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2 bytes removed ,  06:28, 5 April 2020
Slight change to the bio
Lunori is now awaiting her next adventure...
USS Sheridan, DD-4086
When Mori transfered to the Sheridan she was accompanied by her so called fiance whom had her under some sort of mental brainwash, she eventually ended up in a telepathic struggle as His grip on her was becoming weaker, Brooks, Harrison and couple of other officers managed to capture Von and enter his mind so they could free Lunori, in the mean time she was having problems with Commander Brooks as he found out she was pregnant with his child which later turned out to be twins, she ended up giving birth on Pioneer station and remained there with her mother Cas'ro Orano so she could under go treatment and therapy.
After the Doctors where happy that she was okay, Lunori went through months of Tactical training as she wanted to change her role as a Star fleet officer she passed with flying colour and asked the Captain of the Sheridan if she could transfer back.


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