Mission Log 17 - Stardate 21312.11 "The Krynar"

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Mission Summary

The Sheridan receives a Priority One call whilst investigated the remains of the USS Challenger and is immediately recalled due to the Krynar appearing in the Sol System. They had entered Sector 001 and were poised 400,000 kilometers from Earth. All ships that could so were heading home to join battle group Alpha-1, at maximum speed it will take us at least 14 days to arrive.

Since our fight with them at Minos Korva we have learnt a little more about them and although they are a dangerous foe, we know we can inflict damage on them. However, two days out from Earth we receieved orders from Admiral Grayson to head for Utopia Planitia to regroup as the Krynar had somehow made the moon lose its orbit and it was heading for a collision with the Earth. The vision of its destruction was a bitter blow to us all.

This was sombre news and the whole crew were distraught, but to their credit, they seemed to have the strength to continue the fight. Arriving their we joined up with the Nova Battle Group and received orders to patrol the fringes with the Albany and Concord. Once the fleet was all present we headed for Tellar to take her back from the Krynar.

The battle for Tellar was a fierce and bloody event, we lost several vessels but defeated the Krynar who vanished through their own type of worm holes. We were ordered home to SBA for repairs, apparently the destruction of Earth and SBA never happened due to some temporal interference. It was a shock and a welcome relief that our home hadn’t been blasted into oblivion.

After a 3 week break the Sheridan was fully restored and we rejoined the fleet for what we hoped would be the final push against the Krynar. This join we would be heading for their homeworld. We went through with SCE ships and were tasked to protect these whilst they built a gate for our return, we were also joined by the Ozaki and her flotilla and the Titan.

Whilst the SCE vessels began building the gate 13 alien vessels were detected heading our way and our fleet took up defensive positions to keep them away from the SCE ships. In the ensuing fight we held off the attackers when four motherships appeared and then powered down. Then the alien vessels broke off their attacks against us and began attacking the defenceless motherships and blasting them to pieces.

We managed to beam two Krynar over to our sickbay to rescue them but they exploded when they arrived causing severe damage and some injuries to the crew. Then we received orders to return to the gate for our journey home. The journey through the gate went without any hitches and before long the Sheridan reappeared in the Alpha quadrant along with her three other charges.

The charts showed they were halfway between Mars and Earth on a course for Starbase Alpha. As they got nearer to Earth the outer rings of defences within the sol system announced their arrival and the ship started receiving calls from Alpha control. We were home!