 20409.18 Captain's Log, Stardate Supplemental.
Saucer separation has been completed, and the alien 'virus' for lack of a better definition, has been contained in it. We are currently engaging the Saucer section in battle, trying to disarm and disable it's systems without hurting the people on board.
I still can't determine a reason why the entity is hell bent on destroying the Pandora and my crew. My counselor is attempting to contact the entity telepathically. If she succeeds, perhaps she can convince it to stop it's attack.
Engineering has discovered Cardassian technology infecting some of the Getty's systems. I have a good idea who's behind it, but I will have to wait until I get back to Bravo to investigate.
If I get back that is.
Computer, end log and save.
Stardate 20410.22
Stardate 20410.22 Captain's log. Stardate: 20410.22 Captain Darsyn Syntranos recording.
Never thought I'd have to battle my own Saucer section, but I did. And we won. Systems are slowly but surely returning, save for the ones contaminated by Cardassian parts. Most of the crew is accounted for, but my CMO and one of her staff are still aboard the saucer section.
Somehow they've managed to communicate with the alien intelligence. I call it intelligence because it damn near kicked our rear ends during that battle. It seemed to know what I was going to do before I did it. But with all intelligent life, it was bound to make mistakes, and it did when it scraped our shields.
That gave my counselor and the others time to contact it. I'm really surprised we didn't lose anyone during the battle. We took a hell of a beating, and it will be weeks before the Getty is fully prepared to come back out.
I don't fully understand what's going on, but once we pull ourselves back together - literally - we should finally be able to solve this problem once and for all. The only thing left to do is to try and convince the alien entity that we are not a threat to its existence and to leave.
On a lighter note, Colonel Avon has returned with another huge surprise. My good friend Commodore Dan Wueste. I still don't know what the frell he was doing out here, so close to enemy territory, but I have a pretty good idea. I know Dan. More than he thinks I know.
But what was Admiral Linden doing with him?
Well, I'll find out on the way back to Star Base Bravo. Which is where I'm going as soon as we reconnect and get rid of this alien.
And I'm bringing home the Pandora with me.
Computer, end log and save.
Crew Logs
CE LCdr Harriman
Stardate 20403.28
LCdr Harriman Chief Engineer's Personal Log. Stardate 20403.28
It feels odd saying that...but I finally did it. I'm on the senior staff of a starship. Quite a starship, too. The Gettysburg, described quietly by the Corps and ASDB as too big and ugly to scrap. I don't know about the ugly, but she is big...
Yeah, a carrier is big. But, don't forget, you're cramming in an entire fighter bay and attendant service equipment. Plus, the Republic was basically a showboat, she was meant to be imposing, impressive, indomitable and invulnerable... Not now. Now, she's sitting in a starbase drydock, with half her guts hanging out. I read the final reports...despite the emergency repairs, despite the work we put in at Bravo base, despite the nanobots, despite all that time and effort, she just fell apart.
What did I do wrong? What do I always keep doing wrong? This ship scares me. It's a warship, and it shows. Everything is overpowered and undermanned. Everything is automated and armor-plated, but when something does go wrong...
I'm sorry. I can't help it, I can't help worry about all the things I don't know. The technical manuals only tell you what she was like at her last refit, not how she might act fourteen light years from anyone you know. What do I do if all the warp coils go into a micro-fusion feedback loop? I can't handle that kind of crisis...
Just like I haven't been able to handle any crisis I've been thrown before. Three starships, one lost, one dying...
>a sigh<
End Log.
Stardate 20408.10
LCdr Harriman Chief Engineer's Official Log. Stardate 20408.10
Let the record show that I, Lieutenant-Commander Alexis Harriman, ordered the separation of the USS Gettysburg in response to a hostile and alien take-over of our computer systems. Let the record show that I did so knowing that trapped Gettysburg personnel within the uncontrolled saucer section would be beyond our help, and would be vulnerable to the hostile entity in possession of our vessel. I undertook this course in action in full possession of the facts, and with total control.
Conclude Log.
Stardate 20409.27
LCdr Harriman Chief Engineer's Personal Log. Stardate 20409.27
Following the discovery of the Pandora, we became infected with the same computer entity - or 'virus - that disabled them and killed their crew. Managing to isolate it to the saucer section, we've separated the ship, and thanks to the reactivated Pandora, we've disabled the hostile hull unit.
Not without damage to ourselves, however. We can't extract the personnel still trapped on the saucer unit because our transporters are down, as well as several other key systems. I can't raise the USS Pandora, I don't know where Doctor Larsen and Lieutenant Vash are, Counselor Tey is incommunicado due to being in contact with our hostile entity, Ensign Baldwin is trying to keep the Gettysburg together with spit, and I've just found out, via gossip, that there are three strangers convalescing in Sickbay, plus a shuttle of possible Cardassian origin sitting in our main shuttlebay!
To say I'm perturbed is a gross understatement. I'm in the centre chair on the Battle Bridge, giving orders and making decisions and taking choices that I never should even have to consider! I think, for the first time, I wish I hadn't got my third pip...
Conclude Log.
Mid Aiyana Baldwin
Stardate 20407.13
Mid Baldwin Midshipman Aiyana Baldwin, Personal Log Stardate 20407.13
Here I am. Fresh out of the Academy and aboard my first posting, the USS Gettysburg. I wish I could say that I wasn't nervous, but that would be the understatement of the decade. I'm nervous as hell. All these thoughts keep running through my mind like...
What if I'm not good enough? What if I stuff up something so bad that it can't be repaired? What if I don't work well in Engineering?
What if, what if, what if... You know the drill. In order to get balanced and calm I'm going to visit my spirit guide and see what he tells me. But first I have to report to the Bridge and officially become apart of the crew.
I hope that I can make some good friends here. Maybe they have a sporting group or something I can join. I'm sure that I'll be able to reserve some Holodeck time to practice during my off time anyway if they don't. It would be a lot easier were Cha'kotay here with me, but he's still on Earth. I'll write him a letter as soon as I can letting him know that I'm here safely and what's going on, how I'm feeling etc, and then he can pass it on to Mom and Dad.
Anyways, I had better get to the Bridge and report to the Captain. The sooner it's done the better.
End Log.
Ens Rexar Idrani
Stardate 20406.15
Ens Idrani Midshipman Rexar Idrani personal log. Stardate 20406.15
We left Starbase two days ago. The impression I had when I saw the stars run at the windows was extrange. I have spent five years at the academy. Five years far from a starship. I feel myself at home again. This feeling ensures me again I took the right path. The stars all around, and the nice sensation of traveling at warp. This is great. Absolutely great.
I have been making a tour all around the ship. She is beautiful. And enormous. She is a little like the Borodino, but much bigger. All in her tastes new. I was told she is top-of-the line in every aspect, and it is true. I had the chance to see Engineering, and it was impressive. The engines are of those that some Engineers talked about fell in love with. The are twice the personnel there than in my old loved ship. The room burned with live.
In my first shift I was required to familiarize with the tactical displays, the shield and weapon system, and mostly with the navigation capacities and procedures, because helm should be my beginning position. I was really impressed. This ship demands the best from every officer. Lower performance would be a crime. She has a navigation interface that I cannot describe another way that "beautiful". Simple and full of control. I am really anxious to pilot this pretty lady.
My sensation is participated by most of the crew. In a sense, the ship is new for them too. They were almost transferred from the Republic, an impressive Carrier, but a carrier is not a battle cruiser. They will have to adapt themselves. I like this. Joining a crew that is also learning will be easier for me.
I am looking forward to integrate the crew as soon as possible. In two days, anybody has mentioned my father. Good. I know it is because anybody knows my name yet, but it does not matter. I would like they could be my performance because they identified my father as the hero, and they begin with the typical questions. I hate those kind of talks. "Yes, he is my father". "Yes, he fought that battle". And the constant suspect about my excellence at the Academy. Perhaps it can end here. At least I hope that.
The senior officers and the crew in general is young. Young and dynamic, I expect. I really think to enjoy the single minute here. There should be people to enjoy a party, pretty women and a good chess adversary in that large crew. A good beginning. I hope there should be some good friends too. Well, we will see.
End log.
Stardate 20411.21
Lt Idrani Lt Idrani personal log Stardate 20411.21
My first mission with the Gettysburg is over. It was a long and exhausting one, but at the end we managed to return home in one piece. It was not easy. I faced a situation I never thought for my first mission. Working alone in a ghost section against the clock to save the lives of the crew was not my idea about a first assignment. The fact is that at this moment I cannot understand very well what could happened to reach such a situation.
I must correct my appreciation. I was never alone. there were seven people at the saucer working under friendly fire to save the crew lives, the Chief Medical Officer and six of her doctors remained onboard after the evacuation. It was a remarkable act of heroism. One of them was that trill named Vash I vaguely met at the Academy. I was told he was directly involved in the success of the mission, communication with the alien in a very intelligent way. Perhaps those many lives really give them the strength and wisdom they are proud about. I knew about the performance of the engineering team and about the away team of the Pandora. I am proud to join such a crew.
I am optimist about the future. We could be living interesting times and the Gettysburg seems the perfect place to participate in them.
I hope father is proud about me. It is still hard to me to speak to him. I know he always tried to help, but to be always comparative with a hero of war is not easy, and mainly with one as arrogant, self-sufficient, and paternalist as his majesty... but I am still trying to gain his respect. I only hope he is able to respect somebody else than himself.
well it is time to rest. I might enjoy the SBB night life before have grey thoughts again, so I will go. The next time I open this record, I hope to be in a little bigger quarters in a little upper deck...
End log
Lt JG Raylen Vash
Stardate 20411.13
Lt[Jg] Vash Personal log of medical officer Lt. [jg] Raylen Vash Stardate 20411.13
“It has been a long first day, a very long first day. I’m still not sure whether I made the right choice joining Star Fleet. Is this really what I want to do, run around solving the problems of galaxy and for what? Rank? Medals?"
Raylen paused for a moment.
“I currently am finding solace in the sixty second rule of acquisition “the riskier the road the greater the profit.” But I am having trouble finding the profit in this situation, and I find myself jumping immediately to rule one hundred and twenty five which states “You can’t make a deal if you are dead.” One of the more grizzly yet surprisingly relevant rules I have found, having almost been killed several times during my first day of active duty."
"I see that being in the federation requires me to trust in my fellow crewmember's abilities and that of our commanders to keep everyone working as a cohesive unit to solve what ever dilemma comes our way. This concept scares the living crap out of me, and I am not quite ready to swallow it whole heartedly just yet. “Trust is the biggest liability of them all." rule ninety nine. I'm quickly seeing why there aren't more Ferengi officers in the Federation.”
An audible sigh can be heard on the recording.
"I wish Gort was here he always managed to find the answers in the rules, ever since the joining all I find in them is confusion."
"I should probably get going we’re trying to relocate an alien AI who has gotten too big for his home. I’ll let you know how it pans out."
[End of Log Entry]
Stardate 20411.19
Lt Vash Personal log of medical officer Lt.Raylen Vash Stardate 20411.19
Yep you heard me right, Lieutenant Raylen Vash. After we returned the entity to its cozy little home inside the artifact the Captain promoted me, at this rate I’ll be an admiral by the end of the year. Granted I wasn’t the only one who received credit for this feat both of my partners in crime received promotions as well.
Rexy, an Andorian tactical officer, was also bumped over the Junior Grade hurtle. He’s a good kid with a lot of heart. I have yet to sit down and discuss galactic politics with him, but I’m sure we will find time to have a drink or two on leave. What I can say from the little bit I have witnessed is that if the ship is thrust into dire straights Rexy won’t be far off to throw himself head first at the problem.
Taryn, our enchanting CMO here on the Gettys, has received a new pip of her own sending her up the ladder to Commander. I had the luxury of serving under her on this mission, and only had to shoot her once, which puts her ahead of many of the other “Commanders” I have worked for in the past. I’m looking forward to working with her again in the future.
Well, there ya go, will let you know if anything interesting happens.
[end of Log Entry]
Mid Gabriel Archer
Stardate 20502.03
Mid Archer Science Midshipman Archer personal Log, Stardate 20502.03
I Made it! I am aboard the USS Gettysburg! my first work on the ship was to carry a bunch of PADDs and follow the First Officer around, not exactly my idea about a first assignment, but I guess it will have to do... I have not met the Chief Science Officer of the Getty yet, So I am not sure who is my boss at the moment.
Cdr. Meor seems like a good officer although that I hear he was a in Star Fleet medical and it is not that common for Medics to make the transition to command, but I am surly glad this doctor did! I heard about his amazing performance in the latest snakes attack on the ship and I have to say he has an excellent command style! and that explains the captain's decision to chose him as a First officer. Speaking of the Captain, I met him for a very short time; he was informal and actually invited me to join him and some other high ranking officers for a drink! again not my idea of a first day of duty, but I will be lying if I said I don't like it!
Finely, I have received a communiqué from my mother saying that her and dad are proud of me, and telling me to be careful and be safe... I am sure that it was only my mother's thoughts in there. He didn't even have the heart to say congratulation son! but I wasn't expecting it anyways...
Most of the crew are on shore-leave, and I think I will be heading to the Starbase my self too, I am looking forward to spend more time with the captain and the other officers abroad this great ship... alright time to go.
End Log
CTO LCdr New
Stardate 20502.04
LCdr New Chief Tactical Officers Personal Log, Stardate 20502.04
The Gettysburg has just returned from an intense battle with an alien race of unknown identity. These aliens were reptilian in nature, in some ways similar to the Gorn, however much more vicious.
The attack on Starbase Bravo was sudden and unexpected. In the ensuing battle, many ships were damaged, including the Gettysburg, and a few destroyed. The alien vessels had some kind of repulser/deflector weaponry that ripped apart the hulls of the ships defending the starbase. Their hulls were also made up of some sort of energy absorbing material, that I suspect fed into capacitors that supplied the weapons of the attacking vessels. I was able to deduce that compound impacts against specific points on the hull would overload this technology and rupture the aliens' hull. However, this revelation came too late to help the many who did not survive the attack.
Though we managed to eventually drive off this new enemy, and I myself able to capture two of the intruders that boarded the ship, it did not help one Lieutenant Kyle Vander. Lieutenant Vander lost his legs in the line of duty, trying to collect organic samples of one of the intruders to find a weakness in their physiology. He will receive bio-implants, but not for a few weeks. I will do what I can to help, by I do not know as much about medicine as I do about tactical.
I am also concerned over my reaction to the events surrounding Vander's injuries. I should have been able to prevent it, but didn't. I have maintained a bedside vigil over Lieutenant Vander, even though I know he will make a full recovery...eventually. I do not know why I have done this. I do not feel guilt. I do not feel emotions in general. I am an android.
So why am I still here, at his side? I must be malfunctioning.
End Log
Lt JG Helton
Stardate 20502.04
Lt[Jg] Helton Helms officer Helton's personal log Stardate 20502.04
I'm still quite new to this ship. I have been thrown in at the deep end though. Already having to avoid destruction of the ship and other things. I almost miss the safe confines of the holodeck training. The ship is amazing to drive, there is nothing quite like it.
I decided to stay around on the ship for a while. I need to go and sort out my quarters. All the time I had spent there before reporting in, I never actually unpacked. I am hoping to go and meet a few friends of mine at Starbase bravo. Maybe I'll make some new ones as well.
My robotic hand has been playing up lately I will go and get it fixed soon. It needs a checkup, I was thinking about saving up and buying a new one with loads of functions and gizmo's. which should be fun.
I haven't heard a word from my family. They said that after I passed my training I would get an inheritance. I wouldn't mind that. Well that's all we have time for folk's.
End log